Prayers for Our Bear Boy

in #thealliance5 years ago (edited)

20190417_170207 - Bear atop Dziekuja's Hutch.jpg

Bear Boy is ailing
My love, my sweet familiar
He is my sweet boy

I've copied this from my FaceBook page, because they have actually responded to what's going on in my life, despite my not being active there.

Thanks to everyone for your birthday wishes to me.

It's been an odd birthday, as my Bear Kitty is ailing, and so all prayers for his highest and best good are most appreciated.

He is my lovely familiar, my sweet and furry soul mate, and my sweetest Bear Boy. He is, more than any animal I've known, along with my Ebony girl, my animal friend who has had my back, and who has been there for me more than any human.

And who, in every way, is my best friend, and my true love.

Life is wonderful, and getting better, better and better. No matter how it may appear in the outer world.

We are living in a time when the darkness is coming into the light to be healed.

Donald Trump is, quite obviously, of the darkness. Yeshua would not have recognized him as one of his flock. In any way.

Bear is the anti-Trump. Bear loves people for who they are, for who they can be, and does not judge. Enough said.

Prayers, please, for Bear to overcome this illness, to gain weight and persevere, and to survive and thrive long term, and to simply continuing being being my lovely Bear boy.

Being Bear Boy is in fact the highest good he could attain, as Bear has always met people where they were, and loved them unconditionally.

What more can we ask of anyone?

Love and the highest possible good to Bear, my little love, who is in need of our love and our prayer help now.

Thank you, everyone.


I am SO sorry to read about Bear's illness. Can you get some turmeric into him? mix it into his cat food. It cures so many problems in animals its amazing. Thats the sweetest photo! Resteeming his fluffiness!

I'm actually dosing him with a mixture of honey and black seed (Nigella sativa), which is purportedly even more healing than turmeric.

I often use both, in combination with several other spices, to make a healing spiced honey, as well as mulled wine and/or cider.

I also use them in making my own version of Krupnik, which is a Polish and Lithuanian spiced liqueur, commonly given in small glasses to guests during the cold winter months, but delicious any time.

Krupnik is tough to find, outside of the Polish strongholds of Chicago and New York, so I definitely wanted to learn to make it, and mostly followed this recipe for my first couple of batches, though I didn't make anywhere near that quantity.

This also has my vote for the funniest recipe article I've ever read. ;-)

Fir a more

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Ohhhh Bear!!!
Of course I would pray for a cat. I pray for all who ask me to pray for them, especially those who tell me the prayers of a skeptic may carry extra efficacy because of the willingness to persevere in prayer despite any assurance that a listening God will hear; I pray for all those who never ask for prayer, and "for wall those in most need of thy mercy," strangers the world over, people I will never meet, never know if the power of prayer reached them somehow. So much is unknown! C.S. Lewis said we do not get to "know" if this or that ever made a difference, or would have, or how things might have turned out as a result of prayer. Not that Lewis is a leading authority on how God works, but he has so many great insights and consolations to offer. I will pray for Bear. Your "familiar" - I love that! And I call upon the community of saints whenever I pray, in case (or "as if") they might hear me (or exist at all). I never see "evidence," or scientific or objective or logical things that would convince me our thoughs and prayers are "heard" and have any influence. There's the Power of Positive THinking, and other people with countless stories of telepathy, even ghost sightings. SO. Yes. Little Bear, hang in there - Cory (Cori?) still needs you!!

Oh my heaven I love this (purloined from your other social media wall):

Those words. I am appropriating those words. It's why I watch stupid cat videos after reading about another senseless tragedy, another murder, another embezzler....

Isn't it priceless?

Almost makes me want a Pomeranian, just so s/he can be dolled up as Paddington. ;-)

Pretty sure that Lolo wouldn't put up with such nonsense.

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Mine wouldn't put up with it either -
but they do surprise us, as do people. The most unexpected things....

LOLOL, that's the truth!

Somewhere around I've got photos of our dog Sprinkles dressed up and wearing beads for the Rubonia Mardi Gras in Florida.

I swear, he got more beads from the bystanders than we threw out to them . . . he was tripping over them!

But he, unlike most other animals I've had, LOVED being a ham, and was secure in his knowledge that he had finally found his audience.

