Tutorial make up with cheap and simple product but the result is not cheap (step- by- step)
Hello all,
This time I came back with a simple make up tutorial using simple product .This tutorial I specialize for beginners and not too complicated.Why use simple product ? the price is affordable and the results are not much different from other expensive makeup products, here we just need a little skill and more clearly you guys can see below the description is on each picture.
The first stage
First try to clean our face of any primarily cream or any skincare. Should be in the beginning we use moisturizer nah since I run out of stock moisturizer, so I immediately use Bbc (cream) from wardah for foundation, I use natural lightening and for the price of about 30 thousand rupiah.
Put Bbc (cream) on each surface of the face, then flatten it with a damp sponge (by dipping water then squeeze).
How to put Bbc (cream) by tapping while pressing on the facial skin by pressing soft for Bbc (cream) attached to the face.
After using Bbc (do not forget to put on the neck).
The second stage uses a solid powder, the way it is almost the same as the use of Bbc ( cream), use by clapping the face on the face.The price of thick powder is only 35 thousand rupiah per box
The next process is to form the eyebrows, to form eyebrows we use eyebrow pencil that is not too sharp on the tip of it so that when we form the eyebrows do not hurt the skin.The first stage of the formation of eyebrows by making the frame as you wish, do not hesitate or afraid of our strokes will be height or greatness, just relax the most importantly the bottom line should be higher than the top line.
After making an eyebrow frame, we fill the eyebrow frame remember not too press then empty on the base of his. we end the broom with an eyebrow comb to fill the void at the base of the eyebrow. eyebrows are finished.
After the eyebrows finish up to the eyelids, before using his eyeshadow we use the primer eye.
After we use the eye primer, continue to use eyesshadow and use the brand justmiss price only 27 thousand dollars cheap but not cheap.
Then we use the eyeliner, use the liquid from trisia, this waterproof eyeliner is guaranteed not faded by sweat or rain. often we see people using eyeliner that faded when exposed to dry and face become irregular black.
For finishing parts of the eyes use pixy pencil for the bottom of the eye blend white and black color.
After finishing the eye area continue to the cheeks and face use shading and highlights of fixy price around 35 thousand rupiah, its function gives the impression of sharp on the nose and cheek taper. use brown on the side of the nose right and left then on the cheekbones and jaw and white color use for the bones of the nose and the middle area of the eyebrow, nose and forehead.
How to make shading make a straight line on the right and left side of the nose and then wipe with a brush or fingers
Next we continue to the lips, as usual we frame the lips follow the lip line of his goal so that lipstick does not widen and past the lips
Then use lipstick wardah lipmate cream no 15, price range around 50 thousand rupiah.
Almost finished we go into stage wearing mascara, we can use eyelash curler then cotton bud to evenly it and sow powder sow at its end.
For the final physihing stage we can spray aqua beauty or spray settings from pixxy useful to lock our makeup for long lasting for the price of aqua beauty only 25 thousand rupiah.
and here are the results
To be beautiful do not need expensive to go to salon we just need a willingness, with a perfect capital and simple makeup products we can beautify themselves.
So this tutorial I make may be useful for all of you please comment to ask things about makeup on the comment field below