Its hard to keep up with all these awesome trades

in #trading7 years ago (edited)

There were so many trades yesterday,

and I was up till 2am, trying to keep up with all the charts. But im human and fell asleep, so I missed alot of great entries and exits.. Im going to go over the trades that I completed, and im still in a bunch waiting for the bounce.

Let's start with ETH ofcourse:

on Bittrex there was a small base around 228 so I bought a nibble at 211 and 208 on that first dip.. but only got a bounce to 220, so I didnt sell .. this was the first indication that we might crack the 200 major base. And we did and I was jonezing for those sub 200s so I bought a little 195s.. Then we got a quick pop back to 211 so I sold, because the pop was quick and likely we will get some more downside. Sometimes where you get a crack of a major base, if there is no sudden panic drop, you will get a reaction pop.. Then as I slept last night I got some 175s which i sold this morning at 200 base again.. Now we have a clear new base at 170ish :) oh im ready for that drop if it happens and if not, well i created a few new ETH with those profits...


You can see i got nice trades on two of those base cracks/panic dives.. but i missed the last one


a drop to 75s and sold at 90s then a drop to 65s and sold at 76s because i was sleeping when it shot up all the way back to the original base


I missed the first trade, so I really wanted the second one. I got the .00022s but it went all the way down to .00009s as i slept last night.. oh my gosh.. then I sold at the base this morning at .000295s .. was still a beautiful high percentage trade.. but if i wasnt sleeping it could have been a 150% winner


Awesome chart... got the .00022s and didnt sell all in that pop to the base so I didnt get a red sell arrow on my chart (with Coinigy you have to sell your entire order or they dont mark the chart) anyway i sold a little near the base. Then we get the next panic to .00016 and I was able to sell some .000196s.. but im still in the trade, and made a bunch of free coins


The fisrt trade was not so hot.. I missed the pop to the base and was stuck selling it for a tiny profit, then the next trade was awesome.. I got .00032s and sold at .0004350s


not much to explain here :) great trade


Look at all those trades I missed .. Gah.. atleast I really milked the last one

Missed trades


atleast i took the first trade on here but missed the second one..

If I get a chance today, im going to do a quick video and discuss these trades and the trades Im still in and waiting for a bounce.. I hope these charts help everyone to see how much opportunity there is in crypto trading, especially with my style..
Sorry I don't post more, but I've got so many trades going here and in the stockmarket. It get's a little nuts.



Nice job:)
Do you mind if we upload your deleted videos on Youtube and link them in the comments of the associated Steemit articles? I you have the time I can also send you a Google Drive link of them and you can upload them to your new channel and then edit the older Steemit articles so that videos are visible there.

Oh, wow you saved them?? I thought they were lost forever.. That would be awesome.. please send me the link to : and I will add them to the new YouTube Channel

Oh this is awesome news! I've been following your new videos, and so very wished I could've binge watched your old videos too, so this is what I was hoping for!!! I'm sure I'm not alone in this feeling.

You're not alone!

I'm anxious to see the older videos too... Learned a lot from luc... He's a genuinely sharing his knowledge here and helping out small fries like us trying to earn some profit in the crypto world..

Yes!!! :D Great!

Are they viewable yet?

Hi Luc, just a suggestion... Could you create a telegram channel and just update any good trades that you noticed? I know you are a busy man but I'm sure a lot of small fries (like me ) are quite fearful of the market especially during now.. Would be great if we can get notified in the loop..

It would be help a lot of people out.. Here's how you can create a telegram channel..

Thanks and I hope this happens.. (beg beg beg)

No channel is different then group... we can't talk back or comment so luc won't be wasting his time answering silly questions... It's just a one way broadcast like twitter..

Thanks a lot andreaskrieger. I'd love to see these videos if Luc or you uploads them.

If you have a link to the google drive you are using if you have them there, that would be appreciated also.

It feels like Christmas!!!

Awesome, great Job!! I would love to watch the information I thought being lost..

Hi @andreaskrieger, I know you must be getting this request a LOT, and I'm not sure you'll read this, but if it's not too much trouble, would it be okay to also ask for a link to the Google Drive with the old videos? If it's okay, you can send me the link at


Hi, any chance you could share the Google Drive link to ? Thanks

Very difficult time for great trades during bear market. Good luck.

So you are saying this is the beginning of a bear market? Not just a quick correction and we break to new highs?

I hope it's a price correction. but, the market is bloody red and 95% top 100 coins are down double digits for the second days.

Yup, thats the market, it is always very unpredictable.. thats why you always have to keep some money aside, dont spend all you bullets at once.. because there might be a huge dip in ETH or something yet, huge opportunities here.. Im still nibbling at those $180s ETH/USDT

Posting something that made my info gathering quicker -

If ya'll like Luc's posts as much as I suspect you do, and don't want to miss anything, you can bring in his RSS feed to your browser, outlook, or reader of choice. The link to the feed is below.

