London - Travel with me #6 倫敦 - 跟著Susan去旅行 #6 by @susanlo

in #travel7 years ago

This article was written by @susanlo / 本文由 @susanlo 撰写提交

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Hi my Steemit friends!! I'm Susan @susanlo! How are you? Thanks @someone for publishing this blog on behalf of me to let more people know about me:) 親愛的Steemit朋友們大家好!我是Susan @susanlo哦! 感謝 @someone幫我發這篇文章,讓更多的人認識我:)

Last time I shared my travel experience in Green Park and Buckingham Palace. You can see how amazing London is!! This time, I'd like to share my experience in King's Cross. Thank you for your support❤️


1. King's Cross Station 國王十字車站


King's Cross Station is one of the BUSIEST railway stations in the WHOLE NATOIN. For me, it's special owning to its HIGH CULTURAL SIGNIFICANCE. In the 1980's, serious urban decay was found in the areas around King's Cross Station. Therefore, it became a perfect shooting location for the crime film Mona Lisa.


Apart from being mentioned in E.M. Forster's 1910 novel Howards End, the Station features in the Harry Potter series as the starting point of the Hogwarts Express:):) The brick wall barrier between platforms 9 and 10 is a secret platform used by the train, and you're right!!!!! It's the famous Platform 9¾ !!! Fans of Harry Potter, what are you waiting for!!

除了在 E.M. Forster 1910年的小說《此情可問天》中被提及,《哈利波特》系列的霍格華茲直通車就是從國王十字車站發車的:):) 9號月台與10號月台之間的磚牆就是此架列車的秘密入口。你猜對了!!!!它就是聞名的9¾月台!!哈利波特的粉絲們,還在等什麼!!

Bye! See you at Hogwarts~~ 拜拜,霍格華茲見咯~

Of course, you can buy some 'Harry Potterish' things form the shop next to the Platform. You can take a look at their website before setting out!!




Interesting Fact: King's Cross station is a square on the British Monopoly board, together with Marylebone, Fenchurch Street and Liverpool Street. Remember to buy the station next time when you step on it!! ;ppp 趣味小知識:國王十字車站在圖板遊戲「大富翁」中佔據了一格哦XD 另外3格是馬里波恩、芬喬奇街與利物浦街。下次你玩這個遊戲的時候如果踩到國王十字車站,記得要把它買下來哦!;ppp

2. St Pancras International 聖潘克拉斯國際車站


St Pancras International Station is the London terminus for Eurostar services to continental Europe. This stunning architecture is in Victorian style, and it is a Grade I listed building. It really took my breath away!!!




Few people know that the clock tower (see above photos) is a PRIVATELY OWNED PROPERTY!!!!! Wanna live in Central London and experience how lively the city is? Just check out their website and book your ticket to London tonight!! ;pp





Let's walk inside the Station. It looks as astonishing!!!! >V<




Of course, it's more than just a station. It's famous for its art. Below is a 9-metre bronze statue called the Meeting Place. It is often called the Lovers statue. It was made by the well-known sculptor Paul Day. It's usually the first thing you can see after stepping into the station:):)

當然,它不止是一個車站。它還因藝術而聞名。下面是一個9米高的銅像,名為Meeting Place (會合之地)。它經常被稱為 the Lovers(情侶之像)。它是著名的雕塑家Paul Day所創造的。當你走進聖潘克拉斯國際車站,你通常第一眼看到的就是它哦:):)


This is a 8.5ft statue of Sir John Betjeman made by Martin Jennings. Sir John Betjeman was a great poet. More importantly, he saved the Station from demolition in the 1960's. Therefore, this sculpture was made to celebrate the man and his poetry.

這是一座8.5英呎高、由Martin Jennings建成的Sir John Betjeman雕塑。 Sir John Betjeman是一名偉大的詩人。更重要的是,他曾經讓這個車站逃離了在1960年代被拆的命運。所以,這座雕像紀念了他與他的詩歌。

Hey! A UFO!! ;pp 看吶!UFO!! ;pp

As we all know, the 2012 Olympic Game was held in London. So, there used to be a huge set of Olympic Rings at St Pancras International. These Rings became one of the symbols of the Station. Unavoidably, they were removed after the 2012 closing ceremony. HOWEVER, they were individually dismantled and recycled into seating units outside the Southeastern High Speed platforms! It's a perfect way to remember the 2012 London Olympic as well as promoting environmental protection, and creativity!!!!

我們都知道,2012年奧運會是在倫敦舉行的。所以,這裏曾經有一個巨大的奧運五環,是這個車站的標誌。無可避免地,在閉幕典禮之後它們就被拆掉了。但是,每個環後來被單獨地拆下並重組,變成了Southeastern High Speed月台外的椅子!這個方法不僅紀念了2012倫敦奧運,而且推動了環保及創意,簡直是一舉三得!



