3/25/2019 Redfishcoin Stockholders Payment Report and Updates!

Redfishcoin is a verified Waves Assets of Steemit Redfish Community. Monthly Steemit shares is the way of giving back to the community rewarding the Redfish Stockholders since 2017
Redfish Service and Rewards
Medium Publication
Retweet Campaign
Airdrop Campaign
Monthly Shares
1 Million Token Supply
Buy Back Program
Awesome Bonus token
Royalty Rewards
PoP Steemit Promotion
50 Redfish holding, earn 3% monthly Shares
100 Redfish holding, earn 3% monthly Shares & Rewards
500 Redfish holding, earn 5% monthly Shares & Rewards
1000 Redfish holding, earn 7% monthly Shares & Rewards
2000 Redfish holding, earn 7.5% monthly Shares & Rewards
3/25/2019 Redfishcoin Stockholders Payment Report
Another month has come and the time for Monthly Shares Distribution has given this day. The Month and day passed was tight, we too experienced less movement or stagnant to its value but our desire to continue to give our service and daily campaign will never ceased. Our team is working something great that will benefit the whole Redfish community and it's holders. Patient is virtue and sooner we all can reap that hardwork to continue to push our existence as years will come and stay stay stronger.
About 47 Wallet address or Redfish Holders receive their Monthly shares simply by holding minimum 20 Redfishcoin. Those who hold 100 minimum coins receive aditional rewards and bonus. The value was around $574 of Redfishcoin given today!
Trade Redfishcoin
Today, Redfishcoin value was $0.73 and you can check live market value at https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/redfishcoin.
Redfishcoin can be traded on WavesDEX and Nanu Exchange.
Traded at;
- 0.00018 BTC
- 0.265 Waves
- 90 NNC
- 0.006 ETH
- 0.73 USD
On this Month, we had about $2 value of Bitcoin distributed via Bonus for holding Redfish. This was given to all 100 minimum Redfish holding and if you hold less than 100, be sure to earn more or at least hold 100 minimum as we will try to increase the bonus rewards next month!
Royalty Rewads Token
MNW is the rewards token given to all 100 minimum Redfish holdings. This was made for additional rewards aside from Monthly shares for supporting and holding Redfish in your wallet.
35 Redfish Wallet had receive this token and with value around $19 all.
Visit our website to learn more about Redfish Project, since 2017 giving shares
Then go to our Telegram channel
Join simple task and earn Redfish tips/rewards
Claim daily faucet at
Web Wallet: https://client.wavesplatform.com
Isn’t it amazing that more and more coins you get just by HOLDING?
We welcome NEW REDFISH Stockholders!
HODL Patiently and get your rewards until next Payout!