Is DONALD TRUMP really a bad guy leaving the Paris climate deal?

in #trump7 years ago

Hey there,

As you probably know, president #Trump decided to leave the Paris #climate deal. Wall Street seems to be very pleased as Dow, S&P 500 and Nasdaq closed with very good performances. But how about the moral and ethic aspects?

Well, in mainstream media, there is but one opinion: Trump is a careless, incompetent..., ugly and bad guy.

But is that really true?

Personally, I think the majority of people on earth will disagree with Trump's decision. Their argument being that climate is changing and we have to do something to save polar bears and more importantly ourselves. In the other hand, Trump's supporters say that climate change is just a fake news, a joke or some kind of conspiracy against the United States of America.

So who is right?

Well, in my humble opinion, I think both are wrong, but also both are right to some extent (Yeah, I know, I am doing my philosopher here)

In fact, it is totally true that we are exhausting our planet with our economical model where every country is struggling to do more economical growth to satisfy the financial system constraints ( I know I am making a shortcut here, but this subject is just huge to explain in this article). However we have a slight tiny problem, we are living on a planet with limited resources!!

That being said, this right cause is being used for the sake of a wrong one.

How comes?

The problem is not the cause itself, the problem is the timing of exposing this cause. I mean these governments acting like righteous agents, didn't they know since years that we are harming our planet climate? Is it really a new discovery for them?

No way, they knew, but until now they didn't care, they didn't need to play this card, they were winners of exhausting the planet with a crazy economical model that they are still defending. they just need now to boost the production by a new green trend to make people consume in another way.

I know some of you are already pointing conspirational accusation in my direction. So let me give an example.

Nowadays, Tobacco is sold in all countries of the planet, including those defending the Paris climate deal. Tobacco is proven to be very bad for human beings health. So these countries are allowing Tobacco companies to sell poison to their people in a legal manner.
Try to open a store in your town selling poison to people, you will definitely end up in jail.
But how comes nobody is upset with that? Why the media and the governments doesn't seem to protest against it?

Now imagine we are in 2037 and a Paris Tobacco summit takes place and comes out with a deal prohibiting Tobacco. It will be very easy for them to convince us. they will just tell us that it is not acceptable to sell people a product that will kill them, everyone should agree, if not you will be a bad guy as Trump is now.

So in 20 years we will have the same dilemma, are people that are against prohibiting tobacco agreement bad guys?

As for the climate deal, they are wrong if they are defending Tobacco, but this definitely is not making the deal defenders good guys. They are just using this card on the time that suit them the best.

To summarize, don't let them guide your intention to the spot they want, don't wait them to point things you should analyse, have you own point of view, and defend the right cause even if nobody cares.

In a nutshell, don't be a sheep but don't howl with the wolves!

Thank you for your attention :)


So, nothing about the reaction here is new at all. Calling it a new discovery or some ploy they just threw out because of convenient timing is simply wrong. This a very long standing debate and most public officials have a track record on their stance.

Second, your analogy of climate change and tobacco is flawed.

For starters, the media and government don't protest tobacco because not enough people care. Everyone is aware of the dangers these days, they just don't care enough to stop.

More importantly is you're comparing apples to oranges. Climate change is worthy of an accord because it is a global issue and affects Everyone! Smoking affects only a small area. Not saying they aren't an issue, but not even comparable to something like climate change.

Not trying to poop on your post, just a discourse.

Climate change Is just a way of the elites getting Carbon Taxes out of everyone. It Is lies and until recently I had been brain washed Into believing these lies. If we saved the rain forest we would have an Infinitely healthier Earth, we could also clean up the seas, which are full of plastic and heavy metals. The science behind so called climate change, which Is a natural process of change, Is flawed. Many scientists In Russia and the rest of the world have shown this. The problem Is most people only hear the Cabal controlled media narrative, which Is complete deception.

I totally agree that climate change is a big deal and we should do something to prevent it. My point is just that you can't blame others with such arrogance for something you used to do yesterday. secondly, we should not wait for mainstream media to expose causes to defend them. We should protest against bad things even if it is normalized and not exposed by the media.
Thank you for your comment :)

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