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RE: Tribesteemup Curation Trail Ran As An Orwellian Government- Kennys Kitchen.

Reading your conversations with everyone else in this comments section, and sitting with this for a while, asking what I could have done differently here, there is one thing that seems clear, which wasn't at first.

When you posted your original video about why you were no longer vegan, I sort of disregarded your personal experience of your diet & health changes. I did so because someone else's personal health is something in which I have no knowledge/experience, and thus no place to speak unless they are asking for suggestions. So, I went to the things you were presenting as fact, and addressed those instead.

What I missed in that focus on the facts you were presenting was that you were putting out that video to share your health difficulties, and the fact that you are starting to feel better now, after what was a very difficult year.

So many of us, especially content creators (myself included), depend so much on clear thought and memory, and feeling as though that was slipping away must have been scary and hard to deal with. Add to that, the fact that you had become a vegan for ethical/moral reasons, and were moving away from that diet to explore other options for your health, I'm guessing that led to quite a bit of cognitive dissonance and made your decisions quite hard.

I'm glad your body is feeling better, your mind is clearer and working better, and that you didn't let your beliefs interfere with finding what was best for your body.

I'm sorry that I passed over the obvious need for empathy around your physical health challenges in my excitement for a "debate" about the facts, and that you didn't feel seen/heard by that.

I hope your body continues to heal and you find the perfect "diet" for you, it's quite a long process for most of us, and generally involves tuning out what's said by YouTubers & documentaries, because they are all starting with a particular belief, and more importantly none of them live in your body.

Blessings on your journey, and I hope that the work you are doing brings you fulfillment and serves your purpose in this life; that's about the best any of us can hope for.


You dont hope anything. Empty words for a politician. At least its all been uncovered for the scam it is now, I would ask for a refund of my steem power but I doubt Id ever get one. Ive been scammed as are others. You're influencing the influencers very wrong.

You can have whatever experience you'd like to with all of this, it's quite clear that whatever you're going through has nothing to do with me or TSU, though we are the screen on which it's being projected.

I would ask for a refund of my steem power

Again, you don't seem to have any understanding of how STEEM's voting or delegation (though you didn't delegate) works, you've never lost anything or given anything to me or @TribeSteemUp. If you want to talk about refunds, we could add up all the rewards you've gotten from the votes just from the TSU account (nevermind the 100+ votes on every post from our trail), and you could return that to us... Though it wouldn't make any sense, because nothing is lost when voting, except voting power (which regenerates every minute), and the act of voting earns you STEEM in the form of curation rewards.

Long story short, you're acting as though I've stolen from you/tricked you out of something that's yours, when in reality all I've done is give you hundreds (probably well into the thousands) of dollars worth of STEEM in upvotes, over the course of two years, and decided to stop.

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