
Excellent post, Rok. Thank you. I've been quite frustrated myself at times with what many in the voluntaryist / anarchist community promote as "truth" because people use those labels to describe me as well. Often, when I engage or try to dig a little deeper, I find inconsistent epistemologies combined with insecurities because their "truths" have become part of their identities.

I agree, we all need to wake up, grow up, and skill up. Not everything is a conspiracy. If we want to be taken seriously by the world with our attempts to improve it, then we need to speak truthfully about the obvious conspiracies which no one can factually deny, such as the belief in fiat currency. This is why cryptocurrency is gaining so much traction. The conspiracy of central banking and fiat currency has a long and clear history and can be discussed rationally. Yes, there may be details which are fringe and lead off in unproductive tangents, but the core concept is simple. Money exists and has value because we collectively conspire together and believe it does. When that belief can be manipulated, then we can't control our own store of value. We should focus on real issues like this instead of wasting time on things which are really just childish.

At the same time, I think it's important to have understanding, compassion, patience, and an open mind. I've believed a lot of silly things in my life as well, and I'm sure I still believe some now also. I hope in the future to chuckle at myself now because that means I'm growing in wisdom and understanding.

Thing is - using the fiat situation as an example - there are layers upon layers of depth to planetary stories like these...

While i could simply agree with you on the "banking conspiracy" - perhaps at another level, it can't even be seen as a conspiracy at all. As someone else commented here - mankind is probably too stupid to pull off such grand "conspiracies" as they are proposed to be such...

What is missing from many of these theories is the consideration of human evolution's pace. People involved in setting up the banking systems hundred of years ago, and even decades ago, were living in a different world with nowhere near the access to as much info as we do now, nor was their consciousness anywhere in the same ballpark - not to say that as any sort of putdown, but a fact of matter.

At the time, the banking system solved a problem and provided valuable solutions. Just like the doctor who created the labotomy won a nobel prize because at the time, it was a breakthrough - even though as we've evolved in consciousness and capabilities, we might look at it very differently.

Hence, none of it may have been the type of diabolical "conspiracy" - irregardless of what Jekyll island facts might be brought to the table. Simply, it might have all just been one phase in a natural developmental process of human evolution - far less dramatic than our sensationalistic cultures of the 20th century have trained our minds to think like.

Aside from that tangent, I agree with your comment and respect the maturity of your outlook.

Sure, they believed what they were doing was "good" and "right" (as did Hitler -- Woot! Godwin's law achieved!) but it was still technically a conspiracy based on the historical facts we have:

a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful.

Granted, their goal was to make it lawful, which they succeeded in, despite the previous failures of the First Bank of the United States and the Second Bank of the United States.

That said, I completely agree with this:

far less dramatic than our sensationalistic cultures of the 20th century have trained our minds to think like

Evolution is always moving forward. It's not directed or controlled, it just is. Technology, even all the way back to the invention of cooking, is what makes us human. We're not going to escape that anytime soon.

At one point, some argue, rape was an evolutionary strategy. That doesn't make it right. I think we can acknowledge the failures of the past even if those failures, as we see them today, brought us to where we are. The hope for the future, I think, is collectively improving our epistemology so we can accurately know what is in order to make better decisions about what we want to be.

Based on my understanding of human psychology, biology, and neuroscience, I think what most of us want to be is free.

Thanks again for a great discussion.

lol, oh man... at first, all I saw of this in the replies page was the "Sure, they believed what they were doing was "good" and "right" (as did Hitler -- Woot!..." and was getting prepared to write,

"ah, good ol' first world privileges - so easily thinking every person's decision at any point in time was so clearly black-or-white..."

and then, of course, I saw the rest of this. humbled.

your argumentative skills are on-point.

I appreciate your breakdown of the conspiracy definition, going the extra length to clarify the viewpoint.

indeed, most of us likely deeply desire freedom. I suppose it takes time to achieve, and experience in the contrast to summon the motivation to take matters into one's own hands to seize that freedom.

t'is quite the ride, all this evolution.

and t'is quite an interesting time, that we're probably closer to that freedom than ever before...

"I think what most of us want to be is free."

I concur.

It does seem that pendulum is swinging the other way...while I was looking in the other direction. I we could detach from the labels, I think everything would flow and unity will happen naturally....Call me Pollyanna, but things just "feel" different. Hope's returning.

For the best?

Have you been watching any news for literally the past 5+ years? Our governments have thousands of computer science experts and have likely spent trillions of dollars over the last ten years and they can't even keep from getting hacked and having their own secure systems from being compromised. The same goes for many of the worlds top tech companies who also have plenty of resources to keep their products and systems secure. They can't be entrusted to maintain 100% security nor can they be trusted to not be actively exploiting security.

And you think it's smart to interface your brain with a chip? No thank you. You couldn't give me all the money and freedom in the world to take that risk. When a tech company has a 20 year provable track record of 100% secure systems, then I might consider tech implants. I ain't holdin my breath though.

You are right. This author of the post sees the benefits and ignores the risks. However there is a strong possibility that brain implants ( and other implants ) will be used voluntarily and will eventually be something you are "forced" to use because otherwise you will be at severe economic and social disadvantage.

