How to stop procrastinating and get more done!

in #time7 years ago

When I’m working on a project, it usually takes a few minutes for me to get “in the zone” where I’m really focused on what I’m doing. When someone interrupts me, it then takes another few minutes for me to really start working again.

That’s not a big deal when the interruptions are few and far between. When they’re coming in every few minutes, then it means tasks that should have only taken an hour can end up taking all day.

That is not a major ordeal when the interferences are rare. When they're coming in at regular intervals, at that point it implies assignments that ought to have just taken a hour can wind up taking throughout the day.

This week Fast Company published an article with a few tips for being more productive. One of them was something I can’t believe I hadn’t thought of before: Turn on ‘Do Not Disturb.’ I definitely use the feature at night on my phone, but it’s never occurred to me to mute the notifications on my computer while I’m trying to really focus on something.

The idea is that things like chat and Facebook notifications pull you away from what you’re working on. I definitely like those when I’m not trying to focus, so I don’t want to eliminate them completely, but being able to stop them temporarily on your desktop (or phone ion that’s what’s bringing you down), and all of them at once, can be pretty useful.

You probably know how to activate Do Not Disturb on your phone. It’s in the Control Center on your iPhone (it’s the moon icon) and can be accessed by swiping down from the top of the screen on most Android devices.

Screenshot: Apple/ E.Price
On a Mac, click on the Apple icon on the top lefthand side of the page and then select System preferences followed by Notifications. From there, you’ll be taken to a page where you can enable Do Not Disturb for your preferred amount of time.

On a PC, you can activate the feature by right-clicking on the Action Center icon in your computer’s taskbar notification area and then selecting “Turn On Quiet Hours.”

If you do turn it on, be sure to either set an end time when you do or make a reminder for yourself to turn the feature off when you’re done with your project so you don’t miss out on important notifications later on.

Journey to work a daily grind? How to make your commute more productive
Nearly four million of us spend two hours a day travelling to and from the office. Here’s a guide to making that time well spent

Make time for ‘breakfast for your brain’ on the morning commute. Photograph: Hinterhaus Productions/Getty Images
Despite advances in remote working, Britain’s love-hate relationship with commuting continues. Workers in London are battling an 81-minute commute, the longest in the country and equivalent to 38 working days a year. Meanwhile nearly 3.7m of us spend two hours a day travelling to and from work. So if commuting can’t be avoided, how do you make the most of it?

Work offline
I once heard of someone who took a train from Manchester to Southampton just to have four solid hours of uninterrupted time to get some work done. Do you have a “useful reading” pile on the desk which never gets read? If you have a long train journey, don’t waste time with flaky wifi or dodgy mobile signals. Take advantage of the blackout zone and crack on with that piece of work that requires more focus and less connectivity. Whether it’s a report your colleague asked you to review, documents circulated for an upcoming meeting, or wider industry updates to help you stay ahead, save it for your commute.

Recharge your brain
Do you find yourself going on standby when you’re commuting – not switched on, but not switched off either? Why not use the time to recharge instead? Sleep enhances productivity, and doing something that actively encourages your brain to switch off from work can be good for your creativity and your wellbeing. Take a nap – as long as you’re not driving of course – and make sure you have an alarm set for when you reach your stop.

As well as sleeping, the usual remedies for the tedium of being in transit, such as reading a novel, listening to music or watching a movie or TV drama, are great for switching your brain off.

Think big
At the office, everything and everyone beckons – the emails, the meetings, the colleagues at your desk, and, of course, the work that needs to be done. It’s easy to get drawn into reactive mode. We all know the benefits of planning, organising and thinking ahead, but making that actually happen in the office is a different story. So use your commute to review your priorities and get your head clear.

Also, you could think about what big project or new idea you have lurking on your to-do list. A decision, a problem, an idea to explore – we often think better on the move, so use your commute as time to reflect.

Get away from it all
Being stuck in a crowded carriage bumping along the tracks with a bunch of strangers isn’t the most obvious time to meditate, but perhaps that’s precisely when some zen could be useful. For guided meditation, try an app like Headspace or Calm. You could also use noise-cancellation headphones to tune out that crying child, the woman talking loudly on her phone or the guy who’s munching crisps right next to you.

Listen and learn
Whether you’re walking, driving, sitting or standing, plug in your headphones and tune into a podcast, Ted talk, audio book or perhaps even learn a new language. Consider it breakfast for your brain.


I've tried turning on "do not disturb" on Skype, but people didn't respect it. So now I don't go online on Skype until I've written what I planned to write that morning. Some days I don't go online on Skype at all.

Yeah it's hard sometimes getting rid of distractions. That's a good strategy though