The Only Way Does Not Exist

in #travel7 years ago (edited)


You have your way. I have my way. As for the right way, the correct way, and the only way, it does not exist.
― Friedrich Nietzsche

We tend to be dogmatic with our views as we go on our personal journeys. We seek out other people's approval to give us some confirmation because it can't be that we are alone in this world right? Humans have this primal instinct, which is to be part of a tribe.

By traveling, I have learned that there are indeed many ways in life. I traveled in many parts of the world to get different perspectives and to know what works in other lives of people from different backgrounds. I get to experience first-hand all those uncomfortable situations and I live by whatever I learned from my experience. I don't easily fall into these self-proclaimed gurus, motivational speakers and other ordinary people, especially here on the internet, where most are people I don't really know personally. Unless their beliefs are backed by their own extraordinary experiences, their opinions are cheap.

Apparently, these self-proclaimed healers and motivational speakers who write up to their labels are also nothing but humans. They go out preaching their ways and demanding people to accept it so they can be part of the tribe. How else will these people validate their ways are right if they don't find people who will agree with them? This I believe is some new form of religion these days.

I am writing this because I can't remember how many times some self-proclaimed spiritual guru, motivational speaker, or whatever person come to my post to preach their own gospel because what I write do not align with their beliefs. It happened since I came to this community, but where are they now? They left because probably, their written beliefs didn't earn them enough money. You see, for me to accept differing opinions and other ways in life, I have to know you personally, you have a proven track record or should I say life experience. I am dogmatic in my ways but only up to a certain point. I've met people during my traveling days - truck drivers, families, farm workers...they are not these gurus but their lives changed the way I think now. Most of the time I learned from ordinary people who do not have to blog about their beliefs and put labels on themselves. Their lives are enough for me to believe in them.

Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation.
― Oscar Wilde

Simply researching about stuff, reading books and writing about it will not be enough for me to accept your way. If it is true to you, then by all means - go. I write whatever is true to me based on my own life experience. It is not enough to just read and preach about spirituality, anarchism, minimalism, freedom, individualism if you are not living up to these, because as we all know - talk is cheap. So be careful in believing these so-called principled people who try to look high by labeling themselves, looking down on other people's beliefs, writing glorious essays and trolling other people on various social media platforms including Steemit to prove they are right.

Tell the world what you intend to do but first show it. ― Napoleon Hill

What have you done to earn the titles you put on your profile?

Anarchist - Did you even break any rules in your life? Are you still paying taxes? Are you still slave to your system?
Minimalist - Are you still living an excessive lifestyle?
Healer - Are you yourself healed?
Motivational speaker - What have you done to actually motivate people?

You are not the one to put these labels on yourself. Even the famous artists in the past did not feel comfortable labeling themselves as artists because it was not up to them to do that.

Are we really living our lives or are just typing away, trolling and preaching our ways? Good deeds not words count.

Labels are just one way to be part of a collective because it is human instinct to not feel left alone in this world. But labels limit ourselves and we tend to be militant with our views. Labels also enslave us because if we don't live up to these, then we are subject to mockery and ridicule. Criticism is our fear so we will try our best to live according to these labels we put on ourselves, otherwise - our fragile little egos get hurt. We lost our freedom to be whoever we want to be.

I found my own freedom by simply being nothing.

To each his own.

I know that there some people out there who are fans of leaving negative comments masked as positive - also known as the subtle trolls. You see, age does not mean anything to me. If you are older or younger, I will accept your view if you have a life to prove to me. I treat everyone the same - farmers, truck drivers, spiritual gurus, politicians, garbage man. Most of the time, I learn from those are living up to what they preach and have extraordinary life experiences.

Here I write about my own ways as I've learned from my years of travel experiences. You can read all my life stories since the beginning, and those contained experiences that validated the wisdom of the already well-known gurus, authors, and philosophers. If you don't agree with it then it is not my problem. The upvote is here because it means you understand what I am saying, not for you to preach me something, and I won't easily buy it simply because - I don't know you. I'm not too desperate for a few cents of your upvote. Internet opinions are cheap, we cower behind the computer and those who believe are coward themselves too. Go outside, unplug and travel the world, get some radical life experiences instead of believing other people you haven't even met. There is one way to preach our own ways - write our life experiences.

In this day and age, I prefer positive people in my life. It does not mean I am closing my mind to other views, like I said before, I choose carefully whose opinion matters. If I don't know you personally and you have no life experiences to prove, in other words, you are nothing but the labels you put on your profile, then I'm sorry you are not going to affect my decisions and my views in any way.

I will continue to travel and meet people personally who will truly give me some light. I will write about the world as I see it and whatever is true to me. You are free to do the same.

Your assumptions are your windows on the world. Scrub them off every once in a while, or the light won't come in.
― Isaac Asimov


I really hate labels. I think the labels are what make people feel like they can't do something that they absolutely could if they just put their minds and effort into it.

People use labels to put others down and to make others feel like they don't belong or are "less than". So many infomercials start out with "do you want to look like (insert what you don't look like, but have been told that you should look like, here)", then they try to sell you that thing you think you're supposed to want. It's all just a gimmick!

Be you, and be proud to be you! You are capable of whatever you limit yourself to be capable of :)

Yeah, and people believe.

Labels/ titles everywhere in this community too.

Minnow, whale, witness :)

Ohhh yes, let's not forget those. 😊

What have you done to earn the titles you put on your profile?