Hi everybody!
To show gratitude, let's upvote all Luc's comments in all of his posts!
Takes only a couple of minutes and it's the least we can do, don't you think?
Go and check quickfingersluc comments now and vote! ;)

Wow, your very kind.. As my subscribers grow, I will have more and more of a hard time keeping up with questions and giving everyone personal attention. Its a catch 22, but I do appreciate everyones feedback and votes, and I try to read every reply.. Thanks :)

Luc, as I suggested before, don't lose your time answering any question that already were answered in the articles posted here or in your Youtube videos. I suggest that you hide the comment's section in Youtube and post the link to the article in Steemit in the video descriptions. You could also post here your thoughts on possible good future entries.

Luc ! You are the best teacher.. please consider starting a telegram channel for all your loyal subscribers...

It's a one way broadcasting way so it won't take more of your time... We just want to be in your loop..
Thank you so much luc..

Thanks for the suggestion.. I will have to research how that is done.. Im really just a trader, bearly even go in chatrooms.. But ill consider it..

Thanks for noticing my comment luc.. I've had a few successful trades based on your videos help but I'm still not too good on exiting... Just holding... And because I got scammed recently through pump and dump groups so I'm not too good at spotting good alt coins...

Download telegram.. and create a channel... It's a one way communication way "something like twitter" so you won't be bothered with pesky questions while you are busy trading..

Thanks a million luc... I'm very grateful for your videos.. You are helping a lot of people here..

Could you post your steemit wallet address? Or tell us how to donate some steemit to you? I'd love to donate some coins (not that you need any) to you since you are my favourite author...

Good morning, Thanks for letting me know your appreciating/benefiting from my Blog.. Im glad to help and answer questions, but I dont want to ask for donations by posting a wallet.. I love trading and make great money doing it, so Im just happy to give back by helping others. Ofcourse I appreciate upvotes, because that will make me more visible to others and grows our comunity...

If you just ctrl+f "quickfingers" you can upvote all comments really quickly

This is beautiful! So anxious to get trading, (need my updated ID since I recently moved and need to verify residence and the DMV takes 10 biz day to send it ugh).

So in the meantime I have been tracking charts with alerts like crazy and writing "paper" trades just to kind of get a feel for where I would have bought and sold......

Anyway most of my paper trades I'm still waiting for the bounce as I put these through early in the day yesterday, I'm not worried about whether the bounce will come for them but learned the valuable lesson already of kind of waiting a bit when these big panics seem to be happening and to layer in better. I know these are fake trades but I did set myself a budget to go by to make it as authentic as possible for now.

I set some alerts to places where I would of spent the remaining budget I had on some of these charts, and lol man the price dropped on a few of these to like right above where my alert was set and where theoretically I would of had an order ready. Had I had the order there would of woken up to the price being back up and would of made some decent profit...oh well second lesson learned to use more alerts, especially when close to a price you really want to buy in.

Quick question and I think you've answered this with looking at the comments you have for the above trades, but can you set an order and then have it set to sell at a higher price, so in situations where you get a sweet crack to a price you want when you're sleeping and get the order that you can also sell if it spikes too while your asleep. I gather thats not possible but figured I would ask anyway, if it was I'm sure you wouldn't be up all night.

With following you just this past week my knowledge about this has skyrocketed and along with it my confidence to actually do it as its all starting to somewhat come together and if following your strategy would be hard to lose money, as there always seems to be a bounce, seems to just be a matter of time.

Again thanks for all of this!

I think your asking about an "what if" order or a special instruction order.. I only have seen a few brokers in the stock market with those functions.. But not anything like that in Cryptos yet.. But basically you would write an order in ninja trader, that follows a script, and if your buy order fills durring the night the platform would automatically write a sell at your set higher price.. .. but we dont have that.. all we can do is make sure we get an alert when we buy and then get up and write in a sell order.. I had 59 orders execute yesterday and last night.. wow im busy when the market pulls back

Thanks for the response. It will be nice if one day we have a function set up like that. Until then we burn the midnight oil lol.

I believe I can script ANYTHING in NinjaTrader. It's been my preferred platform for years to view and create my own little custom scripts.

Eventually, I'd love to be able to trade cryptos in NInja!

I used ninja trader for a few weeks when I was trading some futures.. Bu that was 4years ago.. i just remember that I loved the dome

Hi Luc,

I also bought AMP when the base cracked yesterday but it didn't get back to the base and went further down, so I could not trade on anything else as I wanted to hold instead of selling it for loss.

For today, here are some of the bases I have drawn so far, it would be great if you could give me some feedback on these and also let us know what are you keeping an eye on as of now! Thanks a lot!!


