
Hi, @trudeehunter! Have we got that party started over there in Oz? You know how I like to shake, shake, shake it!!

You start and I'll be over in a flash. Love you! xoxo

Is there a video of that LOL... Bet it would go viral LOL!!!

Did you miss it???? Sorry!

@dswigle Still waiting on a few sleepy ex-Tsuvians to get the air tickets and join me in this sizzling summer heat. Leave your jackets, scarves, warm boots and gloves behind and replace them with your bikini, sunscreen, and thongs.......of the Aussie kind. (They are ones you wear on your feet) and do not forget to pack those ultra cool sun glasses of yours Denise.

Oh I wish I could send it all lol!! I know I can never get over the whole opposite seasons!

I wish you could too @old-guy-photos but alas, I fear it would all melt at my feet before I got a chance to throw some snow balls at my noisy neighbour. (Just kidding.)

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