Being human

in #thirdeye5 years ago

If you believe in prophesy then the question of how something yet to occur can be viewed before it occurs comes to mind. There is a defined structure to the Creative Force we call God and gaining a better understanding of this Force is helpful in understanding the simple dynamics that Creation rides upon. What we call God is Creator and Created, No Thing and Everything. If you think about it, there had to be a point of origin, with everything coming from this one point and interconnected to this one point. There literally is no thing that is not God, you included. You will never get closer to God than you get to yourself, God can be found within each of us, and once we find God within, then we will begin to see God in everything. God is the selfless structure that Creation rides upon, you experiencing the effects of this energy, and everything in-between, Creation is incredibly complex and simple at the same time. The perspective of Ego sees Creation through the complexity of all the individual components that define it in the detail that we experience, the perspective of our Higher Conscious Awareness views Creation 180 degrees from that of Ego and understands the Oneness of the Force that supports Creation and gives those who gain access to this higher realm of consciousness two distinct perspectives that give a much more complete understanding of life as it unfolds.
At the moment of what science is calling "The Big Bang" energy was expressed in a manner that defied our laws of physics. Science has tried to explain their ignorance away using the word "Inflation", not understanding that the 95% of the Creative Force that they know exists, but can not weigh or measure actually occurs at the higher vibration frequencies of the Creative Force and are unaffected by the perimeters of time and space. Time is an illusion with purpose that gives greater depth of meaning to our existence, but everything always occurs in the "Moment". As hard as it may be to wrap your mind around, truth be told, everything that has ever occurred, or will ever occur, is occurring "Now". We have access to this Eternal Now and all the wisdom that comes with it once we regain the conscious clarity that we are all born with and move away from as we grow and our Ego develops. This Creative realm can be found behind the veil of Ego for those interested. At the moment of "The Big Bang" the Infinite Creative Energy that Creation rides upon expressed itself as the Matrix that represents all the Creative understanding from the one before it, and the one before it etc.. The structure that supports Creation has been in place from the very beginning and is simply being expressed as our reality as the energy of the Matrix moves the story line along. Our free will is not in creating the story, the supportive structure of the "Story" has been in place from the very beginning, our free will is in bringing the "Story" to its highest expression, lowest expression or somewhere in-between.
Much of the turmoil we now see in our weather patterns, world events and our personal lives is coming from the Shift in the Infinite Energy that supports creation. The Proverbial page is being turned by a Force far greater than Mankind and we are about to move into a new chapter in Mankind's conscious evolution. To say we are living in Prophetic times is an understatement. The best place to look for the guidence that will best serve you in these very dynamic times can be found within, and the best time to look is always "Now".FB_IMG_15600966162898934.jpg

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