Birthday celebration by connecting to air, water, fire, earth. What I and you can learn

in #travel7 years ago

How many of you would make a trip to volcanic island to reconnect with self for a birthday retreat? Water, Fire, Earth, Wind (Air) are called four energies or elements of the Universe and are connected to our personality.

To rejuvenate the body, the spirit and the mind I took the journey to celebrate my birthday in the island. This process did not happen in the spa or wellness center, rather naturally. Sleeping and floating on a boat, hitting a road on a scooter (even having a ride the second time in life) between ocean and volcanic rocks, getting along with the wind, walking and getting sun burn. I called it connecting.
Happiness comes from inside, is a simple flow state we are awarded since birth when no need to prove self and be on your own life page.

Believe it or try out there are lots of ways to innerself however only one entrance lays thought earth, fire, air (wind), water elements. Even its not up to us to decide when we are ready to inner peace, its up to Nature to invite us. Yes, invitation to reconnect. As often we miss opportunities to be in touch with others and self, and when we do so, without feeling it, we sink more for looking to happiness. The truth is, we are happiness by every second, by every moment. We are the energy as we consist of dozens of molecules that are interconnected and spread the vibe. We may notice hearing or saying "I feel a good vibe here", or "(s)he has a good vibe". This sound is about connectedness either to other person or with self from fire, earth, air or water energy. Once felt it, instead knowing, we are there. Feeling comes from the heart, the "brain" of the Universe, when verification happens in mind it gives certainty. The change appears under uncertainty when we let go, let flow. Sounds crazy, but might be we been there already, without noticing how our innerhapiness came from the heart. It was a moment of bliss.

Therefore Few ideas how to get connected to self, as this is a process. Once started it continuous. Every person has a seed of the element for fire, water, earth, wind, therefore it can be nurtured and strengthen if one needs.

A Fire person* is intuitive in a creative way – fast and full of ideas – a contrast to stability, and constantly re-evaluates and reconstructs in an effort to obtain great results. A Fire person gives hope to his or her surroundings and maintains a strong combination of vitality and drive.

Connecting to Fire:
To open up to the power of Fire within self, we can
• Light a candle and see what the living flame has to show us.
• Watch a sunset and take in the brilliance of this vital element.
• Try dancing around a campfire and watch the way the fire dances with us. Let the heat of the Fire element penetrate and warm our soul.
• Competitive sports and games are also good ways to stimulate the spark of Fire in our life.

Learn to trust your intuition. Listen to a motivational tape or energize yourself with affirmations.
The red is the color of Fire.

an Earth person* is very instinctive and survival–oriented by nature, and always knows when to be careful. This person remains calm and focused in situations of crisis and keeps their promises
When we eat, exercise or save money, we are interacting with the Earth element. Stability is Earth's unique gift. Seeing, smelling, tasting and touching are functions of Earth.
Connecting to Earth:
• Put your bare feet on the ground.
• Walk, run, jump.
• Plant a garden or start a houseplant on a window sill. Roots such as potatoes, carrots, beets and turnips are known as 'grounding' foods that can increase our personal Earth energy.
• Stimulate your senses. Work with your hands. Knit, string beads, or do some pottery.
• Place stones or a dish of sea salt on your altar, or wear a hematite pendant, to represent the Earth in your spiritual workings

Green is the color of Earth.

An Air person* is a communicator, they are positive and inspiring, change quickly and are adaptable by nature. They are open-minded, tolerant, and non-judgmental and are good at making people open up to their creativity.

Whenever we seek insight, discover a new idea, change our mind, clarify a vision, develop a plan or concentrate on our breathing, we are becoming Air.
Connecting to Air (wind):
• Open your windows and clear the air around you by burning some incense or smudging your home with sage.
• Play music that inspires you.
• Go outside and feel the wind on your face.

The color of Air is yellow. So, wear or be in place where is yellowish.

A Water person* communicates well and has a well-developed emotional intuition, which helps them know when the timing is right to strike in order to reach a certain goal.

If you have ever loved, you have experienced the element of Water. Water rules the emotions and the subconscious.
Connecting to Water:
• Take a bathtub.
• Add essential oils or milk and honey to cleanse and nurture your Higher Self.
• Drink pure water to purify your body.
• Try taking a walk in the rain.
• Feeling compassion, shedding tears and giving to charity are the workings of this gentle element.
• Scrying bowls and table fountains are easy ways to get more Water into your life.
• Read poetry to get a feel for Water’s subtle, soothing properties.

The blue is a color of Water.

Each of the four elements is inherently neutral and is neither good nor bad. It is man who gives to the acting of the elements a good or bad character.

There are tests that may help you to identify your acting element the most, but experiential learning in the nature can unleash and balance. That’s why going into the field where four elements come along may bring the uncertainty to recharge your innerself, strengthen and bring the abundance.

~you are very welcome to upvote and support my fourth post within less a week~ thanks a lot.

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thank you so much @resteembot ! and @greetbot!

Thank you for this! I am a fire person. I will bookmark this for my reference and follow

you are welcome. happy that you have found something interested for yourself :)