Weird trends of 2017
Stylists and designers are trying to create a new fashion that will not duplicate the previous decades. But sometimes these efforts lead to strange results. Sometimes our beauty beads create such strange trends that you do not understand - it's an avant-garde or just someone strange. Let's be honest: the word "fashion" is not always synonymous with the word "taste". And some of the fashion trends of 2017 confirm this. Cool can beat and holey sock, but remember: what is appropriate on the podium, it is not always appropriate in the street style.
Wavy brows
Maybe someone who invented this just loved its own brows to much.
Pantyhose in a grid for holey jeans
In some situations or fashion-looks it will be looks cool but on the real streets people can not understand you.
Underwear over T-shirts
Separate this things looks good but together – better not.
Sports pants with heels
Perhaps Kim Kardashian can combine these things but not all of us can do this as good as she
The kissed lips
From one side it looks cute but your mom can think another
Hair in the nose
This is real weird trend , rather disgusting
Let me know what are you think about or maybe some of this are your favorite ?