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RE: Fukushima Meltdown - An Environmental disaster with no end?

in #truth7 years ago (edited)

Oh if there is something that makes me really angry its this story !! Look up Stuxnet virus, Israeli created virus designed to cripple cooling sytems of nuclear stations of Iran ! Seems somehow after this earthquake, possibly Haarp induced as Haarp axctivity was measured to have a huge peak just before this huge earthquake and subsequent tsunami !! Then Fukashima plant was damaged but still working until for some mysterious reason there was a failure in the system controlling the cooling tanks where all the used rods are kept !! Stuxnet as i recall from an article i read a few years back was the likely candidtqate for this !! This is the end of our enviroment if allowed to continue and with Tepco showing nothing more thaqn incompetence this is the likely scenario !! Last i heard they were admitting that they could not do anything with all the contaminated water stored on site, so they decided the best option was to drop it all in the pacific ocean !! What indeed will we do when radioactivity levels in our rain coming from oceans is so high itsa not safe do drink ? The rivers and land will die with it and so growing crops that are safe to eat will be near on impossible ! Fukashima is the slow destruction and death of our enviroment that the press will not cover or touch !! (( good you bring it to light for the community of steem, good factual post as ever, great work @tremendospercy )


Thanks for the kind words and the great comment buddy. I've read a number of articles and seen quite a few videos suggesting it was a coordinated attack on the Japanese with many theories being postulated from mini underwater nuke to HAARP. Whatever the cause the Japanese changed a number of economic policies after including investing over $1trillion of Japanese pension fund money into US treasuries! Perfect timing to bail out Federal debt and keep the economic Ponzi scheme going a bit longer.
Whatever happened the main concern needs to be stopping the environmental damage. If this was a deliberate attack the kind of people who would be capable of it would never end up in court, they're too powerful.
Thanks again dude.

Well seeing as we already 5 years on and still no serious plan or intervention by anyone I am afraid this problem will just go on irreversably destroying this planets enviroment to a point where life will no longer be possible !!

"“The decision has already been made,” said Takashi Kawamura, chairman of the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO). Debate has raged over the disposal of almost 777,000 tons of waste containing tritium.

However, Tepco need to wait for the government’s final decision to release the water into the sea. “We cannot keep going if we do not have the support of the state,” Mr Kawamura said in a Japan Times report. "

The insanity of this thing is beyond words really (

Insanity is right dude.
There was so much I could have put into the post, it's knowing where to end. It's almost as if someone wants it to be a problem . The ineptitude shown so far is epic. Thanks buddy.

They dont want it to end, its was the plan with Fukashima to kill the planet !! Its clear, the Russians did a pretty good job of dealing with Chernobyl, but Tepco a Japanese mafia run company is on the payroll and you can bet your bottom dollar they will do nothing at all (

Just as well I've got a shitload of Potassium Iodide in my preps then eh?

yeah sure a good thing to have, I have heard Himalayan salt is a very good source too which helps to reduce the fallout in your body !! But i prefer more a cuppa tea me ))

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