3. Granger & Co.

螢幕快照 2017-07-27 下午11.18.12.png

Granger & Co. is an Australian restaurant reflecting a sunny, easy-going and generous environment. There are always a longggg queue outside the restaurant!! It's very famous for its breakfast, especially the EGGS. I didn't expect a breakfast like this (see photos below) could be tasty. HOWEVER, I was SOOO wrong. The bread was a little salty and the taste matched perfectly with its texture. The avocados were super fresh. And the egg was just excellently cooked!!

Granger & Co. 是一間澳洲餐廳。它推崇陽光, 親切及寬容。餐廳外總是有長長的隊伍!它的早餐十分出名,尤其是雞蛋。我以為像這樣的早餐(見下圖)不會好吃到哪兒去。可是,我大錯特錯!!這塊麵包有些鹹,與它的質感配合得天衣無縫。牛油果十分新鮮,一點兒也不膩。雞蛋更是無可挑剔!!




Guess what it is......It's a cup of hot chocolate!!! Tooooo artistic, huhhh?? >V<



We went there several times, and I like their Korean fired rice and curry too:):)




It's located at Stanley Building, 7 Pancras Square London N1C 4AG. If you're interested, please feel free to check out their website!!

它的地址是Stanley Building, 7 Pancras Square London N1C 4AG。如果有興趣的話,請瀏覽他們的網站哦!

The BEST things of today's adventure is that......all the 3 places I introduced are located in the SAME AREA-King's Cross!!! Actually, Google will construct a 11-STOREY HEADQUARTER at King's Cross next year!!! There'll be a swimming pool, gym, games area and a rooftop cafe, among others >V< Upon completion, King's Cross will become famous for not only it's amazing architecture, history, transportation and art, but also its commercial activities!!

今天的旅程最棒的一件事是......我以上介紹的所有景點都在同一個區域-- 國王十字哦!其實,Google將會於明年在國王十字興建一個倫敦的總部!!屆時會有泳池、健身室、遊戲區域和天台咖啡店哦>V<到時候,國王十字就不僅以它驚人的建築、歷史、交通以及藝術而聞名,還會以商業活動吸引更多的目光呢!




Please feel free to know more by reading this article :):)


It's REALLY a nice day :):):) If you visit London, don't forget to visit King's Cross!!! I guess I'd stop here:) Thanks for reading!! If you have any comments, suggestions or questions, please feel free to tell me! I'll share more about this amazing city in the future!! :):)

這真是美麗的一天:):):) 如果你來倫敦,一定不要忘記到國王十字來哦!哈哈今天就寫到這兒吧:) 謝謝你的耐心!如果有任何的意見、建議或問題,都請在留言中告訴我哦!我會分享更多關於這座美麗的城市的故事給大家的!:)

Please follow ME @susanlo! Thanks a lot for your support! ❤️

請追蹤 @susanlo!謝謝你的支持!❤️

Author @susanlo, Posted By @someone


@someone is great! Thank you for you!

Thanks for supporting me @cron!! Hahha actually I'm the author;p if you wanna see more from me, please feel free to follow me! :) Cheers ! @susanlo

Done ;-)

The world is wide.

YUP ;pp

Haha thanks very much @pastzam !! Yup London is a wonderful city with wonderful people and things:)

A wonderful post with great pictures! I love travelling myself and I read a lot of posts of other Steemies on here :-)

Thanks sooo much!! @tabealouise Haha I like travelling too!! Glad that you like my post :):) cheers 🍻

what an awesome looking adventure!!!! Your photos are awesome too. That cup of hot chocolate looks like it has chocolate ice blocks in it - think I might just try that. lol even if I did depict the picture incorrectly. lol

My eldest brother lives in london and has for MANY years. I would LOVE to visit, but sadly the South African economy does not really afford such travel treats.

Really loved your post, perhaps you might like to give mine a gander :)

Much love to you from Cape Town, South Africa xxx

Haha thanks a LOT @jaynie:) Glad to known you like my post! Haha I like that hot chocolate veryyy much!
I'm sure you can visit London some day! :):)
Susan xx

Hopefully!!!! 😍😁

Thank you for sharing on amazing travelling post to us.London is really a great place and there are many tourists spot to see but I still do not have chance to b there to have a look.I hope that I would have a chance to travel there to watch football match and visit different castles and church there.

I'm so glad that you like it @ercpok:) yup London is just incredible! There ARE manyyy churches in London but I haven't been to any castles ;pp hope you can visit London soon! Cheers:):)

Great travel post! I hope to visit London soon :)

Thanks soo much @askaran!!Glad that you like my post!! Please feel free to follow me if you wanna see more from me, thankss!! :):)

Please feel free to check out other stories by this post's author @susanlo :)



Loving the 'Harry Potterish' photo. It's hard to believe they were going to going to bulldoze St. Pancras several times before Sir John Betjeman saved it. Check out his poems
or his album 'Banana Blush' which is an eccentric masterpiece.


Thanks a lot @isjw84:)

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