Review of Movie ''The Mummy(2017)" by Armghan

in #themummy7 years ago

Finally now I decided to Present my Views on Movie "The Mummy"

Before Writing Further about it let me introduce few main Characters of this Movie
Main Cast and Review :

1). Tom Cruise as Nick Morton:
                                                   Tom Cruise
plays the Main Character in this Movie as Nick Morton. As they say that he is suffering from a Curse as the ''The Chosen One'' . In the Past they believe that Nick was the God of Death and Now that God of Death has been reborn as Nick Morton. He plays a Heroic Character In the end of the Movie by Making his Friend and his Girl friend alive as he realizes his Powers as The God Of Death.

2). Sofia Boutella as Mummy Ahmanet:
                                           Sofia Boutella Plays the Most Important Character of this Movie as Mummy Ahmanet. She was a Normal Girl. In old ages she loved her Father very Much. Her Father was the King of Egypt. She was their only child. Her Mother Died and Her father Married another woman and Her father had a Baby boy from her wife. Ahmanet Thought that her father will not love her anymore and she will lose the entire kingdom.

         She Decided to do black magic. She killed her father, his wife and that little baby boy and then she Selected his Lover as the Chosen one and was going to make him as the God Of Death, Suddenly Guards of the Kingdom attacked her and they buried her alive.

 And then we see She comes alive in the modern world and starts killing every body and in the end we see that Tom Cruise as Nick Morton kills her as he becomes the GOD OF DEATH.
Mummy Ahmanet : Her picture before becoming becoming Mummy. I didn't shared her scary Picture because I thought that will make readers get scared of it :)

3). Annabelle Wallis as Jenny Helsey (Girlfriend of NICK Morton) :

                                            Annabelle plays the role of Girlfriend of Nick Morton(Tom Cruise) In this Movie. She plays a role of a researcher in this movie. In the Movie Mummy kills her but her Lover Nick Morton as The God of Death makes her Alive again.

4). Jake Johnson as Chris Vail (friend of Nick Morton) :
                               Jake Jonson
plays the role of Chris the Friend of Nick Morton. He turns into Mummy in the beginning and gets killed by Nick Morton. But when Nick becomes the God Of Death he Makes Him alive again as a Normal Person.

5). Russel Crowe as Dr. Henry:

              Russel Crowe
plays the role of Dr. Henry as the Head Researcher who thinks that he is correct in every thing he suggests. His role is not that kind of important as he is also suffering from a curse.


Hope that You all Liked my Review about ''The Mummy''.
Feel free to ask any questions you might have and thank you for taking time to read my Personal Review.
If you Liked it then do Upvote and Follow me :)

Armghan Virk


great post thank you for sharing

Thanks brother :)

Thanks for taking time to read it :) :) :)

You are welcome -No problem

Just have upvoted your post and your idea in flim industry are just awesome. keep it up. Lets be connected here.

Thanks ma'am :)
just followed you :)

Niiice post bro sweet movie

I like new mummy😌

this review helps me a lot... thanks..

This isn't a review.
It's simply a description of the characters in the movie.
Discuss the plot, tell us the movies strong and weak points were.
What are your actual views of the movie?
You didn't even tell us if you liked it or not.

nice review ! Upped!👍👍👍

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