How Laburnum's beauty has made it a popular

in #treelast month

Farmers and landscaping enthusiasts will find great value in learning about laburnum. The genus Laburnum includes Laburnum alpinum and other unique species. Knowing how this tree blooms is very useful. Success requires careful planting and attention to care in open ground.

Laburnum's name suggests it belongs to the legume family, and it does. It is a genus of only four different plant species. These plants grow naturally along the Mediterranean coast and in central Europe.


Around 1560, laburnum was introduced as a crop. Since then, it has grown and bloomed in many new locations. It thrives in the Russian climate with proper care.

Laburnum's beauty has made it a popular choice in many regions. "Laburnum" may come from the ancient Etruscan language. It entered Russian and other languages through Latin.

Its species name notes its resemblance to Anagyris stinking in leaves and flowers. Laburnum is usually a shrub. Less often, it grows as a tree. This crop appeared in Russia in the 1800s.

Initially, it grew in warm areas like Crimea, Central Asia, and the North Caucasus. Laburnum can only handle frost down to -26 degrees. Light snow cover can severely damage new growth in winter.

Older plants struggle in harsher conditions. In Moscow, trees rarely grow over 3 meters. Normal flowering is also unlikely at that latitude.