He was such a sweetheart. I still miss him.

Of course you already know this so much better than I do.
No surprise I found it in another one of your posts:

"All that we are is the result of what we have thought.

The mind is everything. What we think, we become." --- Buddha

I hear this message - I can tell myself I believe it -but the body, the conscious brain, with ingrained habits, are not as "awake" as the little spark of perception telling me this world is but an illusion.
No, the illusion is that "all is well and all shall be well", the brain argues with the inner idealist.
Novelist/physician Dr. Libby McGugan gets it.
I'm open to it - like God's words to Blessed Angelina: "Make yourself a capacity and I will make myself a torrent." Opening the floodgates... wait, they've been open your years... I will welcome the torrent one day!

Thanks, Carol, and I can totally relate.

I am, I guess you could say, a skeptical believer.

I absolutely believe in a power or force greater than ourselves, which I call God or the Universe, as kind of shorthand, but I'm definitely not on board with the dogma of any faith.

The film "Dogma," on the other hand, I love, and recommend highly. But then I'm a big fan of Kevin Smith.

But even though I've sometimes had prayers answered in startling real time, with others present, I still have that Doubting Thomas side, piping up with "Yeah, but . . . "

CS Lewis I adore, as well as Emmet Fox, and other deep thinkers of the time. I was fortunate in that my early seeking was fostered by both my parents and grandparents, none of whom tried to force me into a particular direction. They let me find my own way.

I do believe our prayers are heard, and more than that, that it isn't that we're asking too much in prayer, but literally that we're asking too little.

We lack faith in our own deserving, and that is one of our society's greatest challenges.

Life is wonderful, and getting better, better and better.

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Wow - love your insights, as always, especially this:
... it isn't that we're asking too much in prayer, but literally that we're asking too little. LOVE it!! and We lack faith in our own deserving, and that is one of our society's greatest challenges.
and this:

"Life is wonderful, and getting better, better and better."

Yeah, I really think that if we could get a handle on this as a society, and teach people to value themselves, not to mention one another, not only would our crime rate plummet, our productivity would skyrocket, and our quality of life as a people would improve across the board.

Of course, for this to happen, our government and corporate media would have to stop spreading lies, fear and hate, or we could simply implore people to turn their backs on them, as I have, and so many more before and after me.

I honestly and earnestly pray for people to value themselves, and to teach their children - and any children with whom they come into contact - to do the same, for prisons for profit to become a thing of the past, and for the leaders of ALL nations to get a freaking clue and start doing the right thing for ALL mankind and ALL of earth's creatures.

Life is wonderful, and getting better, better and better, and it will CONTINUE getting better and better, as long as we do our own positive things along the way.

I wrote a children's poem/song along these lines years ago, that one day I'll turn into a children's book, about a young girl who breathes in an entire planet on a speck of dust, "where everyone helps everyone and no one is denied."

I think it's Marek's favorite poem that I've written, and it was a favorite of my mother, and of my sister Carol.

We need some kind of notifier for birthdays. You know what, I'm on it ;) Hope he gets to feeling better soon!

Thanks, Witty!

He's on the mend, and his appetite is back in spades, so I'm very grateful for that.

We've got a way to go, but I'm very hopeful, and just grateful to have him with me.

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Bear is one of those rare cats who loves everyone.

He has long climbed up in my arms to hug me around the neck, and the first time he did that with Marek, he was thrilled, and said he knew that Bear finally accepted him fully.

(It didn't take that long). ;-)

Hugs 💗💗

Thanks, appreciate your kindness.

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I'm happy to report that, as dire as it looked a few days ago, Bear has rallied, his appetite is back in force, and he is much more energetic.

In addition to the antibiotic prescribed by our new vet, I've been putting raw honey on his open wound, and giving him milk kefir (for probiotics) and diatomaceous earth (for extra minerals and parasite removal) with his food.

The major pain is that Bear and Musica keep switching food, which means that she's getting the super nutritious food I'm giving Bear, but she and Truffle go outside during the day, which gives me the ability to give him high protein treats when they're not around to steal them.

Thanks to everyone for prayers and good thoughts for my lovely boy. It's obviously making a big difference.

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