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RE: Who was behind the 9/11 Attacks Show! Also be Wary of Idlib FF

in #truth9116 years ago


Found some interesting connections, thought you might be interested.

Ever heard of the Order of AHEPA?

James Alefantis is connected.

Doing some looking through (which lead to this ...

Interesting Sponsors huh??
Wondering if Fish might be interested in having a look into the Seasons Pizza website (
I have skated over the top and unfortunately my investigative skills end there. Seems like an unusually plain site...However i am wondering if they are further connected? maybe shifted the missing server into another space. That seems most likely if they want to keep up with the disgusting fetish for babies and children.

Let me Know what you think.



George Bush Senior in his presidential speech 1988:

“For we're a nation of community, of thousands and tens of thousands of ethnic, religious, social, business, labor union, neighborhood, regional and other organizations, all of them varied, voluntary and unique.
This is America: the Knights of Columbus, the Grange, Hadassah, the Disabled American Veterans, the Order of Ahepa, the Business and Professional Women of America, the union hall, the Bible study group, LULAC {League of United Latin American Citizens}, Holy Name, a brilliant diversity spreads like stars, like a thousand points of light in a broad and peaceful sky.”


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