🇬🇧🚗 英國深度環島遊菜單 An overview of my Round the Isle UK trip 🇬🇧🚗

in #travel7 years ago


Last year before I left UK, I went on a Round the Isle UK trip, exploring many places that I always said I wanted go. Now that I was leaving UK for an undetermined period of time, this was a now or never adventure, and became my good bye trip to UK.

在去年三月初跟三月底,我在蠻久以前已安排了活動不能改。在這兩個日子之間有二十天,剛好可以去環島遊,從南到北的蘇格蘭再回倫敦。 這個帖子是我整個環島遊的摘要,簡單介紹我的旅程,去過甚麼地點,和其中的最愛。之後的帖子會陸續帶大家去深度旅遊。

I had two prior commitments at the beginning and end of March last year, with 20 days in between, so that was enough time for me to travel comfortably up to Scotland and back again. This post is an overview of my entire trip to give you a taster of where I went, and I will share the details of each location with you in subsequent posts.

我從倫敦出發,第一站到 Lichfield (地圖底部 B點)。 Lichfield 是一個充滿悠久歷史的英國城市,以前出過好幾位著名學者,我將來在帖子中將會跟大家一一介紹。之後我到曼徹斯特(C點),三月初安排了的節目就在這裡,欣賞愛黛兒的演唱會

I started off from London, and my first stop was Lichfield (point B near the bottom of the map). This is a historical English town and home to quite a few famous scholars in the old days. Next I went up to Manchester (point C). My prior commitment at the beginning of March was to see Adele in concert here.


下一站是約克郡谷地(D 點),我在這裡待了兩天。這是個山谷,沒網路,手機完全收不到訊號,與外界隔絕遠離煩囂幾天很爽。二十晚旅程中,我最喜歡這裡的住宿安排。

My next stop is the Yorkshire Dales (point D), and I spent two days here in the middle of the nowhere living off the grid, my perfect way to spend a few days away from modern life. The accommodation here is my favourite out of all the places I stayed during my trip.



Carlisle (E 點) 是離開英格蘭之前的一個較大的城鎮。我在這裡住了一夜才繼續往北走進入蘇格蘭。蘇格蘭的第一站是史得靈(F 點),然後是西部一個海岸小鎮 Oban (G 點)。我在這裡品嚐一頓十分美味的海鮮餐。自駕遊最大的樂趣是可以走一些旅行團不會去的地方。Glencoe (H 點) 附近的 Glen Etive 山谷地區是我去過最迷人的景點。

Carlisle (point E) is one of the largest town in England before crossing the border to Scotland. I stayed here for a night before starting my adventure in Scotland. My first night in Scotland was at Stirling (point F), then I went to Oban (point G), a lovely port town in Scotland. I had one of my best seafood meal here. After Oban I went to Glencoe (point H), and drove to Glen Etive which is the most serene and stunning route I've ever driven.


哈利波特粉絲應該不會對霍格華茲鐵路陌生,它位於威廉堡 (H 點) 跟 Mallaig (I 點) 之間。我在之後的帖子會介紹這座宏偉的高架橋,和我在這兩個地點去了哪些地方。

Harry Potter fans will be familiar with the famous Hogwarts Railway Viaduct. This is located between Fort William (point H) and Mallaig (point I). I will talk more about this beautiful structure and what I did in these two towns in my post.

從 Mallaig (I點) 我坐渡輪去天空島(地圖上方 A點),這是我來蘇格蘭的主要原因。我在天空島待了三天,但還是覺得時間太短,因為天空島實在太多景點要去。我發文時你就會明白我為甚麼這樣說。

From Mallaig (point I) I caught the ferry across to the Isle of Skye (point A at the top of the map), this is the main reason that I came to Scotland. I spent three whole days here as it is a beautiful island and personally I think 3 days isn't long enough. You will see what I mean when you read my post about the Isle of Skye.


天空島後,我回到蘇格蘭本島Fort Augustus (B 點),這是著名的尼斯湖怪獸之鄉。從這裡開始威士忌之旅,經過 Inverness (C點)和Pitlochory (D點) ,走訪了好幾家威士忌釀酒廠。喜歡威士忌的朋友要留意這個帖子噢!蘇格蘭最後一站是首都愛丁堡 (E 點)。

After leaving the Isle of Skye, I went to Fort Augustus (point B) which is near the famous Loch Ness, and then onwards to Inverness (point C) and Pitlochory (point D) where we visited many whisky distilleries and shops. My final stop in Scotland was Edinburgh (point E). Whisky lovers should watch out for this post!



After leaving Scotland, I headed to the Hadrian's Wall (point G in the middle of the map) which dates back to the Roman times. Here I stayed at a B&B in the middle of nowhere again.

我繼續往南走,在約克城 (H點)住了一夜,最後在月底到達牛津(I點)參加我一早已安排好的約會。說一早,其實是一年前噢!一年前我訂了當地一家米芝蓮二星餐廳晚膳,用餐時間終於到了。

From here I headed down south, staying at York (point H) for one evening before finally arriving at Oxford (point I) for my prior commitment at the end of the month. Here I was going to have dinner at a two star Michelin pub called The Hand and Flowers at a town called Marlow, a reservation that I had made a whole year ago!



I hope you like the sound of my Round the Isle UK trip so far and will follow me to read the details of the rest of my journey. If you like England and Scotland, I can pretty much guarantee you won't be disappointed with my forthcoming posts.

Check out all my travel posts here or visit Steemit World Map
!steemitworldmap 51.7080228 lat -0.3911889 long D3SCR




One of my dream place! Great sharing! Followed and resteem :)

Thanks, keep a lookout for the rest of my series

Great stories and pictures, the more you talk about life in the UK makes me want to add it to my travel list. At least now I have lots of places to visit recorded.

I'll make sure I add a lot more places to your list

想念isle of skye,去了都想從此隱居在蘇格蘭




Wow you have had a long journey around the UK. Did you go to the Peak District as that's where I live?:)

Not this time, but I did go a few years ago for a long weekend. Another lovely area.

Totally agree with you! I love living here in the Peak District :)

Great post and good photos! Are you on chat or discord?

Yes, I'm on discord, same name #6787

太~ 爽~ 了~~~ 好想這樣做啊!!! XD


喔~~ 台灣人一定要做的事情之一 : 騎車環島!!

哇 一個人環島 d=====( ̄▽ ̄*)b厲害 ~~ 住的地方也很特別 ~