Excellent post!

I don't think systems will ever be 100% secure!

Illuminati confirmed... 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂. Just kidding. I understand what you are saying about going too deep as well as the benefits of technology. The microchip brain implant is kind of freakish plus Hemp/THC oil turns off Parkinson’s disease plus is more of a cure and natural remedy allowing body to heal rather than a bypass mechanism.

show me a video of a Parkinson's patient using hemp oil with such a clear black-and-white, in-your-face, undeniable result such as this guy's, and then we'll make comparisons...

Okay, in this link is a YouTube video that you can check out if you like ⤵️

Here one of cannabis treatment to Autism self aggression. ⤵️

Not to discount the potential of the medicine in this case, though this isn't a valid response, as is a completely different disease, and only one case.

Granted, I'm for the use of medical marijuana by those for whom it works. Though it's no different than the snake oil salesmen to suggest it is the cure-all for everybody and that other alternative treatments may not be more effective or preferable for different individuals.

I replied first with a video of CBD helping with Parkinson’s disease. Afterwards I replied again with the one with Autism. I don't know why the one for Autism was put first, I figure that it would post in timely order.

ohhh... my apologies - somehow, the first never actually came to my attention and I only saw the second via my replies page.

holy shit, those are some pretty significant results with the Parkinson's patient!

It is all good... CBD is no joke. Supposedly it helps with a variety of physical ailments and mental disorders as well. I am assuming that is one of the main reason marijuana was/is illegal for so many years, when at first it was illegal not to grow it, if you owned a farms, which was pretty much everyone back in those days.

there is absolute proof of CBD helping neurological disorders and I am one of the people that it helps.

for sure, I wasn't implying there wasn't or it doesn't. I'm all for its full legalization and use as a medicine by those who chose. though it's probably foolish to think it is the one-size-fits-all solution for every person and every disease - which there are many who do.

its true but neither is brain stimulation which has actually been around for a long time but reserved only for people who are helped by no other treatment. If you can take a pill that works that is usually the best option.

Implants mean Brain Surgery. We make jokes "this isn't brain surgery!" well this is :)

We are talking about high risk and easily $100,000 to get an implant. So there would need to be medical breakthroughs as well.

Don't get me wrong, there are some use cases that would be very tempting but if an external system could do it I would go with that.

good post. we are in the world of possibilities, great things are still coming. keep it coming.

I think people are not scared of a microchip in the brain to control disease but a microchip that you will need to buy and sell, that has all you personal, banking, health information etc and be tracked everywhere you go.

Yes, big difference.

Irrational fear of technology is just that: Irrational.
There's nothing truthfully wrong with an implant or a device that can transfer knowledge or abilities between users.

However a fear of such a thing is not irrational in the society in which we live, where almost everything is controlled by sociopathic capitalists who only have their own interests in mind.
To give them direct access into your brain potentially is like going to a FBI building and trying to buy a child-sex slave. You'd have to be fucking bonkers to do that.

Ethereum related to brain chips and the mark of the beast!?!?! I never thought of it like that...

Quickly put a buy order in for $100k more of Ethereum. Now that I know the devil is on my side -- I can't lose!

On the topic of GMO food, at least question why it has been banned in so many countries already, no tin foil hat required when it comes to your health and safety.

Do what you want , implant that tech . It's your free choice , the tree of knowledge . The tree of life is my choice .
I have no fear , i am free and know nothing , all i have is info , tru or false .
Just don't force me to follow the wrong tree .

THC CBD has the same effect , false or tru ? ill give it a try .

peace .

As replied to another comment - show me a video of THC/CBD having the same black-white effects... am sure it might work for some patients, though until can provide concrete undeniable proof of effectiveness as this video...

And of course, yes - to each theie own choice of treatments.

As real as any other to me , just info tru or false ?

Many ways to skin a cat...

Most we know comes at us tru a flickering square , is it all real ?
We don't know what we don't know until we fysicaly have experienced it .
I let the cat to be , i go kill the white rabit and eat that ;-)

This article Is propaganda, Rothschild's own the FED, CIA and the US Government which Is a Corporation and plan a New World Order, this Is fact. The Cabal Is a Roman Empire that transplanted Itself In Bath England, about 100AD an agreement was made early this century between, London ( Rothschild's )the financial center, Vatican, ( Jesuits ) the spiritual center and Washington D.C ( Rockefeller's ) military center.

LOL! 😂🤣😅

Yes, I am a secret double-agent for the NWO. Just read all my articles from the last year and it will be blatantly clear to you that I am merely a pusher of elitist propaganda.

Lol. OMG. That just made my day. 😂

Anyone that uses the term conspiracy theorist, which was Invented, by the CIA, to discredit anyone who questioned the assassination of JFK, Is obviously pushing propaganda. Just like Wikipedia which was Invented as a control system by the same CIA, which Is run by the Rothschild Talmud worshiping pedophiles, who practice the ritual sacrifice of people.

of course, you are 100% correct, obviously.

just go read all my stories over the last year. you'll see for yourself that I am the reincarnation of Satan himself because everything I push is "propaganda," according to your definition, as was probably learned on YouTube - because every bit of information that comes out on YouTube is 100% factual and truthful because it is not propaganda according to your definition. 😂

The fact that you resort to discrediting and no facts and use CIA terms really speaks for Itself, you are trying to protect evil by doing this and also attempting to cover up the mark of the beast and the attempted enslavement of humanity, because that's what the technology Is being used for.

