Do Libertarians Support a President Who Attacks the 1st Amendment and Advocates Punitive Taxation?

in #trump6 years ago (edited)

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It really is amazing libertarians voted for Donald Trump. There isn’t a libertarian bone in his body.

On Saturday, Trump emphasized his contempt for freedom of speech and defended a government monopoly.

“While we are on the subject, it is reported that the U.S. Post Office will lose $1.50 on average for each package it delivers for Amazon. That amounts to Billions of Dollars,” Trump tweeted.

“The Failing N.Y. Times reports that 'the size of the company's lobbying staff has ballooned,' and that...... does not include the Fake Washington Post, which is used as a 'lobbyist' and should so REGISTER. If the P.O. 'increased its parcel rates, Amazon's shipping costs would rise by $2.6 Billion.

“This Post Office scam must stop. Amazon must pay real costs (and taxes) now.”

Billionaire owner of Amazon, Jeff Bezos, owns The Washington Post.

If newspaper owners are going to be forced to register as lobbyists, then just about every newspaper (and newspaper website) should follow suit because owners, editors, and journalists often insert personal bias in news reportage. Is opinion now to be considered lobbying?

I’m not a fan of Jeff Bezos—who underpays and treats his workers deplorably—but he’s merely doing what others have done before him: leverage the government for personal gain and force taxpayers to pick up the tab when things go south. Thousands of Bezos employees are on the government dole because Amazon doesn’t pay them enough to feed their families. It is an indirect government subsidy for Amazon.

But then that’s crony capitalism.

It’s interesting Trump would defend the postal “service,” a government established monopoly. It has received billions of dollars in subsidies from the American taxpayer due to its failed business model. The post office is exempt from state and local property and real estate taxes, along with other burdens like tolls, vehicle registration fees, and parking tickets. It is allowed to borrow from the Treasury through the Federal Financing Bank, at highly-subsidized interest rates. Meanwhile, private business and taxpayers are forced to make up the difference.

You don’t hear Trump complaining about any of that.

Back when he was running for president, both sides of the establishment media—and even a few “alternative” websites—characterized Trump as “libertarian friendly” and a few went so far as to say he was the libertarian candidate of choice.

Since that time, a lot of crow has been eaten.

Of course, anybody who knows anything about libertarianism knew at the time Donald Trump isn’t a libertarian, not even close.

Donald Trump is a classic crony capitalist. He expanded his business by using the government. Recall his deals with the city of New York, including a 40-year property-tax abatement that saved him millions. He went to the government of Connecticut to condemn five Bridgeport businesses so that he could use the land to build an amusement park, shipping terminal, seaport village, and office complex.

When the Supreme Court ruled in effect that eminent domain can be used for private development, Trump celebrated.

He also tried to use the government to prevent competition to his casino business. Classic crony capitalism.

Donald Trump will try to shut down the First Amendment and impose taxes on business he doesn’t like. It’s what crony capitalists do.

Call Donald Trump whatever you like.

Just don’t call him a libertarian.

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