How To Fly: Simple Rules for Asserting Your Travel Dominance

in #travel8 years ago (edited)

No Wimps Allowed

We've all encountered those wimpy people who avoid confrontation as much as possible, especially while traveling via air, preferably in a chartered private jet. When this fails to happen due to circumstances beyond our control (more than likely budget reasons), we're forced to use the same methods as all the other plebians who purchased Economy tickets.

A feeling of anxiety envelopes the atmosphere anytime a throng of strangers are traveling to the same destination. Is your neighbor going to talk your ear off? Are you going to be bullied into a fetal position so you can minimize your own personal space? Are you circumnavigating but you can't sleep because of a crying baby?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you are being a traveling nancy. Asserting alpha-ness over those beta (or even delta, or Darwin forbid, gamma) humans can make your travel more enjoyable. Here are a few simple tips to showcase your superiority.

Hold Up the Security Line

Dominance begins before you even hop on the plane. When approaching airport security, ignore all the signs indicating you must have your boarding pass and ID ready. These people work for you, indirectly, since you purchased a ticket. They are your employees. Treat them as such and make them wait while you fumble around your bag and hold up the line.

Once you reach the X-Ray machine, wait to remove your belt, watch, electronics, and separate liquids. You can avoid the body scanners by opting for a pat down. If this is done, make sure to stare directly into the eyes of security personnel and to not remove your gaze. Doing so is a sign of weakness. These humans work for you, not the other way around.

Alternatively, you can pull the tried and true method of stating matter-of-factly, the “I can't lift
my arm” routine and avoid both a pat-down and a body scanner, too.

Jump the Line to Make Use of the Overhead Shelf

First off, the airlines never check your boarding group number, except for the distinction between first, business, and economy classes. Beyond that, you should simply walk up to the attendant to scan your ticket and jump on board.

Your uber-menschness becomes even more defined if you bring the largest possible carry-on bags and store both in the overhead bins. Don't feel bad about your superiority if you paid for the privilege of being on the plane early and take some of the shared overhead bin space before second-class citizens. That's the free market at work!

Recline with No Care

If your seat moves back, then you have the obligation to recline. Nothing could be more annoying than a nerd sitting behind you with a laptop with a drink on his tray politely asking you to stop reclining. His acquiescence to the situation that you are imposing on him is only another example of his inferiority.

Let the Kids Run Wild

Are your children running up and down the aisle screaming? Or kicking the back of other
people’s seats? Awesome. You are doing the finest job at teaching them how to be alpha humans. Although, it's not so much nurture, but nature in this case. Best to rebuke passengers complaining by staring them down. If asked by a flight attendant to control your kids, take your time to handle the situation. The longer you wait to “reprimand” your children, the more dominant you are in your position. Make it appear as if you are annoyed with your children as opposed to appeasing the hired help.

Take Up Space

One of the most easily recognizable signs of of alpha-tude is taking up space. The more space you occupy, the more dominant you are.

Since space is a premium on planes, splaying a leg out into the middle of the aisle or an arm into your neighbor’s zone is the perfect way of demonstrating your innate authority.

Be a Chatterbox or Gruffly Ignore Your Neighbor

Depending on your persona, you might want to chat up your neighbor or ignore them. Most people will give a sign of indication of which they would prefer to do. If they want to keep to themselves, and you're both two air masses that have disparate temperatures, feel free to produce wind that flows from you to your new found friend.

Your dominant stance couldn't be more apparent, unless you both are windbags, in which case, your best chance of maintaining any semblance of control is by overpowering the conversation.

Not the talkative type? Best to ignore your neighbor, but not without a proper stare-down that indicates either annoyance or amusement. If you have mastered the artful expression of both simultaneously, have at it!

Get Out of Dodge

Jumping up from your seat, grabbing for your bag and crowding into the aisle the second the plane lands will almost assuredly get you off that metal tube faster than anyone else. Nothing portrays your machismo (or femachismo) more than refusing to wait to leave the air craft even if you have a 4 hour layover. Remember, no one else knows your flight plans, except the most dominant entity, the all-powerful State.


This is absolutely hilarious. I can't tell if it's complete satire or is in all seriousness. Probably some strange hybrid of both.

Traveling alpha style is no joking matter.

I agree. This is my 4th time reading this today!

Add to your list:

  1. Flush all the toiletries, and (help your kids) shit on the floor of ALL the restrooms. This keeps the stewardesses preoccupied as well.
  2. Pretend to fall asleep with half your body leaning into the aisle so the stewardess have to rub their ass on your face as they pass by. Every time they wake you up, promptly fall asleep again in the same position.
  3. Spill your peanuts all over the floor and make sure you distribute them under everyone's seats around you, then ask the stewardess for replacement. Repeat this at least once or as many times as you can sufficiently vary the routine to make it arguably believable such as spilling them on the way to the restroom and breaking the bag and handing it to your child to hold in the aisle as you fumble to open the restroom door. Make sure you stomp on them and mash them into the carpet.

Fun read, thanks a bunch for the laugh and restoring my memory about "good" times on the plane. Namaste :)

I am def no wimp because I hate confrontation, I will stand up for myself and pushed to far I may even raise my voice

I think I heard a loud whiny noise.

You wouldn't like me if I got angry

i, personally, think this is hilarious. some of my marine friends would take you apart for some of it. even if they had to go to jail. good luck, man.

I tend to make traveling comfortable to others, not to myself.
If many people are happy then the majority of happiness is equal overall happiness.
It doesn't matter if I am squeezed into a glove compartment...

As long as you are making me happy, I can live with your servile attitude.

Servant is paid. Piss me off, you will live to see moving to another flight. Talking from experience. LOL

In South Africa we have a name for these kind of refers to a certain anatomy cavity !! Or in the colloquial ........ arseholes.

Sounds like you have two places where caca is coming out of your body.

Lol.....Hillary or Trump?? The origin of the dilemma becomes clearer {grin}

Run, jump, and scream loudly until you reach your destination!
@travelguru Loved this post. Sounds like well thought out and tested methodologies.

I might try this with my next flight....

Funny! I get it mark you territory and show the masses who's boss, That way they get it that you rule the unfriendly skies!

If you need to show the masses, you're doing it wrong.


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