The Police Killed Her Boyfriend In Front Of Her Daughter... And The Police Is Let Off All Charges?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #truth7 years ago

Something is wrong in this case, where the case is about murder.  The police took this guys life in a malicious manner and people want justice & peace where they can't get any.  When they can take a mans life 9 days before their 35th Birthday and call what they are doing justified - something has got to be done to stop the abuses that the state is getting away with doing.  It's not right that just because you're a police officer that you can be acquitted for your crime.  It's no reason that you can shoot an innocent person because you can't handle the responsibility of your job description.  When did this shit happen 20-30 years ago, and when it did, the police ran with the Ku-Klux-Clan and took innocent peoples lives all the time and got away with it.  Why else do you think there is gangs created in the first place - because it was to protect their families from white people.  It was to protect their families from supremacy of the white race and from the police coming into their lives to fuck their lives all to pieces.  And, now we see murder after murder, and it's all happening in a malicious way, to entice people into rage.  It's unfair what is happening in todays society where people can't get justice, nor can they get peace from the places that are supposed to be instilling that peace and security.

The people aren't secure though and nor are we safe.  We aren't safe because police can now-a-days get away with murder, and just for speaking out about this kind of stuff, they want to call it a "hate speech?"  What is justified in it?  Where do you get off killing people and getting away with murder and then calling it a hate speech when people want justice?  That's fucked up!  People should be calling out for justice!  If it was your child, or your son, or your brother or sister, boyfirend or girlfriend, you'd be feeling the same ways as other people are, but since it's not you... you can just say that "at least it wasn't me."  That's not the right way of looking at this here.  We are each others keepers, and if all we are is each others ignorance and people to ignore the cries of anyone else, who is going to come to your rescue when you're crying out?  Who?  Because, the way I see that is, if we're going to ignore justice not being done here and there - then you might as well say fuck the law, and fuck the police too, because nothing is ever going to be justified here.  When justice works for some but not all, justice doesn't work at all.  Justice isn't done!  Justice is never going to be done until we as people realize that we have to fight this oppressive behavior that is coming from an alteration of power, and an agenda that doesn't care about certain people.  IT doesn't care about your ethnicity, your political views or your race and religion.  It has an agenda here to make the world a one world order and a one world religion.  And, in that it replaces GOD.  But, you're never going to replace the true creator!  NEVER!

These people deserve real justice and the case here with Phillando Castille is that it was murder, and the police get away with murder these days left and right.  Without people speaking out about it... we stand in awh of government getting away with it, and getting paid to continue to do what they're doing.  And, I'm not having it!  I'm hanging up the phone on this one here, by saying that We The People need to get up enough balls to stand up to crooked governance where we see fit, and We The People need to say NO, that we aren't going to take the government bullying us into becoming people that we never wanted to be.  We never wanted to be angry and hurt and bitter or scared of our own government and the people that were supposed to protect us.  We were never supposed to be afraid of the same people that we initially wanted to have for our protection, and when we aren't being protected... it's time that We The People stand up and stop complying with the government that doesn't care about us.  It's a tight rope that they are placing us on, and that rope is high, and falling off that tight rope leads to our dying.  And, if that is the kind of life that we are having to walk when we could be on solid ground with our beliefs and our moral attributes that make us up of who we are... we MUST question the government, because when you question authority, authority is going to question YOU.  And, that isn't right!  IT should never be them questioning US when it's them that are doing the wrong thing.

It's unfair and it's not right.  I support the family of the people who are getting shot (Diamond Reynolds and others!)  Right now the Castile family is being hunted as well, because they don't want people to speak out about ANYTHING.  ANYTHING!!!  I support the people that are trying to stand up to oppression.  The police; the people who are supposed to serve and protect us, and they are taking people away from each other, they tamper with evidence, and they make it so that you cannot even talk to your family about the things that matter, and when you can.. you don't have enough time to explain the things that are truly going on.  This is a part of the agenda.  They are just trying to kill people and make it as though they did something.  When these people didn't do anything wrong, but try to follow procedure... and now people are getting tormented through the injustice of these things.  I don't blame Diamond Reynolds to be trippin' because what they did is wrong and what they are continuing to do is wrong.  

You see, what people don't understand is that I've watched numerous videos about how our rights are being stripped from us, and it's happening on a consistent basis, because people care more about that FIAT then they do their own friends and families.  IT's sad!  It's sad to watch the world slip away from the kind of love that we could have and into a world where we don't have time for our fellow humanity, where people are being subject to a lot of mistreatment and hurt that is caused by the same people that are supposed to protect us from these kinds of harms.  Instead of taking us from harms way, they are ensuring that harm is right there waiting for us...

These police are like the Devil, just using meta data, and our cellphone data to use them against us whenever they want to hurt us, just to come along and push us into being some kind of criminal that they need us to be to fulfill their silly little agendas.  They don't want people speaking out, and they don't want people to use their voices.  They want us all in jails and being charged in ways that doesn't even make any sense.  There is no correction that goes on inside correctional facilities, when it's filled with sinners that just want to make a nightmare over innocent peoples lives.  You might think there are resources out there, but right now, in my opinion, there isn't.  There are just immoral, heartless people that just want top strip you of your rights, and strip you from your families, and steal all you money and hard earned lives away from you.  This is what the government has been and is working on folks.  It's not to serve and protect you.  IT's to cause you more and more harm.    


Our community is better because you're in it. You should be thanked more often. So thank you for posting!!! Looking forward to more great content!!!

Thank you!! I just try to share what I see and share it with my opinion attached.

Clearly a bad shoot. The cop new it right when he killed him. The weird thing is that Philando told the cop that he had a gun on him, so you would figure from him informing the cop that he wouldn't try to sneak attack the cop, but the cop repeated multiple times "don't reach for it" "don't reach for it". What was Phil reaching for? We can't see from this angle, but if it was his gun than it was a justified shoot. Really a tragic situation, and the cop is gonna live with that on his conscience for the rest of his life. I don't think he took any malicious pleasure in killing Phil, you can tell by the anguish in his voice afterwards.

Yeah, the lot of fucks, and fuuuuuck, and fuuuuuck, like omg what did I do! But, yeah, I knew someone that was right kidi-corner away from the actual shooting that took place, and these cops could have handled it a lot better.

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