#31- Another Local Fruits in Malaysia. Try it

in #travel7 years ago

Here are some Malaysian local fruits :)

Bell fruits ( water apple )


  • The bell fruit is produced in a variety of colors ranging from white to off white, cream colored to greenish white, and pink to red. Externally the fruit has a glossy, smooth and waxy skin and is pear or bell shaped. the skin is thin and the flesh white and spongy with a faintly aromatic taste. The water apple is eaten raw and also used in a variety of dishes, desserts, salads and made into a pickle as well. The fruit pulp is a rich source of phenols, flavonoids and several antioxidant compounds. Bell fruits have been used in traditional medicine for many disease conditions. It has antimicrobial, antiscorbutic, carminative, diuretic or astringent properties.



  • Jackfruit comes from mulberry family. It has thorny projections outside and soft flesh inside which is intensely sweet and delicious in taste. Jackfruit’s flesh is very high in fiber content. The taste and texture make it a great fruit for jams, candies, cakes and other sweet preparations. Jackfruit is rich in vitamins and minerals. Jackfruit contains a high amount of carbohydrate and calorie that provides energy instantly. It is rich in antioxidants that protect from cancer, aging and degenerative disease



  • Langsat, Flesh was covered by yellowish leathery skin. There are 5 or 6 segments of fragrant translucent, juicy flesh. The flesh taste with the sweet sour flavor although the ripe langsat is sweeter. In each segment ,you can found the extremely bitter of green seed. How to find the sweeter langsat fruit? The smaller darker langsat is the sweeter then larger fruit. Langsat fruit consist of limonoids which contain a cancer fighting element and protect our lung .The leaves of langsat used to cure the inflammation of eye.



  • In Malaysia, guava called Jambu Batu. It is native to Mexico. Due to demand, guavas now cultivated at tropical and subtropical area. The fruit shaped is round or ovary depend to species with long from 3 to 14cm. The leathery skin usually change from green to yellow when ripe. Guava fruit generally have a pronounced and typical fragrance,. Guava flesh may sweet or sour. The flesh colour from white to deep pink with depend on species. The health benefits of guava include treatment of dysentery, weight loss, diarrhea diabetic, skin care, high blood pressure and eye care.

Tarap- Fruit of Borneo


-The strong aroma of Tarap probably reminds you of Durian. The scent is mainly from its skin. Actually the taste of its flesh more resembles to Jackfruit, even some anti-Durian people find it acceptable. The fruit is about the size of a rugby, and its skin is covered with soft and blunt spines. The spines doesn’t prick at all. I held it in my hands and it felt like touching a head of soldier with buzz cut hairstyle.When ripe, the rind of Tarap will turn soft and quite easy to be torn open by hands to reveal its juicy flesh. The flesh of Tarap is sweet, soft and creamy.



lovely looking fruit ... going to have to try some of that :)

Bell fruits and Jackfruits is very nice .. you should try it someday :)