Still Unaware Google Is Trying to Kill Your Freedom?? Company Bans Cryptocurrency Ads.

in #truth7 years ago

Google Garbage.png

The giant of information has now become another tyrant of truth and freedom of speech.

The company is following in the footsteps of Fakebook
and is deciding what it's users will and will not be allowed to see.

This completely violates the constitution of freedom of speech and YOUR rights as a sovereign being.
Of course, they would claim that they are protecting the people.
What a load of horsepucky.

This has nothing to do with "protecting" The People and everything to do with CONTROL.

Yes, there are many initial coin offerings (ICO's) that are not legitimate. Any time money is involved,
there will usually be someone trying to create a scam around it.

I intend that in these new energies we are receiving on the planet,
that this type of "fear based" behavior and greed will dissolve.

There is more than enough for everyone on the planet.
More than enough food, water, land, resources and abundance.
Anyone that tells you any different is lying and has an agenda.

Legitimate blockchain technology IS changing the world for the better.
Blockchain will eliminate corruption in banking and many other areas.
He who controls the money can control the people, so the "elite" and the bankers are running scared.

Everyone on Steemit is hopefully aware by now of the powerful ramifications
of what we are doing here. Steemit and blockchain is the biggest disruption to the
"rigged" money game that has ever come along. WE are the ones to bring it into the Light
and educate others. Sure, it's great to be paid for good content, but let's never forget without
our FREEDOM, money is useless.

Yes, I currently have an email account and a "drive" that I share with some of my clients with
them, and I AM looking into other ways to bypass them completely. Next, they will be targeting
specific keywords (they already are) and removing or blocking that content as well.

It's time to start using our actions to boycott these corporations and send a message.
Corporations that believe that they are untouchable like G**gle are a BIG problem right now.
Power, greed, and believing that there are "superior" people above others on the planet is
an illness in the minds of these people that are doing this and many are suffering as a result.

I shine the light of Compassion on them for they are clearly
not trying to help the planet, but to dominate it.

Screen Shot 2018-03-14 at 5.20.49 PM.png

What are your thoughts / comments fellow Steemians?

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This is a great post Jeff and echoes some similar thoughts that I'll be talking about in a video this week. Although I wasn't focusing on Google, I will bring it into the mix. I'm resteeming this as it's very useful info :)

Thank you for the support, vote and feedback. I look forward to catching your video as AWARENESS and discussion around this topic is valuable to share with the masses. :)

Hey this post! These are the things that matter as well as their net-neutrality bs AND why the SMT roll out is so important!

Once we tokenize the entire internet, well these cock blockers will only be showing themselves up because everyone else will be using their own SMT and creating crypto abundance on their own websites and guess what.. they'll have to block us all!

We'll soon have our own decentralized search engine.. actually Steemit is already that for me and we don't have to go further asking permission for what I can and can't see online! 👍

the SMT roll out is so important!

Oh brother, you just don't have a clue about how any of this works yet you shill every single shit coin and token in existence. I looked into this shitcoin at your insistence at how great it is. Let's break down the whitepaper...

Here's how it starts:

In the beginning Men created the Internet. People see the Internet is good. However, on the Internet, people do not trust each other.

Eh... No. The internet is predicated on public key encryption schemes. There is no need to trust intermediaries with end to end encryption. Plus, the language here looks like it was written by a 10 year old. Immediate red flag.

  • 40% to be sold by the Company to Crowdsale and pre-crowdsale purchasers pursuant to
    the offering or through Company Approved Affiliates. - 25% reserved by the Company to incentivize future developements. - 12% reserved by the Company early investors. - 10% to be distributed by the Company to the SmartMesh team. - 5% to be used for marketing purposes throughout the entire
    project. - 4% reserved by the Company advisory board. - 4% reserved by the Company angel investors

^ Here's the important stuff. Yet another get rich quick scheme that's sold into ignorant, bag-holding hands. As if you even need a separate coin or token to monetize mesh networks. What a complete scam. Add it to the pile of scammy crypto 'projects'.

