A Tribesteemup Bi-weekly Question "What would you do for society if you had all the resources you needed?"steemCreated with Sketch.

in #tribesteemup6 years ago (edited)

This was a great question posed by @whatamIdoing from the @tribesteemup discord.


I love this question, because I have often asked myself this on my path toward living life more on my own terms. I do want to address this question first by stating: "If you lack resourcefulness, it won't mater how many resources you are given."


I first learned this from Tony Robbins and it stuck with me, he has a great talk about this that is worth your time to check out:


Now this being said, I would like to describe the approach for what I would do for individuals to affect society.

I recently came across this quote from a fellow steemian @stan check out his sovereign sky sci-fi short stories Sovereign Sky

The quote below is by science fiction writer Robert A. Heinlein:

“A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.”

I really resonated with this statement because I personally feel that if humanity is to free its chains from the current paradigm of Death and Debt, we must become highly resilient and self sufficient. To manifest this I would take the following approach.


If I was unbound by resources, I would begin by accelerating my big vision for the future on the 4.5 acre property I acquired a couple years ago. I would host people on my property and execute workshops to teach individuals several skills to replicate a modern technological self sufficient village, to include:

Aquaponics food production, Aircrete shelter building, Atmospheric Water Generation/Storage, Caterpillar Greenhouse creation, Permaculture perennial plant food forest techniques, Raising Chickens, Butchering Animals, 3-d printer manufacturing, Plastics recycling/3-printer filament making, Wood working low cost Maslow CNC, Natural Healing and Detoxification, Wood Gasification, Solar micro-grids, Biogas production/Waste Management and internet communications by satellite.

I would encourage those that have taken these workshops to replicate them and offer rewards to the students for accomplishing steps toward creating their own communities and make a direct investment in their personal operation. This would reward the replication, and hopefully make it viral.


I would take the funds from the workshops and make long term investments in cryptos, metals mining, water desalinization tech, energy storage tech, and permaculture farming. By doing this spread the investments and build a pool to re-invest into the rewards.

I would develop an x-prize type contest to spur backyard self-sufficiency technologies by issuing design criteria/timeline. I would reward the development that was completely open sourced, meets or exceeds the design requirements, and is the most affordable. I am working with @jackdub on Steemit right now to do this as part of our weekly show Meadows and Makers on the PAL discord https://discord.gg/pfEFPN every Saturday from 5-7pm UTC we will be issuing challenges monthly and rewarding the innovators with Steem!


Thank you for your time if you gave this a read! Thank you to all the peeps @tribesteemup and @whatamIdoing for this great Bi-weekly question. Also a big thanks to @flauwy who created the tribesteemup banner you see in this post!

Peace and Joy, Yours in Liberty toward a brighter future, Greg @makinstuff



Fantastic vision! This is just an idea but I think if you let people use the land an pay by donation I think you could make things happen much faster. You don't have to do this with everything but I think it could help build a larger community around the space to help more work get done in a short period of time and help create a shared vision. Just an idea!

Thank you for your feedback @whatamidoing and thank you for the awesome question. I was thinking about what you suggested with donations and would also welcome people that would do a work share for their stay on the land. During the workshop I would focus on a particular project and if willing to help you can help build the land improvement project for your stay.

Animal agriculture is the number one reason for climate change besides the point that enslaving and murdering other sentient beings is something any civilized evolved human should stop doing ! the resources it takes to create one pound of flesh for you to eat can feed 30 people a huge bowl of rice and veggies so why on earth teach people something so wasteful and destructive . It is true that small scale animal husbandry, if done properly, does not have the effect on water and soil the commercial abominations have; but it still kills our climate and still uses tons of resources we can use better and more efficiently . Studies show that eggs , dairy and corpse are horrible for our health in fact eggs are so bad that it is against the law for them to advertise them as nutritious or healthy in U.S AMerica (I am not making that up!). This is a country where dairy lobbies have so much power they can still tell people that milk is good for adult bones wich studies prove is quite the opposite (U.S America has one of the highest consumption rates of dairy and on of the highest osteoporosis rates) it actually leaches calcium out of adult bones and that of children after the age of 5.

I find all of your other projects interesting and commendable but please consider thinking of the harm you will do to animals , humans and the planet if you keep on implementing and teaching barbaric , harmful and antiquated practises. A better future should not be built on the suffering of other beings or their enslavement can we finally evolve form this please ...

P.S I am 100 on board with this statement ( have been preaching the same for years) just not some of your implementation

I personally feel that if humanity is to free its chains from the current paradigm of Death and Debt, we must become highly resilient and self sufficient.

Totally respect where you're coming from, it can be destructive in the industrial slaughterhouse methods used in mass production. On the other hand on small scale farms allowing your animals to fully Express their animalness they can enhance your land with lower feed input. Pigs and chickens are great at taking your food waste and tilling/fertilizing your land. It's not something I take lightly whenever I harvest an animal. Make sure the kill is quick and use everything from the animal. Everything dies in this physical existence. When used the way God intended and animals fully Express their traits they can have a great life and build abundance. Provide healthy proteins and fats for your own fuel. It's not for everyone, until you need it. Tera preta the most fertile soil on earth are full of charred wood, bones from animals, and manure.

Posted using Partiko Android


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