Trolls. It was definitely trolls.

in #trolls7 years ago

I have been working hard on this story, and I think this is my best chance to slip away quietly...

A long time ago, in a far away place, I was busy scamming people on the internet, just working hard, like a regular guy.

Suddenly, and for absolutely no reason at all, I was attacked by a whole horde of filthy trolls.

The plot thickens.

Video reproduced by permission.


no chill this troy guy

@oldcodge you have hero status on the .sucks. man, you guys are dedicated. i see that you are all joining steemit now. everyone doesnt get the ponzi scheme of steemit. but folks are ready to throw themselves in and get multiple accounts. you guys are the hive mind going...already learning that even interacting with troy will help him.
i see i'm already noticed and also a potential target. people even think i am troy's friend from YT. got my steemit details published. i see that the device that you loaned him way back when was worth 18$.
i guess i get it. there is plenty of funny shit. the creativity poured into reducing troy is outright impressive. i see that there are a lot of joiners to .suck but seems more like folks are there for the popcorn. it is hard to find many first hand accounts of what he has specifically done...besides being a tool. there is talk of him stealing some guy called docs video and reediting... seems he makes dumb mistakes building, there are some photos with a peado, he is delusional about being vandalized. i dunno...seems he gets caught in some lies.
i get that its funny in a pick on the dumb weird looking kid in high school kinda way. but i cant help but have empathy for him. i dont see anything so so horrible...not to deserve a website and hounds joining steemit and topbuzz and anywhere else he goes. that kid of his aint fake. that mater where she was ordered from aint fake.
the joy that is demonstrated in tearing down a persons life is foreign to me.
but this butt wants know where near that wrath. you guys could tear me to shreds. im way to soft. i still think you are wasting your time here....well i guess have goaded a lot of new material for .suck out of him here...and he cant erase it.
but folks are right on .suck. this is not a viable place to earn money. those that do are the whales...becoming one of them takes a lot of money...or a lot of time and energy....and even then it is not for sure.
i can now see how naive it was trying to win you over to laying off him @oldcodge.... the .suck crew feeds off his misery and missteps. sure it is in the guise of protecting others...but its not much about that... you called steemit a circle jerk...but that is what .suck is too....every one loving other peoples best digs at troy.
he might very well be all the things you say he is....but what i has gone way beyond that. im not sure if troy is dumb or stubborn or desperate or all of those things. but it is obvious how to end this. just stop making posts and videos on various social medias. seems a shame to take away something a person thinks they are good at and wants to do. maybe he brought this on himself...but no where on your .suck is it blatantly clear exactly what he has done. the evidence locker is muddled and unclear. there should be a top 10 reasons troy is a shitbag who deserves to have his life ruined section.
honestly im impressed how you work together organically....figuring out how its best to raise up @oldcodge 's rating, how hard it will be for troy to get any money off of steemit...into an exchange and then finally somehow into a bank. making plans to contact him as a friend and lure him into a time wasting bot scam....the subterfuge is diabolical.
i cant help it. i feel sorry for him. i guess that makes me weak. i guess it will make me be a valid target of attack as well.
i've already shown you that he cant scam in the same way here...but it is now obvious that this fact will not stop .sucks.
ya know what i hope. I hope you expand .sucks. i hope you move on to other scammers. do your due diligence and call out and show the world others. i honestly think troy is too easy of a target...its like spinning your wheels....find someone new. troy is pretty defeated right now...go for somebody that currently really pulling shitty scams. you arent saving people from troy anymore. but there are a shit tons of other fuckers fucking with good people that you could focus in on and pin to the wall for all to see.
i'd actually join that .suck page. doing it to troy would make me feel pathetic. but doing it to more sophisticated scammers would be fun.
i mean it. i really would...cause a club of scammer harassers feels riotous and Righteous.
doing it to troy feels like picking on someone who has down syndrome.
not my thing.

@Buttcoins would be one of the fastest person to see through TR's (diyscam) bullcrap. I am not holding my breath though :)

