IPv6 address system conversion, optional, not mandatory

in #technology7 years ago

The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) has been working on IPv6 Internet standards for more than 23 years. IETF is an Internet Architecture Board (IAB) (Internet Engineering Steering Group), which is responsible for the technical work of the IAB as a major activity group for developing new TCP / IP standards for the Internet. The IAB is a member of the ISOC (Internet Society: Jan. 1, 1992) It provides Internet and protocol design and internet standardization in the form of RFC as an advisory organization.

IPv6 is an Internet protocol established by the IETF in 1994 and is a core technology of the next generation Internet that greatly expands data processing speed, concurrent data processing capacity, and Internet address system. The IETF anticipated that IPv4 addresses would be depleted. In 1994, it created a workgroup called "IPNG (IP Next Generation)", and IPv6 was created in 1995, the following year. However, based on Korea, the complete IPv6 address system in the commercial service network started to be introduced in earnest from only two to three years ago, mainly in the wireless telecommunication service providers. In the broadband subscriber network, corporate, financial and public sectors, The reality is that it is level.

Realization of IPv4 address exhaustion problem
IANA ** allocates the last five '/ 8' in the IPv4 address space to the "Per-Continent Internet Address Resource Management Authority (RIR)" while the IPv6 address transition remains in the standby state Depletion of IPv4 addresses has now come to a serious reality. ** The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) is an abbreviation for the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority, which manages IP addresses and top level domains. It is currently managed by ICANN. Initially, John Perstelette of the University of Southern California's Information Science Society was managed under a contract between the University of Southern California's Information Science Society and the US Department of Defense, and Pastel did this work until ICANN was established by the US Department of Commerce. If the Internet address is converted to an IPv6 scheme, then almost infinite IP address creation can solve the problem of IP address shortage, and IP addresses can be assigned to all devices connected to the Internet . Especially, it is possible to advance the era of Internet of Things (IoT), which is expected to create infinite value and opportunity by linking everything in the world such as people and things.

Of course, until the IPv6 address system is actually deployed and stabilized and generalized, additional efforts and costs must be put in place. Even if IPv6 is introduced by Internet service provider (ISP) and content provider (CP), there is still "IPv4 server (address)" and "application (V4 based)" so there is continuous communication guarantee. From the viewpoint of wired and wireless Internet service providers, IP address shortage is partially resolved with NAT (Network Address Translation) solution for service providers called Carrier Grade NAT (CGN) or Large Scaled NAT (NAT) And the inability to actively invest in IPv6 conversion because it can not be expected to generate revenue immediately. Mobile Network Operators (MNOs) are urged to adopt IPv6, but most domestic and foreign broadband Internet Service Providers are using IPv4 / IPv6 Dual Stack to provide services. We are offering or considering the introduction. However, the dual-stack can not fundamentally solve the IPv4 address shortage problem, and it can be a long-term hindrance to the introduction of IoT.

Status of commercial service based on overseas IPv6 address system
US T-Mobile introduced IPv6 dedicated terminal service based on 464XLAT (RFC6877) in mobile LTE service access network. More than 60% of IPv6 subscriber traffic is not only pure IPv6 traffic, it is also growing continuously. Europe Orange Telecom is also actively involved in introducing 464XLAT-based IPv6 mobile services adopted by T-Mobile. China Mobile announced the Internet standard of BIH (Bump-In-Host, RFC6535) independent of the IPv6 transition technology led by Google and T-Mobile in the United States. Starting from 2020, all new subscribers are assigned IPv6 addresses only We are implementing an address translation policy. However, in the case of US T-Mobile, the type of 464XLAT-capable terminal is limited to "Android phone (Android 4.3+)", and there still remains a problem to be solved in overseas roaming. There are Southeast Asian countries such as Taiwan and Malaysia in representative countries where overseas roaming is supported. Foreign roaming actively participates in IPv6 conversion. Currently, the United States and Japan are actively introducing IPv6 to lead the Internet market and strengthen their competitiveness in China and India, in order to address the IPv4 address shortage.

