Leaving Latvia! Republic of Estonia! STEEMLOG #12steemCreated with Sketch.

in #travel7 years ago

A symbolic photo at the Border plate.

ainazi Latvia Estonia border .png

In 5 days I’ve managed to pedal 400 km. Well, now I am ready to face up those 2600 km ahead with new power and courage. As far as you can recall, I’ve experienced a huge variety of adventures. I’ve described all of them in my travel blog. Hopefully, no doubt - the best adventures are still waiting to face up.

A good friend of mine, @astule, has given me a piece of advice. She has offered me to give useful suggestions to everybody who is going to start their trips the same as to continue on writing my blog. What a marvelous idea! Let’s check, what I have already learnt out:

• Never be mean on sunscreen to protect your body from the Sun!
• Avoid industrial city areas!
• The water in Europe is perfect quality. Use the tap water without any fair. Be aware – your body is in need of water!
• Select your night stay location very carefully. It’s better to choose the bushy place somewhere out of site instead of the camping with aggressive boozers.
• Your calories burn in the speed of light. Eat as many products like nuts that contain much carbohydrates and good fat. Your muscles would be grateful to you for proteins and tablets of amino acids. It will protect you from muscles’ atrophy.

I’ll do my best to give you as much useful pieces of advice as possible in my further notes while disusing exact situations. Feel free to give me any questions and share my writings with your friends who are in love with cycling!

So long, my friends! Ciao!

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