i could give two fucks about DIY or your little club. I have read extensively through your .sucks page.
if every picture of garbage of that ladies land or the poor couple that got duped is be it...its more curious that the actual people effected are not the pursuers.
I see a sad dipshit being hounded by people taking glee in the hounding...most of who can only claim wrong doing by troy in that he deleted comments or banned them.
He is an easy target and you guys make a circle around him like a bunch of teenagers pointing and poking the retarded kid.
Have at it...i disengaged cause i moved in close...i made my assessment...i wrote to @oldcodge that a more worthy adversary was in order...and that people are doing way worse and fucking and scamming people way worse than him...and that i would even take part in that shift.
as on a level i admire the tenacity and hive mind of the group...i have definitely laughed. but to think you guys are protecting somebody from this guy is also laughable
i tried to explain that it was all unnecessary here on steemit...the blockchain does not allow anyone to hide...everything is out in the open.
all you are doing now is helping him by commenting, and i see others on steemit have noticed and started flagging for the trolling. this will happen more and more i assume.
you guys belittle steemit on your site.
thats what sucks to me.
the idea of steemit is actually the only thing i care about...maybe it will fail...maybe its a ponzi...but many here joined for the right reasons...for the idea of of a social media that benefits the users...that didnt make corporate fucks rich and dont force us to watch ads.
so like to see you guys actually engage with the platform...not just be here to fuck with diy....
i wont hold my breath.
have at it. maybe everyone will love guys will bring on the era of the troll club. what the fuck do i know. we will see how it goes.
p.s. your evidence locker is whack. if you actually want people to see what you see. there must be a much clearer breakdown of what troy is accused of.
and all these half baked things like the the 12 guage threat should not be used...because it is easy to see its wasnt a real threat and most people people backed in a corner would do and say worse.

buttcoins we will move on to someone else . AFTER Troy admits to all the deceit and dishonesty he has perpetrated over the years . We're just getting started here .

have at it. but you all better get smart. you are propelling him. his posts would never make that much money without all those comments

Actually buttcoins .sucks is not my website nor am I an active member on it. (Although I was at one point). I personally have no opinion about Steem It just as yet, I am just starting to explore it and making posts.

The guy that you say we pick on... well, if hundreds of people pick on one guy and find the time to create a website or 2 about him... don't you think it is very telling of how crappy that individual is? If that community that despises him were "trolls" in the real sense... don't you think they would go and stir crap and drama all over the place?

Anyway, my approach is through cartoon and parody videos... sometimes, it takes quite a bit of effort to produce.

i like your cartoons by the upvote any made on other subjects im interested in.

Thank you, well, I am not a "professional" cartoonist... I just draw every now and then when I think of something that the audience may find funny. But by all mean, if you have a suggestion, I may be able to accommodate you for shit and giggles :)

well i think people will join something to join it. certain people like fucking with people...lot of members is not specifically showing that DIY deserves it. The site is funny...people could just as easily be attracted to that. What is your personal story with him? Did he do something specific to you?

People do not join the .sucks just to be a cool kid... If someone was to join and didn't have a personal context... they would get bored very quickly as they wouldn't really understand most of what is said...

I am actually one of the very first person that he called a "Troll" about 5 years ago... What got me the title was simply the fact that I was voicing my disagreement with his priorities and skill set. I decided to leave on my own term at that point.

We had a small group of about 12 people, using a software called PalTalk and we were pretty much meeting every evening (my time) or whatever time of the day for the others (some from Australia) and we had great times talking to each others, etc.. the subject of discussion varied greatly but pretty much surrounded our personal approach to off grid living, gardening, etc...

Of course every now and then, this guy was the subject of our discussions... about how he doesn't seems to do ANYTHING right... I mean absolutely not 1 thing done proper...

Anyway... that group became labelled as the "Trolls" of PalTalk... And TR (the initial of the name of the TheDIYworld's guy) realized that it was very profiting for him to create drama... So at one point, he created a "special" video asking people to KILL THE TROLLS... and then named the people that were part of the PalTalk group one by one.

Seeing my name there, I was less then impressed and decided to send him a Cease and Desist letter and to remove my name... Well, he decided to publish my letter instead of complying to it... stirring even more crap and drama...

That's the short version of the story.

Now mind you, even though I despise this guy with a passion, I have a good friendship with his sister and as far as I know, his mother think I am funny and a nice guy....

I hope this clears the things a little for you and understand that I am not a "Troll" just for the heck of being a troll.

thank you. that is the most reasonable thing i have read as of yet. Your story and how you explained it makes sense.
i truly wish to encourage you to use your skills here on other things too. sure some troy bashing will happen...but truly the steemit wont allow him to get far as he cant hide anything.
and id just like to see a better use be made of the site. cause as i mentioned i care about steemit...maybe my mind will change but i want quality content and real people to engage with about things i like.
because i have no history with the diy,,, it only interested me in the crazy popcorn world around him....but i ate the popcorn and am ready to move on.

Steem community: This is plagiarism. This is a copy of my own work. Troy Reid of The Do It Yourself World. This is myself sitting in my own home. The Off Grid Project T-Shirt I am wearing is my own brand and logo.


Here is my original video:

The content above starts at 2:40 into the video.

The video linked to in this production is NOT MONETISED. This is "Fair Use."

