PETA members are the modern Nazis.

in #testing2 years ago


PETA people think that its okay to conduct experiments on human beings, prisoners to be exact instead of animals.

I asked them:

"Do you think all prisoners deserve that treatment? Even like somebody like Anthony Broadwater?"

I got a notification that there was a response; but, it was gone by the time I got around to it.

I think that my safe assumption is correct -- that this PETA activist's knee-jerk reaction was to say that we should have been experimenting on this human being, who she regards as a lesser creature than a pig or a chicken, only for somebody involved to realize that I was referring to a black man who was in prison despite being completely innocent.

So, the PETA activist probably wanted to cut open the completely innocent black man, who was in prison, over a pig.

That's already pretty fucking racist and, dare I say, FUBAR.

But, even if I were referring to prisoners in general, any good person should have moral questions about experimenting on prisoners against their will.

Nobody on the thread would dare get into the weeds in response to the question, "Are all prisoners worthy of this abuse that you say that we're inflicting on other animals?"

I would be happier in a world where only legitimately bad people who caused real harm were in prison; but, that's not the world that we're living in.

Is a dude serving time for selling too much weed beneath a pig to these people?

I guess so.

I mean, if they'd rather experiment on an innocent black man than a pig, what the fuck are they gonna do to whitey who actually, technically did commit a felony due to some clerical error?