Screen Shot 2017-07-11 at 2.07.02 PM.png


Screen Shot 2017-07-11 at 2.12.40 PM.png


Screen Shot 2017-07-11 at 2.04.56 PM.png

I like your Bases.. they look good, but your timeframe is a little short.. you have to expand your view to 1-2 months of data so you really get a feel for how safe your trades would be.. Does every base crack get a bounce? In a two month period? thats the questions you ask yourself in your mind before you think of trading it.. so you know your odds..

STRAT for an example has had one base crack that has not bounce back.. only one crack that I can find in all of them, so that make me trade smaller with STRAT for a little while..
But AMP has had two that I can find, and that starts to worry me.. so if we dont get a huge bounce over the next few days, to fix that whole chart, then I will have to scale back on my AMP trades to super small trades only..

Screen Shot 2017-07-11 at 5.05.37 PM (2).png

Hey Luc is this an example of one of those AMP bases that cracked with no bounce?

exactly... where are the buyers? if you dont get a strong bounce then you have to trade very small on the next crack or maybe not at all.. you need to look at 2months of chart action to know your odds of success on each of these coins.. and AMP is pretty weak here, since it isnt following the rules.. no aggressive buyers looking to scoop it up.. im gonna stay small, all my buys on it will be small until the chart gets good again

Thanks for the feedback and tip!

This comment really makes me realize how little I know about "reading a chart" in order to capatilize on a base. I really hope you make a video primer on that!

He has a 40 minute vide on his YouTube channel on the topic. It's called Support and Resistance.

Hi Luc! Thanks for all that you share. I have a question again.
Cryptocurrency: AMP
Bought at: 0.00012 @ 07/07 with intention to sell at 0.000145

However, AMP dropped again and I didn't buy. Now that the new base is 0.00010, do i need to sell there and take a loss, or can I be confident it will reach back up to the first base but take some time? See coinigy pic below.

Thanks again Luck

AMP got killed on this dive.. wow.. ok so you see the geen arrows are my buys.. and i havnt sold anything yet... except that first quick trade at the top.. Now the x x x s are gaps in the chart where the price didnt return to its base.. thats very rare, but it signifies a huge bounce coming.. thats why i didnt sell and kept buying.. but I am not in big, and this drop is due to the market as a whole droping, so im not too worried.. I wish i could give you more info, but i cant predict the future, i can only tell you what im doing,.. if you are feeling nervous, then you can sell at break even or for a small loss when you see a bounce, and just make it up on the next trade..

Thanks again Luc! You inspire confidence

Shit! I just checked AMP today and saw that it didn't go according to plan :/
What did u do with the position? Did you get out with a loss or you are still stuck with them?

And my question is, do you think trading the big coins this kind of situation is less likely to happen? I mean if at the beggining I stick to the big market caps coins, and stay with your system, I have even less risk for something like AMP to happen, right?

Forgive for my ignorance if it sounds stupid to you.

Oh, I traded out of AMP a long time ago.. There was only one spot that it surprised me with less of a bounce than expected.. But every panic drop since has been great trading.. Anyway it has been a while since I traded it, but I will likely trade it again ..

And does your system work better the bigger the coin and community behind is?


Your technique also worked brilliantly for me on LBC in this last spell of volatility: ) I got in little under base 1, and somewhat bigger under base 2. If I had also set alerts as you recommend, my profit margin would have been bigger and luck would have had less to do with it ... but I'm still pretty happy about the trade!

Hey, thanks for the chart in you comment. Looks like you made 30% on some of that trade.. very nice.. Im still in LBC for a bounce to .00018.. thats my plan after a huge selloff.. but your trade is excellent and good profits :)

.00018 would be phenomenal. My usual trading style is to aim for a 0.5% to 1% profit after exchange fees, and make five to ten trades like this a day. I like your method way better, but still have a lot to learn about being patient and working in more reasonable time-frames.

The time you take to bring us all into the fold is staggering, and i for one, am very appreciative of selflessness. Thanks Luc. I made my only 3 trades yesterday using your 'method', but all 3 were successful. Small money, but money nonetheless. Thank You ~

Your Welcome.. Thanks for letting me know your finding my info helpful

Seriously, I can't even tell you how absolutely clear, well spoken, and educational you are. I've seen quite a few videos in my days where I get completely lost at some point. You have a great talent not only in your profession, but in teaching. Thank you for creating this blog and your videos. They can be implemented in so many aspects. What a great piece of work you have put together. Very grateful.


Well thanks for the compliments.. I've been doing this trading thing for so long, its all pretty simple to me.. but I do find most dont get it.. I have often trained others, over the years and sometimes even in my office... and they would do great for a while when there with me, or if im feeding them trades, but on there own, they have all started losing money.. Making mistakes and getting impatient, not waiting for the clear easy opportunities.. Thats why i try to make my videos very simple and really try to give traders my mindset.

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