Wonder of the world - Mount Huangshan (Original) 天下第一奇山 - 黄山的美景

in #travel8 years ago

Before the introduction of Mount Huangshan,I would like to introduce China's capital market, In the tourism sector, travel listed companies have so few,Mount Huangshan, Guilin, Zhangjiajie, Lijiang, Changbai Mountain and so on, Mount Huangshan has now become a listed company,I bought the stock in Mount Huangshan very early, and its performance is very good every year, every year to Mount Huangshan tourism population is also more and more.

Huangshan's geographical location and traffic

Mount Huangshan is located in southern Anhui Province, Huangshan City Mount Huangshan District, December 1990 was listed by UNESCO as "world cultural and natural heritage list", before 2012, the Yellow Hangxinjing high-speed high-speed, no new, from Jingdezhen to Mount Huangshan to climb the mountain to Tunxi, very difficult to walk the mountain,
The first time I drove over the Mount Huangshan feel harder than on Mount Lu, now to Mount Huangshan, the traffic is very convenient, drove from Jingdezhen to Mount Huangshan in less than 2 hours, from Hangzhou is only 2 hours drive, see the beauty of Mount Huangshan, the key is to grasp the travel weather, good weather to query Mount Huangshan scenic travel before
Mount Huangshan is a magnificent Taishan, steep Huashan, Heng Mountain clouds, Mount Lu falls, Huangshi stone can be regarded as the wonders of the world

The Ming Dynasty traveler, geographer Xu Xiake two tour of Mount Huangshan, once said: "Wu Yue Come back not to see the mountain, Mount Huangshan Come back not to see the Wu Yue" reputation, this sentence has become a local tour guide bragging words. OralI went to Mount Huangshan is to steal lazy, directly take the cable car up, to travel to China, Mount Huangshan, you have to see it, if not equipped, in fact, should walk the mountain

Come to China, you can see the scenery of Mount Huangshan, because you use the 5 yuan of the pattern on the Mount Huangshan landscape

To travel to Mount Huangshan, recommended to taste the local long haired tofu, I remember someone wrote an article on the introduction, Ann micro Shexian - Mao tofu and Squirrel Fish

At last, I want to say, welcome to Mount Huangshan, China.

黄山的地理位置和交通 -黄山位于安徽省南部黄山市黄山区境内,1990年12月被联合国教科文组织列入《世界文化与自然遗产名录》,2012年之前,在黄黄高速,杭新景高速没有修通前,从景德镇去黄山需要翻越高山至屯溪,相当难走的山路,我第一次开车翻越黄山感觉比上庐山还难,现在去黄山的交通非常方便,从景德镇开车去黄山只需2小时不到,从杭州方向也只需2小时车程,看黄山美景最为关键的是把握出行的天气,出行前要查询好黄山景区的天气
明代旅行家、地理学家徐霞客两游黄山,赞叹说:“五岳归来不看山,黄山归来不看岳”的美誉, 这句话已经成为了当地导游吹牛的口头句了. 我登黄山是偷了懒,直接就坐缆车上去,来中国旅行,黄山你们一定要亲眼看看它,如果装备不多,其实更应该步行登山.
来中国你们随处可见黄山的风景,因为你们用的人民币5元的图案就来自黄山风景 :)
来黄山旅游,推荐你们一定要去品尝当地的长毛豆腐,记得以前有人写过一篇文章介绍 叫安微歙县 - 毛豆腐 和 松鼠鱼


Wonderful mountains! I love all those pictures!





Followed you, Beautiful scenery, Thank you for share!



看黃山就知道中國山水畫其實蠻寫實的... XD 黃山的美食,另出一篇吧!

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