Test post- Am I being censored? And other concerns from an activist.

in #technical8 years ago


Dear Steemit technical crew, whoever you are and where ever you maybe?

I am concerned because I think that I may be being blocked from my home computer to accessing or posting further articles on #Steemit, or am I only allowed to post a certain number of posts as a newbie? If so how many and does a notice usually come up to tell the person?

I am now posting this from a public computer as I cannot post from home since my last post on Legal Bribery and the Alternative Energy Renaissance yesterday, am I being blocked from accessing Steemit or posting from my home laptop? Basically the title box doesn't come up, only the content box, so I cannot post articles anymore from my personal laptop, I tried several webservers and it makes no difference. Is there anyone here that can help me with this technical problem?

I also tried commenting on already existing technical help threads too and wasn't allowed to comment.

I have only been here four days, I am an activist and write independently as well as for some alternative news sites such as exopolitics.com, my main focus is about repression of alternative energy solutions, along with other corrupt issues that attempt to repress solutions to environmental crisis. I was introduced to Steemit by other activists friends of mine and I was hoping it would be a lifeline for me, since it's been extremely difficult for me to publish my work independently or make any sort of an income online since my last book The Silent Ecocide, was self published.

My other concern is that if I get blocked on Facebook again due to my online activism there, how will this affect my ability to access my Steemit account too? I have been blocked on FB and had my profile removed before under the pretext of identity checking, and because I do not wish to give Facebook my ID details I have had my last account suspended last year, if this happens again how will it affect my Steemit account?

Am I just unaware of any rules I overlooked? I'm reading all I can to try and understand the system and rules here. Is there a certain time frame or limit to how many stories I publish per day as a new contributor here? If so does a notice usually come up? In my case nothing comes up on my home computer screen, the title menu doesn't come up either. Can someone recommend a remedy to allow me to be able to post from my home computer again? What should I do? I have run antivirus tests and nothing has come up. It seems this issue is between my personal IP and my Steemit account , since I am writing this from a public computer and I am okay to post here?

Apologies for all the questions and thank you in advance for any advice, help or direction for a minnow who wants to continue to be able to steem upstream with the bigger fish to live to a ripe old age without ending up as bait for a worse doom or on destitution row because I believe in truth and freedom, I hope Steemit is the life line that I hope for, for activists and writers (they usually come hand in hand) like me who are being cybergagged elsewhere on the web or who struggle to make ends meet because of what they write about. Thank you for your attention



No, you are not being censored.

New comments are not allowed on threads more than 1 month old. The thread you were trying to comment on is 3 months old.

This is to preserve space on the blockchain -- leaving all threads open to new comments indefinitely just wouldnt work (though i suspect at some point there will be a way to make some threads endure longer)

that said, upvoted because its a valid question and others might also be confused.

okay thanks for explaining that part but I am still unable to post from my home computer.

Great answer! I was curious about this myself and you cleared it up nicely.

OK, realized after rereading that youre having problems not just on the old thread. WHat happens when you clilck on "submit a story" or on "reply"?

Note that 1 or 2-ish days ago (i think it was sunday morning), new posting was shut off for several hours because they were doing maintenance on the server. Based on the timing of when you said this problem started, im thinking that perhaps what you encountered was merely due to that. Try again on your computer that you were having trouble with and see if you can now post.

Also FTR, there is no actual limit on posting. However, you are penalized financially on the rewards for your posts if you do more than 4 new posts in a 24 hour periood.

My other concern is that if I get blocked on Facebook again due to my online activism there, how will this affect my ability to access my Steemit account too? I

Authenticating via facebook is just a way to prevent people from mass-creating accounts in order to get the 3 free steem. Once you have your account, its not linked to FB in any way.

OK, i have a quick and dfirty fix until the devs figure it out.

1.In firefox, click on submit a story.
2.Now take your mouse pointer and put it just to the right of the word "active" in the horizontal menu.(up top)
3.Right click and choose "inspect element"
4.It will bring up a window on the bottom with a thing highlighted that says "Ul class=horizontal menu"... right click on that and select delete node.

You should now be able to enter the title.

I suspect theyre working on a fix for this... have no idea why it would be messing up on some computers and not others.

@sigmajin, thanks for your patience and instructions, I tried to follow your advice and I got this far , after I go to inspect element I get this https://postimg.org/image/z88wj2qa1/
but after that I can't seem to change things with deleting the node but in this view the title bar shows, so I will try post something this way from here and see what happens. I hope it works. Thanks so much again for your help

On opera, i think its delete element. Anyway let me know how it goes

there is actually a much much simpler way to fix this. When you hit "submit a story" clilck anywhere on the page that isnt in a text box. Then, click the down arrow once on your keyboard. This will make the horizontal menu disappear.

Thanks but I still need help @sigmajin, I am back home now and still cannot submit a story from my own computer, I am definitely being blocked somehow.
As I explained no TITLE heading comes up when I click on submit a story, so I cannot submit a story from my home laptop, I tried from my tablet too, I would like to get to the bottom of this?
test problem.png

OK, i see what youre saying now... and i see what the problem is. The new toolbar (that says hot/trending/etc) is actually covering up the text box used to enter the title.... so there should be a box where you can enter the text but its covered up... hold on a sec im trying to figure a way to fix it.

There was actually a far easier way to fix this problem. Posted about it:


I am a newbie too. I am not sure if doing too many posts a day somehow affects further posting, but earlier I found out there is a page you can check how many posts you have done: Steemit Post Checker http://steemdollar.com/limitstatus.php?name=

Some very interesting questions, I hope someone answers them. I voted and am commenting, maybe to create more visability.

Hi carlitashaw. Just FYI, Steemit.com has some serious issues working correctly on Firefox. For me it seems like these issue are mostly limited to the Linux version of Firefox, but I have heard reported problems from other browsers on other Operating Systems. Try using a different browser and see if it works. Hope this helps.

If you look at the picture she posted, it looks like the new tool bar is covering up the text box for the post title. maybe something to do with CSS or some other dev magic.

I have no idea why this would be happening on all the computers in a spcific house... could her router somehow have a flubbed version of the css for the sumbit page that it won't let go of?

I have used Opera and Explorer and still having the same problem from my home computer, but when I used explorer and firefox from a public computer I could access Steemit and post this post, but I am very worried because now I am back home and cannot submit a story still from my own private pc. I am going to try download a VPN to see if a shield will help

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