Huge Binary Clock at a Train Station in Switzerland

in #technology6 years ago

Opinions about this project were very diverse. A pedestrian said: 'what a great way to show the innovative spirit of a city'. Another said: what a waste of tax money, no one can read it. And indeed, the project did cost over USD 300'000 - a big number for the city of St. Gallen in North East Switzerland - having around 80'000 inhabitants.

But I think it was still worth it. It makes us realize the digital change and the necessary knowledge about new technologies. And by the way, the clock just looks super-nice, watch it: 3244545_fancybox_1qNDL6_xHRYyh.jpg

And reading it is easy as well - it just needs a bit more time than a normal clock. The first line are hours, the second minutes and the third seconds. And for the columns, from right to left, they indicate: 1,2,4,8,16,32. So what time is it on the clock in the first pic? Post in comment.

And as a response to complaining pedestrians, the artist who developed the clock said in reply: we had to learn the patterns of a clock when we were kids - this binary clock is just another pattern, we are just not used to it.

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