If You Are Broke Between Your greed & Scammers !

in #trade7 years ago

Recently, The famous Queens ( Crypto Currency ''ICO'' and Online Investment Companys)! They may be Dancing in Your Head and surrounding.

Dear friend,.....


  1. Don't trust anyone. They want to make money and will pump you if you let em.

  2. Never join any scheme that promises results.

  3. Never join any scheme that pays you for signing up others. And certainly never give your "referral link" to someone. That makes YOU the scammer.

  4. Prepare for the opportunities that will come with research. Don't attempt to force things when your preparation doesn't meet that opportunity.

  5. If you see a coin skyrocketing, you're too late to join. Seriously.... it's too late. Put down your crypto.

  6. Everyone has an agenda. Even you. Learn your bias and try to overcome it. Don't let your rose colored glasses cloud your vision.... and certainly don't let someone else's.

  7. The goal is more bitcoin. If you wanna play around in other coins to acquire more bitcoin.....go for it. But always have bitcoin. It's been declared dead 100 times...it's still king. It has the brand and institutional support. Don't believe those who say it's gonna die...even when it loses half it's value (which is gonna happen some day...always does)

2017-02-12 18.15.33.png

  1. Don't invest in coins that go against your belief system.... even if they could make you money. If you believe in decentralization, don't buy a centralized coin. You're cutting your own throat. The money you invest has real effects on the businesses behind the coins.

  2. Realize most coins will fail. And if you're in em, Your money will disappear. The larger the market cap, the less likely they are to disappear.

  3. There is a ton of manipulation in the crypto space. The smaller the market cap, the easier it is to pump and dump a coin. This is why you don't "chase candles" at all...but especially with small cap coins. That's how they lure you in and take your cash.... you see huge growth and invest....then you bought their new boat for em.

  4. In order for you to value someone's opinion, you MUST require that they give you sound reasoning for their call. Just saying "buy this coin and you'll thank me later" is ridiculous.

  5. IF that company REALLY had some software program that guaranteed results....they wouldn't be taking your money and letting you benefit...they'd be using their software program to get stupid rich.

  6. Crypto is 100% NOT REGULATED. Anyone can do anything. And they do. You're on your own and at your own risk. Go slow.

  7. 100% ignore anyone who wants to talk in PM or private. The reason they don't want someone else to comment on what they want to say is..... they are full of shit. Likely trying to scam you. If you can't say something about crypto in a crypto forum, it's cause you're full of it.

  8. People will ask you to pay for their mistakes. They will tell come online hyping up shit coins so you'll invest and drive up the price so they can sell that coin they've been stuck in for months. Ignore everyone's advice on what to buy & don't waste your time chasing these sort of recommendations.

  9. There is a COST for every dollar every day. If you're holding 1k of some stagnant coin, that's 1,000 dollars that aren't growing. Not saying you should never hold. Just realize that it doesn't come without lost opportunities.

  10. Learn to live with FOMO. You WILL miss out on something. Every hour of every day. Come to terms with that before you invest a single penny. And understand that there are SO many opportunities every day in crypto, you can afford to do nothing unless you are prepared and informed.

The most are fake.
If we lose something.
It's a pain.
It can't be helped.
Everthing happened by our own decision.
Take care ....
See you again....!

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.17
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 61497.04
ETH 2478.29
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.66