Getting it trending together

If you don't know by now, then I am to tell you what you need to know. The above photo is the logo of #teammalaysia .
We all use this logo, as it binds us as a community on steemit united in growing and creating awareness about steem and steem blockchain through Malaysia. In addition it bring us together regardless of the division created by ocean between east and west Malaysia, encouraging understanding and learning of each other colours while promoting our talents and diversity in the steemit world.
Our TeamMalaysia Witness is @bitrocker2020.
There is a lot of talented community builders supporting the growth of TeamMalaysia, everyone has their own skills, talents, interest and community that you put effort in growing.
Yet, the focus is growing tag teammalaysia so it becomes a tag that may trend one day of which all of us can be proud of.

This above is the logo of TeamMalaysia in Sabah that supporting the growth of TeamMalaysia.
A different logo doesn't mean we are not one. Teammalaysia Sabah don't carry a different tag, we share one tag #teammalaysia. This so to show our support toward the overall goal of wanting to see that teammalaysia tag gets trending someday. By then everyone who uses it will benefit it.
We decided to have our own logo to show that like many others, we are proud to be a Steemian and determine to the rest of Malaysian Steemian, that hey, we are here and ready to grow with you.
Likewise , there are other communities here in Sabah has their own special interest. Music, art, architecture, etc . they too have they own logo, activities, and some started having a tag for the sake of convenience in term of content search.
In matter of time, more communities with all types of interest will pop up. Yet, we all share one ultimate tag that we all can be proud of, #teammalaysia. Why? Because all of us grow with it and has attachment to it.
Communities can come and go, some may be grow large in number, others could be disband by itself if their community members is not united or without and proper guidance. My point is anything can happen.
But tag teammalaysia in steemit, must remain relevant, colourful and continue bringing value to steem and steem blockchain.
Why, because all of us here in teammalaysia regardless of where we are from, type of logo design and types of interest, we all has a stake in it and the tag, is us.
My two cent. I hope it is worth more than that.
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may i start posting article with both the logo in it ?
Feel free to used them