Back to your asinine comments:

Once we tokenize the entire internet, well these cock blockers will only be showing themselves up because everyone else will be using their own SMT and creating crypto abundance on their own websites and guess what.. they'll have to block us all!

Unbelievably moronic statement from someone who doesn't even understand how blockchains work or are underpinned by the economics of mining. Absolutely clueless as per usual, Keni. Keep trying to scam people though, while somehow maintaining that you are an ethical person, committed to "peace," "wholesomeness," and "wellbeing." In reality, you're nothing more than a malicious scammer masquerading as some sort of moralist. What a joke you are.

How is this abuse or defamation? I'm literally quoting the white paper, word for word. You're just clueless, Keni.

The clamping down by facebook, google et al is so inevitable that I'm not even gonna give it my time and attention. I'm just gonna focus on MY OWN GAME and create great content. On steemit and my own website. And celebrate the emerging new paradigm which of necessity means the old one will die. Bring it on, I say!!

I appreciate what you said about compassion. I have trouble with it and at times it is easier to' fly off the handle' and say, "oh that SOB" instead of showing or feeling compassion. But the more I look at myself flying off the handle the more I can step on the breaks and before I know it all I do now is smile and think 'we all grow at our own pace and all have a lesson to learn about ourselves. And also, like Google or anybody else, their actions are giving others a closer step to F R E E D O M. Without them we would never know, or hardly know, it existed. I'll tell ya, without Facebook treating us like they do I would have never known about Steemit. Everything happens for a reason and that reason is for the betterment.

very nice "Garbage" version!!

Yeah @nismhd, interesting that I actually found that on the G**gle search site. I guess they're too busy banning crypto's to notice much else. Wasn't nice enough to upvote though?

I like the 'Gulag" style parodies.
There's allot more nefarity that Google likes to perpetrate.
I think because of Addpocalypse 1.0, 2.0 and censorship Google has tanked out Youtubes viability as a sustainable project for them.

They always run adds on people they've completely demonitized, it really goes to show their hand and what they're all about and that they're a true monopoly of sorts.

One of my big issues is I have notifications off because it just got to be such a pain every time someone threw you thumbsie love.
But they've turned it back on or at least feed me a few notifications on likes a day to draw me in and usually it's to a comment I made on a demonitized creator and as soon as I get there it's running an add.
Doesn't even tell me who liked the comment just that someone did.
Makes me wonder if some of the smaller creators I follow should be bigger and able to partner but Youtube may be fudging the numbers so that they don't have to share, or if some of the larger ones that are more controversial are simply being made to look not as popular as they really are.
Duck Duck go is my go to search for the time being, I refuse to help a system make add revenue off of me that doesn't respsect me.

This completely violates the constitution of freedom of speech and YOUR rights as a sovereign being.

You are a fucking moron. Companies have the right to exercise free speech as well and are not mandated to advertise things they don't want to. The vast majority of alts and tokens are complete scams. Google is taking the steps necessarily to prevent unsuspecting retail investors from getting caught up in the nascent pump and dump schemes.

The fact the you are upset about this just shows which side of the scam you're on. Legitimate projects like Bitcoin don't need marketing teams to design "the next Bitcoin" marketing campaigns. Only shitcoins need to market themselves to investors as worthwhile because, in reality, they are not. Not sure how many people need to warn people about these shitcoins before it's well known that they don't have value. This week saw John Oliver take a stab, particularly at EOS, but more broadly at ICOs themselves. I suppose you think Oliver is globalist insider too thought, right? Anybody who warns against these scams is "the enemy," I suppose?

Lol, @kenistyles, you have something to add here? Perhaps you want to mention a few ICOs that are going to be "groundbreaking" and "part of the revolution." Perhaps you want to put your ignorance on display? Or maybe you just want to start talking about how #PizzaGate is the world's biggest conspiracy again...

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