After the data leak from Facebook, the social networking site around the world is currently facing questions. Many people have been on Facebook to talk about the data leak. Again, many have deleted their accounts, Deleit
But those who have not yet done one of these two, how can they save themselves from the information about their Facebook account? We'll find out about it. 9 tasks, which will not be any personal information from your Facebook account leak. Now delete these 9 data from 'FB': -
Phone Number
If you have a phone number on your FB profile, delete it as well. If you want hackers with phone numbers you may have gone
Birth Day
Delete the date of birth in your Facebook account now. Because your name and address can be easily changed from your birth date. Hackers can even pause your bank account with the date of birth.
Save the list of friends
Save the list of friends in your account, not the public. This will further strengthen your profile.
Holiday Services
Do not tell when and where you are going to be on holiday, not on Facebook.
Save or delete pictures of home and youth members
If you have pictures of your child's home or a child or a young person's picture on your profile, then save it. Because it can be easily downloaded by downloading these pictures viral.
Location service
Stop the location service of your profile. This is especially important for college students (women).
Save Relative
Your relatives have a menu related to your FB profile. Save it. It is good, if your relatives are not involved in profiles.
Credit Card List
Never give credit or debit card information to Facebook If you do, delete it now.
Boarding pass photo
On Facebook, many people make pictures of boarding passes with the airline's ticket. Never do it. All of your personal information given to the airline can be unbearable.
very important information to give us about facebook. All of user need to known this.
You only need to do one thing: D.E.L.E.T.E...F.A.C.E.B.O.O.K.
at the moment so tuff that is for this reason i am update risk items
Yes bro, keep up writing good articles. I know this kind of article is useful at least for some people.
Thank you my brother
I am now following you. Looking forward to seeing more useful articles from you. Keep being creative. Keep spreadinb good words.
No problem, buddy.