Transition of IPv6 address system, need for aggressive push
The three major wireless service providers in Korea are already assigning IPv6 addresses to their subscribers. This is due to worldwide trends, due to depletion of IPv4 addresses, increased demand for new IP addresses, and infinitely expanding wireless and IoT devices' Internet access, the major wireless carriers have already deployed IPv4 (NAT44) and IPv6 (NAT64 / 464XLAT) conversion solutions to meet your needs. Almost all mobile network operators (MNOs) in the US, Europe, and Japan have already allocated IPv6 addresses to their subscribers, and some operators have exceeded 80% of IPv6 addresses. Supports both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, so even if the subscriber or target Internet server is an IPv4 or IPv6 address, there is no problem communicating with each other.

Recently, some wireless carriers are providing Internet communication service based on Single Stack Pure IPv6 address. In Korea, IPv6 address system is mainly commercialized by wireless operators. Before and after the 5G frequency auction at the end of June this year, Korean wireless operators will start building a 5G network, which is faster than 20G (10Gbps), lower latency (1ms) and 1Mbps Connectivity, and so on, the 5G world will be a new world that we have never experienced before. The 5G wireless network will play an important role as an infrastructure to create new industrial innovation by engaging with the 4th Industrial Revolution, Big Data, AI, IoT, Machine Learning, and autonomous navigation. Next-generation services that require large IP addresses, such as IoT, should switch to IPv6 instead of address-exhausted IPv4. As the 464XLAT (RFC6877), BIH (RFC6535), DS-Lite, etc. standard technologies for addressing IPv4-only application issues in IPv6-only networks have been verified in commercial services, It is time for more willingness to do it. I expect more news of the introduction of IPv6 commercial services by wireless and public service carriers, Internet companies, large corporations, and public organizations, so that 2018 will be the year to complete IPv6 address adoption. It is ..

IPv4 address exhaustion, the United States can not be an exception.
John Curran, CEO of American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN), a nonprofit organization that manages a database of all IP addresses on the Internet, along with other local organizations, will attend the Campus Technology Conference in Boston , The number of remaining Version 4 IP Addresses is 90,000, and it is expected to decrease in the future and is expected to be exhausted in about two weeks. Curran founded ARIN in 1997 and served as CTO of BBN, the pioneer of the current Internet. He said the current situation is "a very dramatic issue." (This is a reorganization of the situation four years ago to the current point, and IPv4 address is already exhausted, so it is impossible to allocate new IPv4 address).

Curran urged IT professionals to emphasize that the Web site, starting with educational institutions, should be upgraded to IPv6 as soon as possible. Depletion of IPv4 addresses can block Web sites on the Internet and can provide more direct access to customers using mobile and other devices that are increasingly switching to IPv6 addresses over IPv4 addresses. ARIN is in a state of depletion of IPv4 addresses, but is optimistic about the growth of IPv6. This is because large dot-com companies like Facebook and Google have already adopted IPv6, and router vendors such as Cisco and Juniper have been supporting IPv6 since the early 2000s. In addition, major US carriers are moving to IPv6 this year, and they are installing gateways to maintain access to IPv4 devices as well. Moreover, with the release of iOS 9 this year, Apple is at the dawn of the IPv6 era.

According to Koran, the number of hits to Google by IPv6 in 2015 is about 21.5%. It was a remarkable growth in that it was only 8% last year and only 2% two years ago. When the overall transition to Kerr's 128-bit based IPv6 address is made, it is "the most significant change we have made in any system we have ever done in history." "The adoption of IPv6 is a must for the growing Internet connectivity from mobile to IOT devices and systems, such as the Internet boom (41% of the world's population now has access to the web smoothly) and smartphones . The IPv4 address system can only support up to 4.3 billion devices, while at least 50 billion more are needed in view of the rapidly growing trend of Internet access. "

"The good news is that when you upgrade your website to IPv6 you do not need all that new servers, routers, firewalls, and load balancer sets. You just need to set up the IPv6 addresses you need for the device, and if the vendor does not support IPv6, you just have to push them to do so. And it's all about confirming that operators' Internet services are working properly in IPv6. "The benefit of IPv6 conversion is that it provides improved performance for website access (especially audio or video). Facebook was 20% to 40% faster with IPv6, because traffic did not bounce back and forth between the gateway and the data center. Less known benefits include improved traffic analysis, "Internet engineer and consultant's full employment law". We do not have a lot of experts in this area, so if you do this, you can be assured of job security for years to come.

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