Need a New Body?

in #torahcode5 years ago

Torah Code discovered "Completion New Body Lord Yah".

Yahweh and Alpha Ra-El, Existence Ra-El, The Messiah, The Cure, Hold, Signalling, The Heavens.

New Body.jpg



1Cor 15:40 And there is a Heavenly body and there is an Earthly body, but there is one glory of the Heavenly and another of the Earthly.
47 The first man was dust from the ground; The second man, THE LORD YAHWEH from Heaven. 48 Just as he who was a being of dust, so also is that which is of the dust, and just as he who is The Being from Heaven, so also is the Heavenly. 49 And as we have worn the image of him who is from the dust, so we shall wear the image of him who is from Heaven.


51 Behold, I tell you a mystery: we shall not all sleep, but we shall all be transformed, 52 Suddenly, like the blink of an eye, at the last trumpet, when it shall sound, and the dead shall rise without corruption, and we shall be transformed. 53 For this destructible is going to wear indestructibility and this mortal shall wear immortality.
57 But thank God who gives us the victory by Our Lord Yeshua The Messiah. 58 From now on, my brethren and beloved, be steadfast; do not be shaken, but be abounding at all times in the work of THE LORD YAHWEH, as you know that your toil has not been worthless in THE LORD YAHWEH.

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