Nagalase Intentionally Put Into Vaccines For Depopulation

Scientists and holistic doctors have recently discovered Nagalase In many different vaccines, which spurs tumor growth by suppressing the bodies Immune system. It Is certain that these Nagalase molecules have been deliberately Inserted In to the vaccines to push up the numbers of people developing cancer, significantly Increasing the pharmaceutical Industry's cancer drugs profits. Recently 30+ holistic doctors have been murdered for discovering nagalase In vaccines, healthy children have been found to have had high levels of this In their bodies, most likely administered through Injections. Nagalase Inhibits GcMAF.

One of the doctors that discovered the link between GcMAF and how It fights disease, was using this to treat his cancer patients, he died on On June 19, 2015, Dr. Jeff Bradstreet who apparently shot himself, was almost certainly murdered by the Cabal of criminals who are behind this conspiracy.

Human GcMAF holds great promise in the treatment of various illnesses including cancer, autism, chronic fatigue and possibly Parkinson’s. Since 1990, 59 research papers have been published on GcMAF, 20 of these pertaining to the treatment of cancer.

Dr Bradstreet was an alternative autism specialist and is widely regarded as a pioneer in the naturopathic field. He was using GcMAF and successfully treating dying cancer patients. To understand what put him on the deadly radar of the U.S. FDA and the pharmaceutical companies was that GcMAF has shown the ability to completely reverse autism and cancer without the use of chemotherapy, radiation, or surgery.

GcMAF (Globulin component Macrophage Activating Factor) is not a drug, but a naturally occurring compound produced in the human body. GcMAF was being produced in Europe and Dr. Bradstreet was using it with his patients. He was conducting clinical experiments the results of which were published in scientific medical journals. (The European company that manufactured GcMAF was shut down in July 2015.)
Nagalase Inhibits something called GcMAF. The ability of GcMAF to do its normal job can be inhibited by the presence of a protein called alpha-N-acetylgalactosaminidase or nagalase for short. Nagalase is made by all cancer cells and viruses (HIV, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, influenza, herpes, Epstein-Barr virus, and others). Nagalase blocks production of GcMAF, thus preventing the immune system from doing its job. By using injections of GcMAF, one can boost the immune system to destroy the cancer and virus. It’s the most natural cure in the world and other countries are already using it, even for pets.

In the course of his research, Dr. Bradstreet discovered that the levels of nagalase are elevated in children with autism. The result of the immune suppression caused by nagalase is seen in digestive disorders, sensory overload, and numerous types of processing dysfunction in the brain. Increased levels of nagalase are associated with higher levels of autistic symptoms. Nagalase is like Attila the Hun in the amount of destruction it can wreck on the body.

Nagalase is not something children are born with. This puzzled Bradstreet and his colleagues (the other dead doctors). If autistic children don’t have cancer or viral infections, which correlates with nagalase production, then how did it get into the bodies of infants and young children?

Using nagalase blood testing, they learned that children receiving vaccinations had a super abnormally high concentration of nagalase. It became clear that nagalase was being introduced into the body through vaccinations. For what reason is still unknown—perhaps population control? Could this be why vaccinations are now being made mandatory–no exceptions allowed?

and BTW - you completely discredited your own argument...

"Anyone that uses the term conspiracy theorist... to discredit anyone who questioned the assassination of JFK..."

I never questioned the assassination of JFK.

Hence, I'm not obviously pushing propaganda.

I was about to congratulate you on outstmarting an entire elite cabal of global networks by regurgitating YouTube content propagated by YouTube "truthers". But guess that woulda been too quick, as I completely missed where you totally negated your own argument.

BTW, if you go to the actual definition of propaganda:

  1. information, ideas, or rumors deliberately spread widely to help or harm a person, group, movement, institution, nation, etc.
  2. the deliberate spreading of such information, rumors, etc.
  3. the particular doctrines or principles propagated by an organization or movement.

much of the content you've been studying fits the definition as well. propaganda doesn't just come from governments. it can come from quackpots stuck in low-theta pushing their own agendas who've jumped to conclusions due to cognitive bias and report facts in the context of storylines.

as such, you fit the definition of a propaganda-pusher far more accurately than I do, within the context of this entire conversation.

What I'm speaking Is Truth, I asked Jesus to lead me to the real truth of what was going on and since then my Intuition has guided me to the Truth. Here Is some more from my research.

well surely something as solid and tangible as "intuition" could never, ever be wrong or influenced by biased viewpoints, YouTube's suggested videos algorithm, cognitive bias, or anything else - especially after asking Jesus.

I guess I must have done something horribly evil, cuz he still didn't deliver on that Ferrari I asked him for.

Or maybe I am the devil. after all, I do live in the apartment number 216 - which is 6x6x6. Fuck.

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