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RE: Ten Truths and One Lie Challenge

in #tenfactsonelie7 years ago

This type of challenge is interesting. I don’t know enough about you that any of these could be true or false!

Number 3. I don’t think you have thrown up at all drinking as you never seen the point in drinking to that point in the first place.


The correct answer was 5!


(RandoHealer has healed this post because you have been randomly selected from the whitelist. Lucky!)

Unfortunately I've done it twice, but never on purpose. The first time I was playing a drinking game and it was more my competitiveness and a friend of a friends stubbornness in wanting to play until he won. I think the food disagreed with me more than anything as I woke up fine the next day.

The first time I was drinking jungle juice (think it was everclear mixed with some sort of juice) and I was trying to impress some ladies. Needless to say, I figured out puking most of the night in the toilet wasn't very impressive and never tried that again.