in #trump8 years ago

to say that racism was the only reason is close minded and foolish. It also reveals their bias in favor of other candidates that also were not the best.



Well not everyone that voted for Trump is a racist but if you are a racist you probably voted Trump. He was endorsed by the KKK's official newspaper after all.

Not all Trump supporter are racist but MOST racist if not all did vote for him.

What if you were a racist but were not white? Mind. Blown. :)

great comment. followed.

That's funny because I see a lot f black power groups like blm that is on the same level as the kkk if not worse endorsing hillary let alone getting endorsed back by her. Oh or hillarys mentor being a grand dragon of the kkk or how she talked about him and went to his funeral.
Besides trying to make it a race issue is stupid. Acting racist is not going to cure racisim.

Nobody is saying all the people who voted for Dump are racist, but his voters mostly belonged to such groups as racists, self haters, highly uneducated, or people who vote against the tide because they like to be seen as if they made a smart choice, when in reality they did not. A few smart people also voted for Dump, because they invested heavily in Gold, Bitcoin, or simply made overseas investments. Let's consider the first Tax he will impose on Chinese imports, that will not create jobs in the US, it will just make your weekly shopping trip more expensive. Are you getting a 45% wage increase? most likely his Tax reforms will favor the rich and punish the poor. The problem I see with all this is that Bill Clinton left a huge surplus for George W Bush to spend on his corporate friends, Dump will not have much to go on with his experiments. If you voted for him, that's your right, but let's discuss this a year from now.

Atleast you go after his policies. most people only care about skin color and what genitals he has.
That was the only point that was trying to get made by the post.

joseph - I would suggest you double check what the National Debt was when Bill left office ... according to:

He left 5.6 Trillian Dollars in National Debt. Maybe you could check your source.

You might get a better idea about the budget during his presidency here:

A surplus is a projection, rather than a true measure. This article may explain it better:
That's why your second article linked, references a surplus.

My second article may mention a surplus of sorts, but you may have noticed it wasn't exactly because of Bill ... Newt Gingrich had rallied the republicans to try to clear the debt. As for the link you gave, I saw this: They said Hoyer was referring to the $5.61 trillion in surpluses that the Congressional Budget Office -- the nonpartisan number-crunching arm of Congress -- had predicted in January 2001 would materialize over the next 10 years, based on the fiscal outlook at the end of Clinton’s tenure. (Hoyer’s office confirmed our conclusion about the second figure.)
I'm not exactly sure how they can see into the future like that. Don't forget, we were attacked during Bush's office.

this guy is awesome. i wish he was on steemit, he'd be followed for sure.

yeah almost all his videos are great.

there's a guy called eric d on youtube. unfortunately, most of his old videos are gone, but he's pretty fucking smart.
check it out.
i think he woke himself up. there is hope yet.

kool, just brought it up in a seprate tab. ill be sure to check it out.

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