How am I going to deal with Segwit and BitcoinCash BCC? Should you get comfortable with taking loses?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #trading7 years ago

Let's discuss this Segwit and BitcoinCash (BCC) possible fork situation.

Its causing fear in the markets, and Bitcoin is dropping right now. So what am I planning to do? Here are my thoughts..

Thanks for watching and please comment.

What are your plans? What do you think will happen with bitcoin on Aug 1st?



Thanks for the video Luc. Glad to see you back in action posting your videos. You youtube series had greatly helped in the department of reading and understanding charts more. You style of video is easy to follow well thought out. I really appreciate the content that you bring and I hope you continue to post on Steemit. Thanks again for all you do!

Excited for Daytrading Video and Scanner :)

Hi there quickfingersluc, your video has been very insightful and I have been making profitable trades everyday. I am just wondering do you plan for stop loss? Maybe could do a video on it or what is a time to really cut a bad trade.

if you are trading correctly, you will have reviewed a 2 month look at the chart to make sure all panics had bounces.. so if your chart changes, and does not bounce properly, then you need to stop buying it.. something has changed.. the odds are no good no more.. so you stop buying it, and you start selling into every little bounce it gives you.. thats how i take a loss ( but if you read the chart correctly, it will almost never happen) it happened tho for me on AMP this month.. one trade that didnt work out .. showing a weak chart now.. so im not buying more.. and will be letting it go for a small loss on every move up

Hi Luc,

First off, thank you so much for taking the time to post the video tutorials. You are an angel!

It would be great if you could tell us something about market depth graphs like the one below (BTC/USDT from Poloniex) in one of your future video tutorials. I would be interested to know if the market depth graph gives an idea of the demand and supply of a crypto.


I don't use the market depth in the way you might imagine.. It really doesnt tell you much of value.. since this is a new market and there are tons of investors that just sit on there hands and dont actively trade. So they will be sitting high up on the ask, waiting for price to find there order someday.. this skews the market depth chart.. so there may seem to be more sellers than buyers on many of these charts.. and then when the coin is just introduced to an exchange, then the buyers will way way out wiegh the sellers, and it looks like the price should soar because of the demand but on other exchanges there is plenty of sellers, so the market depth is again, not portraying the anything usable.. I dont bother with this type of market depth chart, its too hard to get an accurate read off it.

Yeah I would be interested in this subject also. I was watching as NAV was cracking and watched these walls appear. I'm curious how to read volume, I think I'm getting a few things from watching as I trade but would be good to get tips from a pro.

Thanks for the vid Luc! Also thank you to those programmers, looking forward to trying out the market scanner.

LOL that ChartGuy vid

Luc, would be awesome if you did a brief segment as part of your regular daily videos where you set aside and started with a small amount of funds ($500?) and made real trades showing us the moves you'd make if you were starting from scratch working your way back up. Something like a $500 challenge. Hope you agree.

I like the challenge.. but im just soo crazy busy right now.. and Im changing much of my daily routine now that we have these scanners.. so I just cannot add another project.. but perhaps in the future I will give this more thought.. would be nice to start small again and record every trade on the blog, and see how fast I can grow..

Don't loose too much time. May be one of your good followers can try this with your strategy.

He's already giving you his strategy on a silver platter, I don't see why you'd ask him to waste a ton of time on something like this.

would be awesome. i love the idea. but as an full-time trader he might not have time for?

I had to go to his youtube video & like your comment! LOL!
I'm just getting into trading (long term HODLer) & your videos are invaluable! Just this morning the wife & I agreed to put some more $$ into crypto to start trading, but I wanted to hold off on this drop as it kind of scared me, but if I would have followed your advice I'd be up a few hundred dollars today. Every single ETH crack has been profitable!

Please keep sharing your wisdom!

Hey @quickfingersluc ... How do you deal with the fact that most of the cryptos seem to fall together... almost in unison? So basically all (most) cryptos are falling in value vs. fiat. Say I buy into bitcoin to get started, because the coin I want to invest in is falling, which is awesome because it's an opportunity to make some money. However, the btc I'm holding is also falling in value right along side the rest of the market. There isn't really an easy/cheap way to continually exchange between fiat/crypto, so in order to be an active trader I imagine the strategy is to hold most of your trading assets in the crypto of your choice (most likely btc, eth, or even ltc (as ltc seems less volatile than the others). I'd like to hear your take on this. I have to imagine that putting your gains into something that hedges well vs the synchronized falls would produce a lot more profit over the long haul.

Greetings from Germany, and thanks for the video! I had to learn the behavioral differences between stock and cryptos with the hard way today, as I found the Bull Flag pattern in a book just last night and bet some money on it.

After that, I have been putting more money in as both XBT and ETH move down, but the trend doesn't seem to stop yet, and I am almost out of funds just now, when things are getting interesting. Which prompts me to ask you the following: how do you allot the money in a downward trend that, after a while, seems to be long, like this one, so as to try not to use all your money in the early supports? In other words, when the first support is broken, do you put 25% of your money there, in case that another support is broken later on? And if that happens, do you put then another 25%? And if there were 4 supports broken and the trend still threatens to go down to very attractive levels, would you just bring more money into the exchange, or just sit on the sidelines with empty pockets?

Sorry for the long questions. And thanks again for your videos.


Thanks for the question, but you should go watch some of my other videos to really understand my method.. It would be too much to explain it all here in an answer for you.. But im glad you found my blog and I hope you take the time to watch my videos.

I'm curious about whether Luc does this in actual percentages too, seems he's more like an instinct trader. Sometimes it's counter intuitive for a basic stock trader like me (where calculating position size based on % of risk to capital etc is the norm). I know Luc has mentioned that he frequently takes a 'nibble' near the crack, and then takes larger and larger positions along the downtrend.

Market scanner is going to be interesting for sure

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