

Firstly, sorry if we stepped on someone stumbling into the steemit world as a noober. We seem to have crashed into someone's experiment table.

It's very important for steemit users to respect new recruits and help them fumble through the learning as they are what is needed for this decentralized approach to succeed. We need to treat all with respect so please everyone calm down and STOP THE ABUSE!

  • Defend steemit bloggers from abusive action.
  • Calm ourselves if we have a spaz
  • Return to fairness and constructiveness as soon as possible
  • If you don't like someone's blog posts, STAY OFF THEIR BLOG!! MUTE, IGNORE, but don't harrass, threaten, downvote, false accuse or other destructive behaviors as that can destroy the steemit platform and it's happy helpful community.
  • We need more helpers! Not attackers, let's face it, we're all learning
  • 200 million more steemit users may come in the next 5 years due to the mass market onboarding of crypto. We all need more teachers, guides, better information. Give the noobies a chance.
  • Forgive each other and make up quickly. We are all human and will have our frictions.
  • Lets all make sure to make steemit a bully free safe place!
  • Fairness! Thoughtfulness! Positivity! It always works better together!
  • Thanks to all those helpers out there! And over here.
  • We should all be more supportive of people asking for help and support. Is it really that hard to support people when they need it, instead of attacking them? A lot of people are trying to do something good in the world. We can all support them instead of be "a grouchy kitty."

And due to steemit's edit feature, we can all go back to edit our mistakes. It takes a real man to do it and correct his course of action. We will all make mistakes. The real men are those who can correct himself and re-steer, not just heading off the cliffs. The man who corrects himself is one with a moral compass not merely an accellerator and no positive direction in life. A carwreck waiting for one, and success for the other. Let's keep our hands on the steering wheel of our own minds and hearts and keep dodging our own potholes. Handshake to all better men who do.

Orginal post: =

hm. After being false accused harshly 'by a couple people on the internet' for a number of things quickly after writing this article, I am feeling 'in the shoes' of "Obvious Ventures" and possibly "Bill Gates" who may be innocent. (though also maybe not, and the 'incompetence' seems inexcusable as an activist) us activists always want others in powerful positions of course to take the proper actions for humanity or else were miffed or angry etc and want to put pressure to get the right result people need. You do get more bees with honey, however sometimes it takes some fighting spirit also, especially as a Startup and especially when you are trying to Change The World, with the hardest mission anyone has ever tried outside of war. Some even say this is war, especially since so many clean energy innovators have been murdered. Anyway, if either "Obvious" or Gates really are so mental that they don't support us and won't, oh well, next. It would be pretty pathetic. If they can forgive my frustration, ill forgive also, but there will be adjusters because they refused to support when they should have, and thats the first solicitation for something so severe a need for humanity as this, especially how they TALK. I think when you TALK, you have responsibility to take ACTION, and if you don't, there are consequences for everyone not just us, but EVERYONE. Real leadership on such crucial issues for humanity requires proper support and action for those working on this. This problem is far more important than the space missions in FACT. Think about it. This issue is FAR MORE IMPORTANT to humanity. No one dies if we didnt go to the moon. But 15 MIllion people a year are dead just from breathing when they don't support those working on this. Can there be any excuse when you thus turn your back? I don't think so, no, no there is no room for that as a leader in this world, there just isn't.

So, Obvious Ventures, do the OBVIOUS that you should be doing. Pony up some minimum support or take the nasty mouth like a man if you don't. People are dead. That's not funny. Thats not a game. And I'm not playing one. You shouldn't either. Gates, what the F are you doing? Where the F are you on this? You are wrong here. Very very wrong. And history will know it. You have a chance to steer humanity to a very very nice place. Don't miss the opportunity you have been given to support this. You have been blessed with privilege, now use it for the right things. You have a responsibility now, a duty now, don't fail your responsibility, don't fail your duty. Do what you are entrusted to do. People gave you that trust they give it to you every day and believe in you. Now do the right thing and help us. Do the right thing and help us. If you do, the whole world changes.

Were waiting. All 8 billion of us. Were waiting.

I sure hope it's soon. I'm so fkng frustrated due to lack of support that I'm basically telling VCs to gt fkd in my blog posts today, sigh. Then people attacking me for no reason not making friends and I'm realizing that I should probably be more friendly to that VC. And maybe to Gates also, though I'm trying. It's not easy being perfectly a non-activist when I'm a fkng activist. These fkrs did it to themselves, they should have supported long ago. They shouldn't blame the guy fighting in the trenches with no support or backup while they TALK then ignore. They should expect people will be frustrated and give me a break. Will they? probably not, oh well, who cares. Many VC and post seedround they all just want to pile in like fkng mindless zombies anyway as you can see watching what they do piling endlessly into these useless fkng ponzi schemes and nothing of any real economy value. Watching it makes you sick with frustration it's such fkng lunacy and total BS. Who can expect a real economy Startup not to be pissed? Give em a break already, only 1 in 10,000 will ever get a deal and you expect them not to be frustrated? Humans aren't robots. Thx for your support.

thx 4 the upvote!

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