Future Technologies That We Would Today Consider Magic (Part I)

in #technology6 years ago


It’s always so intriguing to see how far we have come compared to only a century ago. Scratch that. Compared to even two decades ago. The difference is as stark as day and night.

Now think of where we will be in the coming future. Two decades from now, fifty years from now, a century or even five hundred years from now. Think of all the marvels we will achieve.

Just like how the ability to call anyone in the world and even see them would seem like magic to someone fifty years ago, I am sure we will develop technologies in the future that will look like magic to us today!

I was watching a video of renowned physicist Michio Kaku where he talks about these futuristic technologies and as he was talking, I got more and more excited. So, I would like to talk about some of these technologies today.



Slowly but surely, we are gaining more control of our own bodies, as we understand the different aspect related to them, now more than ever. We are getting better at fighting diseases, enhancing strength, endurance, and other important aspects.

We are also getting better at manipulating the very genetic structure of ourselves. This will open up all sorts of possibilities like making ourselves immune to certain (or all) diseases, giving ourselves enhanced abilities, and even reverse ageing.

Kaku says that it might take about 80 years or so, but there is a great chance that we might achieve some form of immortality. Add to this the innovations in biotech and this doesn’t sound like too much of a sci-fi thing anymore!

BrainNet - The Future of Internet


The internet is perhaps one of the biggest achievements of humanity. It was an innovation that gave birth to countless other innovations and it is still happening even today.

But even a revolutionary technology such as the internet will go through changes in the future as we change the way we communicate with each other. It might seem scary to us but a no brainer for future generations.

The internet of the future will be like a superpower where our brains themselves will be connected to the internet through implants and we will connect to each other directly! We could, in theory, send memories, feelings, emotions and thoughts to each other.

Think about what this will do to the media industry. Movies, music, pictures, will all be fed directly to the brain. There will be no screens as they will be rendered redundant! Even talking about this makes me feel weird.

The Return of Extinct Animals


We’ve all watched Jurassic Park. Someday, that might actually happen in real life too. We are developing abilities of bringing back to life entire species that have gone extinct in the past.

Recently reports surfaced that experts were looking to bring back the Woolly Mammoth back to life. If we are already at this stage, imagine what the next fifty years could bring in this field.

What other extinct species would we be able to bring back from the dead? Could Jurassic Park really happen? We could experience the ancient history, all without having to time travel to the past!

As with every technology, these can be used for good as well as bad and it will be up to future generations to decide which way to swing the double edged sword of technology. Stay tuned for Part II of this post, where I will talk about four more futuristic technologies.


Return of existing animals, would love to see this happening. Immortality, I still don't believe this is achievable even if we put religion aside.

I would like to see the extinct animals return too. Not the dangerous ones like dinosaurs though!

hahaha ... you mean dinosaurs who eat grass and not the humans.

heheh yeah those are fine :P

I think we would even find some aliens and start to live in other planets!

In the more distant future, definitely!!

Yeah!! Exponential rise!!

Nice article bhai. In this world nothing is impossible. Science can take us to the limit and make impossible possible.

That's true :)

But wouldn't inserting a mechanical implant technically make us a cyborg? Would we count as less of a human and more of a machine then? Really curious.

Yeah, technically we would be cyborgs. In fact, in the future, this is going to be a trend as more body parts are available to replace the natural ones in order to give yourself enhanced abilities.

Well if that tech is anywhere near, I'd want an ice cream dispenser to be fit in me asap lol!

It's no where near to reality. But it might be when you are in your 50s, I think! heheh

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