in #technology6 years ago (edited)



The present period is about data and correspondence technology....As a consequence of the advancement of progress, data innovation is currently a vital piece of human life...As well as speaking with the immense improvement of data innovation , human reliance has expanded in numerous cases..There is not a viable replacement for data innovation at the place of business or business in the office,court etc...We can not preclude the advantages from claiming each little snippet of data technology..IT has gotten straightforward development our life..Now days we can not envision our day without utilizing data technology..If we utilize the data innovation legitimately in regular daily existence, at that point we can achieve the pinnacle of success...If we need to make progress utilizing data innovation in our lives, we need to get clear thoughts regarding our data innovation...

....below I maintain my insight about Information and correspondence technology.....



What is data innovation and correspondence innovation

Information innovation

Data is human rights...Everyday human life is assembling new data. Thus, the data stream is expanding quickly, because of the fast development of the dynamic support of individuals in different exercises, the significance of getting the correct data at the opportune time..

Since individuals are not ready to hold all data or get them nearby..

Hence, the fitting innovation, through which individuals can get data effortlessly and at a quicker time...

Data innovation identified with the capacity and conveyance of information gathering and administration is called data innovation...


correspondence innovation

The way toward exchanging information starting with one place then onto the next or starting with one gadget then onto the next by means of a PC or another machine is the procedure of information correspondence..

So correspondence or correspondence is a procedure through which to dependably information or trade information starting with one place then onto the next

This innovation is called correspondences innovation..

telephone,mobile,Internet and so on are the case of this innovation..


Integration of Information innovation and correspondence innovation

Data innovation in every aspect of human life appeared like wind...No fields are there where data innovation isn't accessible...

The part of data innovation is to make it less demanding for individuals to get the vital data...

Aside from the development of data innovation, there is a boundless correspondence technology....

Individuals used to contact individuals at one time utilizing the Radio Tora-tacca framework, and later the Television, Telegraph, Teleprint, Fax,teletext phone, versatile was propelled...

The interest for data of the general population step by step increasing..People currently need to get the correct data wherever they require it..

Without the assistance of correspondence innovation, data innovation can not just give this request to the people...Today, the necessities of individuals are being met by the improvement of data innovation and correspondence innovation..

Because of the broad advancement of innovation, correspondence innovation has been incorporated with IT..Currently data innovation is called data and correspondence innovation...

Since these two advances are integral to critical connections yet are not competitive...Information and correspondence innovation ict is a well known issue at display, however present day IT has turned out to be popular to the point that numerous needn't bother with data and correspondence innovation they are use to with data innovation...

As indicated by the Information and Communication Technology Policy of Bangladesh, 2009, Information and Communication Technology alludes to all the electronic innovations utilized as a part of the protection and handling of any sort of data and spread of data...



Types of Information innovation and correspondence innovation..

The fields and the scope of data and correspondence advancements are expansive. Information gathering process handling and conveyance framework identified with regular phone extending from the most recent cell phone to normal PCs to supercomputer radio and prepare a wide range of correspondence web internet...

Information and correspondence innovation can be isolated into a few areas...


1. Figuring and Information frameworks,

2. Broadcasting

3. Broadcast communications

4. Web


A wide range of electronic information preparing including PC, where man-made brainpower and master framework are utilized is under the data and correspondence innovation


Radio and transmission one-route data to the huge populace, which incorporates data and correspondence innovation..


There are two kinds of information correspondence in business from a wide range of communication and business..

Fix phones and cell phones or PDAs with a wide range of broadcast communications..


The global PC organize created utilizing the media transmission foundation is the Internet,It can be utilized anyplace whenever, if associated, data and correspondence innovation or ict




Progress of ICT Adoption

##In the human culture, the procedure of appropriation and utilization of data innovation has occurred in the accompanying advances..

following advances are:-

Basic Communication:-

Fix phone line, cell phone, fax, radio,television and so on.

It is the underlying advance to take and utilize ict..People Apply this innovation to essential correspondence..

Basic Information Technology:-

Coordinated with fundamental programming rich PC printers...It is the second step of taking and utilizing ict..In thusly registering is valuable for the general population's exercises

Advanced Communication

Email, web perusing, video conferencing, intranet record sharing, site making, internet business, VOIP and so on.

Advanced Information Technology

propelled programming rich PC, for example, database, data framework, asset arranging, stock, administration, client relationship chief and so on.



Ultimately, I need to state that there is great impact and awful impact of data and innovation however disregarding the terrible viewpoints and take great heading we could make appropriate utilization of Information and technology..In the present improvement world it is must to have essential Knowledge about technology..Cause our present life is about Information and technology...If we have fundamental learning about innovation we can have smooth existence with current circumstance...


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