I had an interesting conversation with my therapist yesterday.

in #therapist4 months ago


This isn't something that one would usually broadcast; but, I had an interesting conversation with my therapist yesterday.

She made a statement that, for a man, I'm particularly in touch with my emotions.

This was followed by a conversation with a friend of mine. I said that I always thought of myself of being pretty low EQ. She responded, "Low EQ, my ass!"

So, I'm realizing that I've probably been wrong in my assessment of myself for my entire adult life.

I got my temper under control before college. I might have cried twice in the last decade (outside of movies). My feelings get kicked into my prefrontal cortex for reasonable analysis pretty damn quickly.

I think that what my therapist and my friend (and a few other close friends of mine in the past) saw, and understood, that I hadn't, was that displays of emotion are completely different from being in touch with them.

I guess I'm starting to change my view of myself.