Cheese Making Demo at the Spokane Freedom Exchange this Saturday 5/21

Good morning freedom loving friends. We are back in Franklin park in Spokane for the second time in 2022. As usual the exchange will be setup from 9:30-11:30am on Saturday May 21. We will be serving black bean soup so people can see what some of our freeze dried food tastes like as well has having a cheese making demonstration by one of our creator's Laurie.

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Our friend Victoria decided to give me a hand and made the flyer again. She does a great job and clearly understands how to make an appealing flyer much more than myself. Min is pictured below, hers is the one above. If you're in the inland northwest come check our exchange. Here is a list of items you may find at the exchange; small batch fresh roasted coffee, foraged mushrooms, herbal tinctures and natural remedies, woolen products, leatherworks, freedom inspired glasses/mugs, raw goat cheese, rustic sourdough bread, hummus, energy bars, freeze dried food, handmade soaps and lotions. We have more creators showing up every week. Of course we always have some warm food to share, this week we'll feature black bean soup from our freeze dried food collection.

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We are getting more and more excitement each week as the weather gets warmer. I'm excited to see this exchange growing and others popping up in the area as well. I'll be giving an update on the successful exchange we've been having in Elk, WA very soon. In addition to the one in Elk there is also the "Militant Farmers" group just across the imaginary line in N. Idaho that will be meeting in Athol, ID on Sunday May 22, 2022 at Eagle Peak Containers(6250 E Menser Ave, Athol, ID).

Spokane Freedom Exchange pdf flyer