In a World So Divided, We Have One Chance at Unity and We Must Take It

in #truth7 years ago (edited)

I need you to do something for me. It's really important.

I need you stop paying attention to Facebook. We know it sucks. We know they lie. We know they've stolen our privacy and, for the most part, we willingly walked right into that trap. Zuckerberg sat on a flipping booster cushion to look bigger during the hearing and he wasn't even under oath.

Nothing he said matters because he was allowed to say anything at all.

But under oath or not, nearly all 55 members of the Energy and Commerce Committee received contributions from Facebook. Thousands of dollars each.

The feds love Facebook. Remember the NSA?

I need you to ignore the FBI raid. Trump sucks. Trump is corrupt. We know this.

Take a deep breath, now breathe out and let your attachment to Trump's idiocy go.

Why? Because the whole damn system is guilty as hell. If Trump is out tomorrow who steps in? Pence. Great. Everything wrong about Trump's approach to geopolitics won't change. We'll still have Bolton. We'll still be attacking Syria. And our new president will launch attacks against the LGBTQ community on our soil and will deepen our ties to Israel. Hooray! Solutions! Except no.

The whole
damn system
is guilty

If you are focusing your attention and emotions on the raid, on Mueller, on any of it.. your focus is sadly misdirected.

If you are clinging to the idea that some Russian bots threw the US election, you are grasping at something, anything, to explain why we are where we are but you are wrong. Take some responsibility. Donald Trump is our president. We did it to ourselves. It wasn't Russia. It wasn't the DNC. It was all of us.

Now, I beg you, turn your gaze toward Syria. Not to mainstream media's Syria. I need you to look at the real Syria and then use your God given skills of logic and, well, thinking. Try thinking.

Remember the war on terror and how it's been a thing since 2001? Remember how the war on terror inspired terrorists? And how the US has a knack for supporting terror groups working to overthrow our "enemies"?

Assad was this close to winning the war against ISIS in Syria. WHY ON EARTH would he launch chemical attacks on his own people when it is flipping obvious that the response would be exactly as it is right now? Please tell me. Please.

The few signs that we have point to Assad didn't do this. All mainstream media signs point to Assad did this. Hmm.

But guess what? There. Is. No. Evidence. Was the attack real? Did it involved chemical weapons? Who perpetrated the attacks? SOMEONE BETTER FLIPPING ANSWERING THESE QUESTIONS WITH COLD HARD FACTS BEFORE WE LAUNCH A DEADLY ATTACK ON A COUNTRY FULL OF LIVING AND BREATHING HUMANS. Humans! Just like you!

(I can't help but yell. I'm angry.)

Facts should be easy to come by. Investigate the crime. Innocent until proven guilty. Except we don't do that in the US anymore do we? Black men are shot in the back holding their cell phones. We don't need proof.

Speaking of ISS. Why is ISIS in Syria? Why is ISIS anywhere? Oh yes, ISIS emerged thanks to the disgusting and immoral US invasion and occupation of Iraq. Way to go guys.

Speaking of chemical weapons. The Israeli military is using them on unarmed Palestinians. Where is the invasion of Israel? Where are the calls for regime change? When are we launching a strike on them? Because their human rights violations and international war crimes have been plaguing Palestinians for generations. But no, we fund them. We hold their hand.

This isn't about human rights in Syria. It never was. Don't be fooled.

Whether you want to admit it or not, propaganda is a thing. There is a 100% chance that you've fallen victim to it. Accept that and turn away from your propaganda consuming ways. Swallow your pride and search for the truth. MILLIONS OF LIVES LITERALLY DEPEND ON IT.

If there is one issue that humanity can unite around it is an antiwar movement. If we could only look away from the lies we are fed, the stories we are told to divide us, to put us into tiny boxes of Us and Them. If only we could pause, breathe, and see that we are all the same.

We have fears, we love, we have hopes and dreams and blood coursing through our veins. We are fully capable of putting politics and trivial issues aside in order to unite behind this that we all share.


If the US attacks Syria we are attacking ourselves. We are setting in motion something which we may not recover from. We are teaching our children to fight, not to embrace.

Putin isn't perfect. Donald Trump is a selfish asshole. Trudeau is a traitor. Show me a leader of a country who isn't bought, who isn't selfish, who hasn't harmed anyone. Power corrupts. So let's hold that power accountable. All of it.

Syrians should hold their government accountable. North Koreans should hold their government accountable. Venezuelans should hold their government accountable. Iranians should hold their government accountable. Americans MUST finally hold our government accountable and stop the senseless killing that is done in our names and with our money.

My thoughts are swirling. I don't know what else to say. Open your eyes. End war. The lives of people just like you and me depend on it.

I'm begging you: join me in the antiwar movement.

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Your passion, anger and frustration are very much justified, as is the urgency. The time for action is now. It may already be too late.

Israel and the neocons once again control Washington, and with the elevation of Pompeo, Bolton and Haspel, whatever resistance may have existed has been swept aside.

We are not on the brink of war. The war of terror never really stopped. The targets and potential victims just changed.

The mistake that Russia continues to make is this notion that they are dealing with sane and rational people. They're not. The Ziocons are batshit crazy. Anything is now possible.

What could possibly go wrong...