Increase your Earnings Potential with VIP Indicators strategy

in #tradinglast month

VIP Indicators is a trading tool that helps one understand when to buy or sell in the trading world by doing advanced calculations based on the market prices to effectively predict future activity in a simple format. According to the creators of VIP indicators, it is beginner friendly and anyone can set up the tool by simply following the instructions.

The website also claims that the VIP Indicators platform is constantly profitable. In this VIP Indicators review, all the claims made by the manufacturers will be analyzed to understand if the tool is profitable or if it is just another fad. Today, the trading industry has been growing tremendously increasing the demand for trading courses and tools like VIP Indicators to a large extent. Besides acting as a trade expert, the platform constantly assists with strategies, live analysis, tips, and many other updates to ensure the user stays ahead of the markets and never misses any profitable opportunities.

VIP Indicators system also provides access to an entire trading course designed for beginners. Though there is an endless list of VIP Indicators reviews available on the internet, none has explained the tool clearly, but this VIP Indicators review will be different from them. So, scroll down to learn more about This indicator is using the modified "SSS".

This strategy uses combined indicators to create LONG entry points, the strategy was first found by saudALThaidy.

How to use: Open your asset and pick a timeframe between 5min and 2hours (recommended: 30min, 45min), the strategy will give entry points itself, you can monitor and take profit manually(recommended), or you can use the exit setup. Exit setup:
Take Profit : close the trade and take profit after the specified percentage from the entry point gets hit.
Use Stop Percentage : if false, trade will be closed if it gets below MA line, if true it will use the next set up.
StopLose Percentage : specify a percentage to close the trade if the asset price goes below it.
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