Yes! Thank you.

I am writing this because I can't remember how many times some self-proclaimed spiritual guru, motivational speaker, or whatever person come to my post to preach their own gospel because what I write do not align with their beliefs.

People think they need to proselytize when really all they need to do is live their own lives as proof of their own personal values and beliefs. It's frustrating when they are clearly not happy or benefiting from such ideas or haven't truly lived them, like you mentioned in earning the titles they put on their profile. What does going on to someone's profile and disagreeing with them in a "holier-than-thou" attitude really do for anyone? But it certainly is easier than living the life that they preach.

But it certainly is easier than living the life that they preach.

This is so true. It is easier to put all those titles, research, write, argue and recycle the words of the already well-known authors, gurus, and philosophers. Worse, they will claim the wisdom their own.

They won't even have to come to our posts and beg us to check out their own posts because if they really write how they live up to their own personal values and beliefs, and have confidence in it, chances are, we will find them.

Truth always finds a way in the most inopportune Know , you see, you discover, watch , wait , listen, Truth will find the way....the true way InDeeD

Beautiful Post
Thank you kindly
P.S in the ;aye (0s i would Rollerblade behind trucks and cars at High speeds , as well in early 80s as a Kid Bumpershine Buses and cars In the Snow just in boots at like 50 KM
...pretty Cool Pic Great Post

Rollerblades are cool too.

Thanks for your comment. 😊

Excellent post!

Anarchist - Did you even break any rules in your life? Are you still paying taxes? Are you still slave to your system?

This one made me laugh.

I posted something similar, a while back, asking the same question in an anarchy comment, and pointing out their hypocrisy of spouting off, if they are paying taxes as they type.

I didn't get many upvotes !

(I'm typing this looking down from my morally superior position of actually living the anarchy lifestyle - without any ideological intention to ever do so, I might add)

You know, these self-proclaimed Anarchist/essayists here in this community are nothing compared to you who is actually living what they preach lol

PS. I've been traveling and living free for 4 years, not paying taxes, not following the rules of the gov, etc., I am not sure if I qualify for the Anarchist title or a criminal lol

lol - you can't be one without the other!

'tis a burden we have to carry...

Ok, apparently, we don't seem to mind this burden now.

It's quite paradoxical really- this burden makes you feel lighter.....

There is an 'only way' that you have neglected.

'The only way' that you can be you is the way that you have done it, and the way that you will do it.

You may not like the choices that you have made, or will make, but it is the perfect you that will/have do/ne them.

If you can be objective about yourself you are doing better at exteriorizing than most.

If you have reading time I have a book to recommend, it has turned me from thinking being an ass was cool to less jerky than most, but it took a few years to grok fully.
I hope it can give you the peace it has given me.

I can't link it directly, and I don't know if you care to know.

If you make a account we can do it somewhere other than the blockchain,...

Is this the book? The link here....

I am interested to read the book.

Ok, you still should make a account just for the secure chat, imo.

This link:

You want the second one, Volumes Tech and OEC.
In there look for Science of Survival.
It is the second book to Dianetics, but it is more polished and less technical.
Inside is a chart that once you learn it, you will be able to predict people really, really well.

If you actually read it, please discuss it with me, as you would be the first to have actually done it on my recommendation.

I haven't found an auditor, and the organization is corrupt anyway, so I have to find a self learner to work with in order to in/validate the claims.

I do know that I am much nicer to be around now that I have had time to adopt some of the tools it presents.

I am not sure about the, I will check.

I will try to read it on my computer, or phone. I hope there's a hard copy of it somewhere. Then I will let you know what I think.

Based on this comment, now I am more convinced to read it.

I just want to talk to you privately rather than on the blockchain, and minds has secure chat.
They are open source if you want to verify their security.
Unless you want emails from them you don't need to give one up, or give a fake one, they don't care.

Based on this comment, now I am more convinced to read it.

Were I to steer you wrong I would suffer repercussions, my god doesn't blink,...

Ok, I will let you know... A lot of things to do in the society today.

Indeed there is,...

I still need to find someone that does not preach all about positivity lol because for me that doesn't work. Unfortunately i have my way as you said... just not a lot of other people understand or relate to it lol that's what I get for having my oen weird way lol

Yeah, these so-called motivational, philosophical and spiritual bloggers are usually nothing but words. Instead of spamming our posts with their cheap opinions begging for attention and approval, why not write their own stories of how they live what they preach.

Totally agree. I prefer when people are more personal. I am over all that online guru that are really wealthy and keep preching and getting other people delusional

I could have chosen a couple of records to play while reading this lovely piece (Ian Brown F.E.A.R most recent to mind) but I'll go for this one from one of my fave bands as a teenager.

Listening. Thanks for sharing. 😊


i fall in love with your steem persona hahaha <3

I don't think you are nothing. I think you have a very mature viewpoint towards those who over-glorify themselves. You continuously seek knowledge and don't preach! I can always appreciate a person who is willing to learn more.

If ever I post something you don't agree with, I hope you are still in love with me, or my Steemit persona hahaha. 😊

I can't wait to see your travels in Vietnam, I hope you go to Nha Trang! 😊

I feel the heavy weight and pain of existence today, diabolika....
So, today I will force a smile and wave:)

Thanks for the smile. 😊

This post has received a 0.52 % upvote from @drotto thanks to: @banjo.

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