The Weaponization of Social Media

in #truth7 years ago

Now openly admitted, governments and militaries around the world employ armies of keyboard warriors to spread propaganda and disrupt their online opposition. Their goal? To shape public discourse around global events in a way favourable to their standing military and geopolitical objectives. Their method? The Weaponization of Social Media. This is The Corbett Report.


▶️ DTube

Brilliant video as always James.
The masses have fallen into the social media bear trap and the only way out is to switch off, buts let's face it, it ain't gonna happen. They're too dependant on the validation they feel they get for their posting of bullshit pictures of holiday meals and inane twittering.
I fear Steemit has already been infiltrated and those who believe it is uncensorable are sadly deluded. Censorship is easy on a platform that rewards content but allows the richest account holders to remove rewards, as soon as governments realise that the truth posts will be flagged out of existence leaving the Facebook style crap that pervades the platform. The good news is though that they may censor by removing rewards but they can't delete the work off the blockchain.
Thanks for keeping it real dude, you're the best.

Sadly, I have to agree with much of what you say. I find it all rather depressing. I left FB many years ago partly because of the collective insanity on display. There are many people doing good work to expose the rampant injustices in this world committed by big money and their puppet politicians.
However, such people only touch the minds of small minority at best.
I do believe that we can take some comfort from studying how mass consciousness can change quickly in periods of great volatility such as we are entering. Ultimately, it will be big events and the rapid transition from periods of superficial stability to periods where things are changing very quickly that will shake up people and get many to question the matrix they are living in.
The coming economic crash, which promises to be much bigger in scale than 2008 as lets face it central banks have only compounded the problems that created the crash then, will force people to question their complacent existence when the shops run out of food or the cashpoint runs out of cash.
It is events such as this that will force people in the affluent West to start to question their programming.

So many have thought that everything is solved with writing and collecting, and from that is that we find a lot of junk content.

This content is never addressed to the final public, nor does it reflect the interests of the users, and only speaks of itself and its interests.

Greetings from Venezuela

unfortunately insightful posts like this one are preaching to the choir while the vast majority of the populations will never venture to venues like this.

an unfortunate truth.

"balanced and zionist in nature" - sounds legit.
I did an experiment on wikipedia years ago where I made an edit to the page titled "world peace". The page stated that world peace is basically impossible. I deliberately only made a simple change to introduce the reality that world peace is certainly possible, provided the necessary changes are made in human psychology and decision making processes.
Within 5 minutes my edit had been overwritten and I then ended up in a 'discussion' with 'editors' who essentially showed they were subtly threatening me and mocking me due to them feeling they had the upper hand in the situation. Clearly wikipedia, just like Youtube, G+ and Facebook is a highly corrupted source of information and should never be blindly trusted.

I look forward to the continued growth of public blockchain based social media as a correct response to this cowardly and frankly evil attempt at subverting mass consciousness in the name of 'security' or whatever other doublespeak they come up with. I will continue to dedicate significant time and resources to ensuring the success of Steem and my own social network - :)

Wikipedia has also deleted many posts. Looking forward to Everipedia which will be built on EOS.

Since there is clearly an infowar going on, it will be interested to see how EOS improves the situation, yes

Nice video... lets just suppose theres a solution... what could it be?

Social media is so easily weaponized because ppl are so easily influenced by their peers.

James your content continues to develop and get better. @corbettreport production value is second to none, well done sir. Shout out to @lukewearechange, you nearly made Cass Sunstein faint in front of a room full of people.

My hopes are that with uncensorable blockchain technology we're going to bring together reasonable amount of people who care for the truth. Together we have the ability to enlighten minds of others and show them the truth. We can serve an agenda of love and compassion instead of hate and division.

Thanks for sharing and being here for us!

Yes Yes, that's the train of thought I'm on as well.

Lets hope the train stays on the track.

Apart from Spiritual Warfare their approach is also one of Psychological Warfare - for which, sadly, they are highly effective at.

In my post entitled Architects of Social Engineering Speak Out the Truth former Facebook execs admit being part of such operations, were disgusted, left FB, and now speak out about it.


The good news, is that us - the masses greatly outnumber them! So, let's keep spreading truth, as it (and we) shall prevail!

Good comment, I think in this day and age we need to carefully look at the source of any info. Hopefully posts like this and your post will help people to understand the nature of mainstream social media (and wikipedia) and how we can combat these lies and propaganda.

Thank you, James. It's getting real now for sure, but to be an angel's advocate: For the last 15 years thinking people have sampled the delicious taste of open sourced information such as your channel, and GenZ is smarter and more observant than we give them credit.
Technology is surging ahead faster than laws and comprehension. We have an opportunity to take the decentralized technologies being developed now in the world of fintech, developer tools, social media, data transfer, currency sovereignty (Monero, Zcash, Cloak), authentification, etc. and build a new ethos. It is now being done. eg.I'm giving you value from my Steemit upvote. Nothing is perfect but the quest of perfection inspires most. This flailing of legacy media of which youtube has merged, is an obvious beginning of planned tempter tantrum that was most probably Huzzahed! into play at the last Bilderbirg/Bohemian grove/InsertFavoriteGlobalistConference. And that's all for today.

I only want to add that there are practical technologies conflating with the inspirational, like 3D printing, solar power, weaponized drones, etc... Technology inures initially to institutions with deep enough pockets to acquire it. As progress ensues, it becomes dispersed to all and sundry, just as have telephones, automobiles, and firearms.

These abilities inevitably concatenate, and it is impossible to believe society will not decentralize given progress in all of these technologies. How long until we can print drugs, organs, and nuclear weapons at home? In every case centralized control of US is eliminated.

We WILL be free. It's just a matter of time and engineering.

Thank you for adding wealth to these ideas and to our power. Even though I don't know you, knowing there are others with the same frequency helps build our power exponentially.

Using government agents and infiltrators with false identities to debunk conspiracy theories – the irony! The absolute irony :)
However… I don't want to throw out the baby with the bathwater. A few years ago I used to be quite vocal about my political views on Fakebook and Twitter. I got the impression that either people weren't interested or that my "political" posts weren't being seen. Now I just use Fakebook for fun interactions with friends. I take reasonable precautions – for example, if I'm mentioning a large business on Fakebook, I always asterix or misspell their name, so it doesn't add to my social profiling. If I'm filling in a "fun" survey I always put untruthful or misleading answers. I think younger people who have grown up to think social media profiling is "normal" are more at risk from manipulation.
I would say that Meetup has enriched my life enormously. I have lots of actual flesh and blood friends who I've met via that platform. I've noticed some questionable political networks springing up on Meetup, but I use it only for fun/hobbies.
As an aside, I think a Meetup-style social network would work really well on Steemit.

And they often counter those "conspiracy theories" with conspiracy theories of their own...adding to the irony.

I know! As the old saying goes, just because you're paranoid, it doesn't mean they're not out to get you! :)

Hey James,

I tried reaching out, maybe this time I get picked up in between the spam.

Can you recommend a source on the broader picture around the Venezuelan crisis?

I'm struggling to find non-hyperbolic sources and your archives didn't return anything either.

and no, I don't care for PETRO... i mean the general situation and how it developed over the past 2-3 decades.

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