cAn You rEAD BetWeen tHe Lines When Watching The News........

in #trump6 years ago

I am so thankful to be Canadian and live in a country that is so much more multicultural and accepting of all people regardless of race religion, disabilities, and or gender identity, we are a country that thrives on suporting human rights and standing for what's right! I am so sad to turn on the news and see the kind of circus going on when there so much more to be concerned about! You have pedophiles and drug traffickers and gun traffickers thriving successfully rampant in your country, you want to take gun rights away from all people and March for it and not have the common sense to know that people who legally can't have guns like convicted felons, are buying guns everyday on the streets, even with the law felons can't pocess guns! Your worried about a affair that President Trump had with a pornstar that happened before he was President, and he's not God he's a man like any other man, I'm not happy with some of Trumps statements and behaviours nor his personal "Witch Hunt" directed at Trans/Intersex people, but he is still the President and a highly successful man who truly maintained and built a empire, but then so would I if my daddy loaned me a million dollars are you kidding I'd be real estate Queen already, and I am going to be real estate Queen without the million just for the record..and he is a man with fantasies and indiscretions like any other man in America, give him a break so he wanted spanked, big deal! I know priests that like being spanked! You have innocent people being Gangstalker by law enforcement taking bonuses from high level mafia style people in exchang! You have innocent black men and other innocent people of other ethnic backgrounds has well being shot and killed by police for no reason! You have the Trump administration pushing so hard for Trans woman and men to be forced to maintain there birth gender on their id's and birth certificates! For what what is the big deal why try to control how someone lives there life how does there gender identity truly affect your personal life it's not hurting you it's not coming between your bills getting paid!! So why worry about something that ain't hurting YOU! Wasn't America supposed to be built on freedom of speech press and expression to be a diverse multi cultural country, all I see in America's history is hate, racism, dicrimination, corruption abuse of power, and unnecessary blood shed, and in there political and law enforcement systems I see a bunch of bullys from the playground in grown up skin now! (There are still some good people out there) and it's getting worse everyday! I am truly scared for the people of the States for I beleive they are headed towards a romantic empire ending imploding in on themselves and destroying themselves! Hopefully the good people there wI'll save it still it and revitalize a country!

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