
Thank you! Good to know that we made you excited about Paris 😀 Where are you originally from?

I'm from Los Angeles, California US. and yourself ?

Oh so cool, I really want to visit LA. My dream is to go on a road trip through America :) I'm from the Netherlands!

Nice the Netherlands! Yea you should visit LA, its huge and a lot of interesting things always going on here, but road tripping it through America is a must. I done it several times.

Keep up the good work and who knows perhaps this possibility will come sooner then later.

P.S. I have this Artist Collective, Infinite Imaginarium and we have this dream of getting a imaginarium bus, and road tripping it across America, and then the rest of the world. Creating pop art events, documenting interesting things, listening to stories of humanity, there is this saying lately that been in my mind. Empathy doesn't scale, Humanity happens P2P, and I think that the thing behind taking Imaginarium on the road... =D