17 U.S. Code § 107 - Limitations on exclusive rights: Fair use

Notwithstanding the provisions of sections 106 and 106A, the fair use of a copyrighted work, including such use by reproduction in copies or phonorecords or by any other means specified by that section, for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching (including multiple copies for classroom use), scholarship, or research, is not an infringement of copyright. In determining whether the use made of a work in any particular case is a fair use the factors to be considered shall include—

(1) the purpose and character of the use, including whether such use is of a commercial nature or is for nonprofit educational purposes;
(2) the nature of the copyrighted work;
(3) the amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole; and
(4) the effect of the use upon the potential market for or value of the copyrighted work.

This video is produced to show contradictions in Mr. Reid's story of why he is moving from New York state to Michigan. See my previous linked video for other versions of his story, in his own words.

@oldcodge Sir, I have a curious feeling that you are about to have a lot of friendly company :) I envision a lot of up votes going your way.

Point 4) You violate this point in the fact that your copies of my video are meant to cause me financial ruin. Based on your constant insistence that I leave the internet - my source of income.

Point 3) large unedited parts of my own works, without my permission.

Point 2) This is my own work, made for my own profit and not some news agency.

Point 1) You will earn money on this platform.

You ARE violating the law!!!

In your opinion...

Care to ask a judge?

I wonder why Troy says 18 acres in his description when in fact, the realstate is 16 acres. Hey maybe by eating deer feed and having his daughter sleeping in a tupperware bin he was able to save enough to buy 2 acres on those fat YT pay cheques he bragged about...

Read the laws of fair use, and either stop making videos or they will be used against you Troy

Read the laws of fair use, and either stop making videos or they will be used against you Troy

You stated, in writing, that this is not intended for commercial purposes and no money will be made using it. BUT - this platform will make you money USING MY PLAGIARIZED WORKS!!!!!!

You already have an earning on this video - this copied use of my own work. How can you sit there and tell me it is not for profit???

There is no option to NOT earn "tokens" on this site. Whether they acquire actual monetary value in the future is still to be seen.

I have no intention, or desire, to profit from the work published here. If, at some time in the future, some realisable income does accrue, which will be clear to any visitor to this site, I will donate all proceeds to a charity of my choosing, and publish a copy of the receipt for such, here.

This satisfies the "no monetary gain" requirements.

Edit in second bold text block.

I think NOT!!! Steem can be traded directly for US Dollars. Do not try to pull the wool over our heads.

You are violating the law by making money from MY WORK!!!

Read my second paragraph.

And it's "pull the wool over our eyes" you friggin'idiot.

No, you are destroying lives. Over our heads is a perfect way to say it. Just think of the image and you get the idea. Yeah.

Majority of you work has been stolen from other people, so really you have no leg to stand on Troy.

This man, oldcodge, is one of the main leaders of the group who ran me off the land. Who is destroying my life. This man is one of the ones I was talking about in the video. And now he is making money using my copyrighted works without my permission!!!

I am sickened by the people who gave him an up vote (unless you had no idea). I came to this community for freedom to live my life. Freedom to work the way I want to. Freedom from people like oldcodge who are out to destroy my life and that of my wife and newborn baby.

How were you run off that land? Didn’t you move because you couldn’t afford the rent?

Troy, Show proof that oldcodge ran you off your land, I want to see it...
Troy if you don't like people using parts of your videos then remove them from the internet, its called fair use and its legal. If you dont like it get the laws changed or remove your videos and make them private.
Troy glad you came here its great you can't delete us ...
Troy are you sure thats your baby? I mean she looks more like neck brace Chris and not you, just saying... you did get a blood test, right? Well since you never got a blood test guess you'll be paying for the next 18+ years. or your parents will since you don't work and can't afford a kid with no job.

Troy, Show proof that oldcodge ran you off your land, I want to see it...
Troy if you don't like people using parts of your videos then remove them from the internet, its called fair use and its legal. If you dont like it get the laws changed or remove your videos and make them private.
Troy glad you came here its great you can't delete us ...
Troy are you sure thats your baby? I mean she looks more like neck brace Chris and not you, just saying... you did get a blood test, right? Well since you never got a blood test guess you'll be paying for the next 18+ years. or your parents will since you don't work and can't afford a kid with no job.

There is NO PERMISSION to use any part of my video. This is plagiarism all the way with the intent to earn money off of my own work. This man has no permission to use my face in any of his works.

Didn't you include a link to a clip from one of Doc's videos in your recent blog post, Troy? Why, I do believe you did!

I didn't see a fair use disclaimer on your video, and you appear to be making quite a bit of "money" from that posting. So, are you going to remove your plagiarised content? Perhaps I should provide a link to the full video? I'm sure he won't mind...

You've been blaming him for years. You have only switched attention to me, because Doc has been away hiking the full Appalachian Trail for the past six months, while you have been sat on your settee. Now he is back, you are trying to provoke him into starting up his fight with you again. You are frustrated because he is rising above your baiting him.

Oh wow, Thediyworld it stealing videos and calling it his own... Naughty naughty Troy thats illegal, someone should report troy to steemit

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