EOS trading, wow huge opportunity here

in #trading7 years ago

Hey everyone, would you like me to alert you to possible trades?

I was thinking, since I trade all day, and am constantly watching all these coins. Maybe my followers would like updates on potential big percentage trades. Like EOS, that dropped from 2.80 to 2.00 and back to 2.80 in a few minutes.. Thats 40% move in under 10 minutes. Awesome stuff, awesome opportunity if your watching and setting your orders up..

If you would like to catch these updates as I put them out, then please let me know, and subscribe to my blog.

Lets all trade better, together :)



Do you think it's better to trade coins like this if you only have under $1,000? I tried your method with top coins like ETH and LTC on Bittrex and it's hard to find any dips above 5%, so I made like $5 on a $250 trade.

The key is really patience to catch a good panic drop.. Its hard to wait for the real good opportunities, and its difficult to work with a small account.. So were I might write a bunch of orders on a bunch of things, you would have to just set up alerts on different coins and wait for an alert to go off and then try to jump in while the price is in a panic drop... But as your account grows then you will be better able to write orders here and there instead of alerts.. but here is your true advantage to having a small account: you can trade the lower volume coins, and get crazy percentage wins and grow your $1,000 into $5,000 quickly.. but after that you start to get to big to play with the low volume, and you have to move to bigger volume.. Gah, its so hard for me to explain this in a post.. I will have to demonstrate it in video..

Yes please, I'm interested in how to trade when you have under $1000 too.

Yes that would be awesome

Thanks for the answer. I think the sell walls/buy walls and the order book would be interesting topics for your videos too. I've ran into some bots lately and it's probably worth knowing.

It would be interesting if you did a video series that shows how you are managing a small $1k account, allowing the "fans" at home to trade along with you. I like a round figure to start with such as 1K because it makes it easier for people with 5x or 10x multiples to create equivalent trades (or historical paper trades) with larger bankrolls.

The more videos the better luc! :) thanks for the info

I'd Love to see that video too!!! I think most of us have relatively low budgets, I would love to see a video where you told us what you would do if you had to start with little and turn it to a good amount in a relatively short period of time, I am starting with around 1k too , THANKS! <3

I talk about that in my introduction video .. a few videos back, around half way through...

Would love to hear any awesome trading opportunities that you come across!

Yes please post these trade ideas! :)

Yes please. I would love to catch your updates. I'm subscribed to this blog, so I will keep an eye on it. Thanks.

yup, sounds good.. It only takes me a few minutes to upload a quick video and alert everyone to something about to give us a great trade opportunity.. I should have thought of this months ago

Really looking forwarded to this.. this is going to be exciting

Been watching your youtube videos for a while now. Great work and amazing content, thanks for keeping us updated

Your videos are really nice! I wish I had seen the other ones before the deletion. A suggestion for your tonights video is talking also about how often you get to draw those base lines for each time scale and what percentages you usually expect from those dips. I'm just starting to trade (also with a small account) so I'm not always sure that I'm not missing opportunities or trying to find something in the graphs that isn't there and this info would help a lot!

PS: any tips on which low volume coin to trade?

there are soo many.. I been trading, here is one I been bouncing.. if your small, then you can trade crappy charts like this and just make 20-50% over and over.. but if you size your orders to big, you will influence the market, or get stuck in a trade where you have too much size to get out .. so you have to trade small..

Can you recommend a good set of exchanges to sign up to? Something maybe to trade smaller, obscure instruments. And those to trade that are more liquid?

Hey Luc, Thank for your videos, your an inspiration, yesterday I made my first profitable trade with your strategy: 10% gain with EOS ;)
quick question: can you give an example of the coin volume vs the position size? for instance in a coin with 100K volume can I open $100 positions? thanks!

Congrats on your first trade.. you have to gauge your order size by the level 2 and time and sales.. you just want to blend in.. so whatever everyone else is trading regularly, thats what you want to trade also.. dont be too big .. as an example ETH has regular orders for 100 coins.. so I would make my trades from 5-80 coin orders without worrying about influencing the market at all...

This is VERY good advice, I haven't seen anyone mention this before. I was doing this instinctually without backing my thought process up with logic, your reply was worth its weight in gold to me - thnx!

I have a good understanding of how to define my base (support) for trade purchases, but I still have a tough time understanding when to sell. My selling process remains too instinctual, I would like to be able to remove all emotion and rely purely on analytics. Can you please cover this topic in an upcoming video? Should I just estimate the resistance from recent history and sell the majority at that pre-defined point while holding on to a component of the trade in the event the price continues to climb?


This is what I’ve got from his videos. On the left you can see the base we’re working with (June 11). That one cracked around June 26. Now if you bought around the highest blue circle it shot back up around the previous base level (the June 11 base) this is a quick 7-10% trade. You can now draw your next base (see yellow line in the highest blue circle). That one also got cracked and again if you bought around the blue circle and sold at the red arrow you again made a 7-10% quick trade.

Luc calls this participating in the market.

Now if you look at the chart you can see that if you bought more at the lower blue circle and sold when it had a major bull-run you would’ve made a lot of money. From my understanding this isn’t Luc’s method because the last base (yellow line in blue circle) didn’t got cracked so no buy opportunity.

But I’ve seen Luc still placing buy orders if he expects the price to go up. You can also sell 80% of your position if you think the price is going to be higher and sell the 20% later on.

@quickfingersluc correct me if I read it wrong.

Awesome video man, yea I had some buys set low, however on Kraken it didn't dip like that, it's different from exchange to exchange of course

Nice post. Also making such moves more and more often. Stopped playing poker 3 month ago, instead of I am trading now. Seems for me better to sell and rebuy then making a Bluff with 200 bucks ;-), and after success of such a trade feeling same fine as i bluffed the guys in my poker times.

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